the next day. early morning.

After Su Liang got up, he looked at the busy figures in the kitchen.

The girl was wearing an apron, white silk stockings, white gloves, and a pair of ponytails. Other than that, she had nothing on her body.

A smirk appeared on the corner of Su Liang’s mouth…

Qin Xiaoyu couldn’t help but roll his eyes.


After eating and drinking, Qin Xiaoyu collapsed in the room exhausted.

Su Liang crushed the scroll back to Tai’an College.

The figure disappeared into the villa.

Come out of Tai’an College and go straight to the Knights Registration Office in Yuncheng.

“”Hello, I want to create a knighthood.”

Su Liang said directly as he stepped into the lobby.

The service staff at the front desk showed surprise.

She thought Su Liang was here to join the knighthood. She had never seen a fifth-level profession. who came to found the Knights

“Hello, please follow me to”Four Seven, Four Seven Three, Three” and fill out the form.”

However, he still smiled and invited Su Liang aside to fill in the form for the establishment of the guild.

Since most of the nice knight names have been registered, he thought for a moment.……

“Jie Jie Jie, let’s call it”Soul Palace”!”

Su Liang grinned and did not take the ordinary path.

Next, he will have an army of ghosts, plus the current army of the undead.

In addition, he is not a good person, so calling it a soul palace is not too much, right?


Register personnel in the Knights. With a strange look in his eyes, Su Liang made a stroke of his pen and the word”Soul Palace” was registered.

As for the guild’s residence,

Su Liang skipped it before deciding where to put it.

“Please pay the creation fee of 1,000,000 gold coins.”

The registration staff of the Knights smiled.

Su Liang readily handed over 1,000,000 gold coins, and a prompt appeared.

【Ding! Congratulations to professional”Su Liang” for founding the Knights:”Soul Palace” Knights! 】

Su Liang couldn’t wait to open the Knights panel.

【Soul Palace Knights】

【Level]: Lv1 (can be upgraded)

【Leader]: Su Liang

【Members]: 1 (1/10)

【Welfare]: All attributes +1%, blood volume recovery +10%, mana recovery +2%, experience gain +2%, gold coin drop +1%, monster drop +1%

【Residential address]: None

【Industry]: None

【Building]: None


An extremely shabby panel!

There are no knights’ residences, shops, industries, or buildings.

The benefits of joining the knights, and the welfare bonus of the knights are also minimal.

Even… the Knights can only accommodate 10 members.

Su Liang took a look at the two ways for the guild to upgrade.

One is to rely on the activity of guild members to slowly upgrade.

The other way is to spend gold coins to upgrade.

“Give me an upgrade!!!”

Su Liang didn’t have time to wait slowly. He waved his hand and clicked on the Knights panel.

He started to carry out the inhumane gold upgrade.

【Ding! The professional spent 5 million gold coins to upgrade the”Knights of the Soul Palace”. The current level of the knights is Lv2!】

【Ding! The professional spent 1,000,000 gold coins to upgrade the”Knights of the Soul Palace”. The current level of the Knights is Lv3!】

【Ding! The professional spent 20 million gold coins to upgrade the”Knights of the Soul Palace”. The current level of the knights is Lv4!】

【Ding! Professionals spend 40 million gold coins……】

A series of prompts sounded.

The gold coins required for each upgrade are doubled.

How expensive!

Su Liang’s eyes flashed with pain.

But the good thing is.

Except for the undead invasion in the past two days, the number of people has dropped sharply.

The”Secret Realm of the Ancient Kingdom” in the Hengjue Mountains receives tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of gold coins every day.

Plus asking Wen Mengqing to help sell equipment and materials, the gold coins are enough.

【Ding! Professionals spent 1.2 billion gold coins to upgrade the”Knights of the Soul Palace”. The current level of the Knights is Lv10! 】

After spending more than 20 billion gold coins, the level of the Knights was raised to level 10.

In the future… the knights will no longer be able to rely on gold coins to upgrade their level, but will need some precious materials.

But at this time, the Knights panel has taken on a completely new look

【Soul Palace Knights】

【Level]: Lv10

【Leader]: Su Liang

【Members]: 1 (1/500)

【Welfare]: All attributes +50%, blood volume recovery +100%, mana recovery +100%, experience gain +50%, gold coin drop +50%, monster drop +50%, luck value +5

【Residential address]: None

【Industry]: None

【Building]: None


“Jie Jie Jie……”

Su Liang laughed with satisfaction……….

All welfare bonuses have been increased by 50 times, which is outrageous!

The same goes for the number of members……….

The most important thing is… it also adds 5 points of hidden lucky attributes.

It is worth mentioning that.

As the leader of the Knights, Su Liang can enjoy these bonuses 3 times, the deputy leader 2 times, and the elite members 1.5 times!

This is why Su Liang chose to create the Knights.

Rather than choosing to join a high-ranking knightly order.

Otherwise… with Su Liang’s strength, it would be no problem to join the highest level 18 knights in Cloud City, the”Knights of the Golden Dawn”


Back at Tai’an College, Su Lianggang wanted to find a copy.

Two figures walked towards him through the air.

There are not many people who can fly like this in Tai’an Academy, which is enough to prove their identity.

One of the.

It was Dean Lu Yuan whom Su Liang knew.

The other one looks very familiar.……

“Damn it, my lord.”

Su Liang couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Isn’t this the well-known leader of the Great Xia Kingdom?

【Name]: Qin Zhan



【Attributes】:? ? ?


【talent】:? ? ? 4.8



The Eye of True Sight glanced over, and besides the name, there were a bunch of question marks.

The identity of the visitor was further confirmed.

The king is here!!

Looking at the direction… they were coming towards me together with Dean Lu Yuan.

The appearance of the two of them also caused an explosion in Tai’an College.

“Who is that person next to Dean Lu? I can actually see him flying together”

“Yes, yes, it’s the king. Why did the king come to our Tai’an College?”

“Looking at this direction, are you looking for Su Liang?”

“Yes, I am definitely looking for Su Liang”

“ah? Is it true or not, the king came to see Su Liang in person? ?”

Amidst the exclamations of the students, two figures slowly fell in front of Su Liang.

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