With the opening of Pandora’s box.

A three-meter long black-gold spear full of texture appeared in Qin Xiaoyu’s hand.

The spear exuded an ominous aura.

It was the power of disaster that Qin Xiaoyu was most familiar with. Suddenly, Qin Xiaoyu felt like he was connected by blood.

It’s as if this weapon was tailor-made for her!

The flashing orange light on the gun also told Qin Xiaoyu that this was a weapon of legendary quality!

【Gun of Disaster (Legendary)

【Level]: 57 (can grow)

【Attributes]: Strength +4888, Strength +30%, Constitution +5888, Constitution +30%, Attack speed +100%, Output +30%, Vampire +5%

【Skills]: Curse of Disaster, Piercing Spear, Power of Disaster

【Requirements]: Exclusive for Disaster Knight

『”Curse of Disaster”: Attacks cause an additional 100% spiritual attribute damage, and have a chance to apply curses, hallucinations, chaos, etc… dozens of disaster BUFF effects

『Power of Disaster: All attributes of Disaster Knight +10%, Disaster skill output +100%, Disaster BUFF duration doubled

『Piercing Spear: Passive skill, the attack of the Disaster Spear ignores 30% of the target’s defense.


Qin Xiaoyu opened his mouth slightly, and his beautiful eyes were filled with excitement.

The properties of this legendary spear are comparable to those of weapons of over a hundred levels.

The best of the best!

And… it’s also a weapon exclusive to the Disaster Knight!

There are additional attributes and skill bonuses for this profession!

You can also grow with the strength of professionals!!!

“How’s it going? Do you like it?”

Su Liang’s mouth turned into a smile.

“Well, honey, you are so good to me, I love you.”

Qin Xiaoyu put away the Disaster Gun, his eyes filled with mist, and said softly:”Whatever you want to do today.”

He saved her family and gave her such a priceless treasure.

For this spear,

Su Liang raised an evil smile on his lips, raised his hand, and roughly grabbed Qin Xiaoyu’s twin ponytails.

“Of course I have to do all the fun things…and there is only one knight today, and that’s me!”


The Imperial Capital, a place where gods cannot see.

In a courtyard.

The governor of Southern Province and a group of nervous 67-turn professionals stood in front of a middle-aged man who was not angry and boastful.

This person is the current leader of Daxia—

Qin Zhan!

“Fortunately, we managed to hold on this time. You did a good job this time. I will reward you, and we will allocate funds as soon as possible for the post-war settlement of Southern Province.”

“snort! The damn immortal king will have his ashes spread sooner or later.”

The leader of the country, Qin Zhan, first praised Governor Zhang, and then spoke with deep eyes and anger.

“Thank you, Your Majesty, but… I dare not take credit.”

“In fact, it’s not that we defended this time, but that we suddenly withdrew for some unknown reason! However, the sub-god-level lich who led the undead army was killed by Su Liang……”

Executive Zhang hesitated for a moment and then explained the whole story.

The words fell.

The leader of the country, Qin Zhan, hesitated for a moment and asked doubtfully:”You mean, Su Liang, the top scorer in the college entrance examination?”

In this era when everyone is changing jobs, as a top scorer in the college entrance examination with extremely high potential.

Su Liang naturally entered the king’s field of vision.

He is also very optimistic about this young man

“Yes, he was the one who killed the lich.”

Zhang Guangzheng nodded quickly and responded.

“What? You said that Su Liang killed the great lich at the ninth-level sub-god level with the fourth rank? you sure?”

After receiving the answer, the leader of the country Qin Zhan was stunned for a moment, and then stood up from his seat, looking excited and asking again in disbelief.

He could not imagine how a professional who had just awakened for a short time could kill someone. A ninth-level sub-god-level BOSS.

Let alone a sub-god-level one.

Killing a legendary BOSS or a ninth-level professional is a fantasy!

“Well, we have all seen that the mayor of Jiangcheng City, Jianghe, used a space enchantment scroll. There were only Su Liang, his dragon, and the great lich in the enchantment.”

Zhang Zhang said with an extremely sure tone.

The reaction of the country leader Qin Zhan was very normal.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, even he wouldn’t have believed it.

“Well, we saw it all with our own eyes.”

A group of other people nodded in agreement.

Looking at everyone, Qin Zhan believed that they would not and did not dare to lie to him. He was shocked in his heart and tried to calm down.……

·· ········Asking for flowers···· ········

·· ········Asking for flowers···· ········

Well, he couldn’t calm down.

No matter how calm a person is, he cannot calm down after hearing this news.

“I’m going to Tai’an College. You all stay here for the time being. I’ll let someone arrange a place for you.”

The leader of the country, Qin Zhan, pretended to be calm and said something.

After saying that, he waved his big hand, and a complex magic circle was formed in front of him, covering him.

Along with the violent fluctuations in the space, the figure of the leader of the country Qin Zhan He disappeared from everyone’s eyes.

He was not invisible, but teleported away.


Tai’an College, in the dean’s office.

Space fluctuations came, and with a ray of light, the figure of the country’s leader Qin Zhan appeared.



Just a few space jumps.

In an instant.

The leader of the country, Qin Zhan, traveled across countless cities and came to Tai’an College from the imperial capital!

“Why are you here in person? I was shocked.”

Dean Lu Yuan said with a smile when he saw that it was the country’s leader Qin Zhan.

As someone who grew up watching Qin Zhan, Lu Yuan was not polite to Qin Zhan in private.

Of course.

If it were a formal occasion, he would definitely not call him that. Instead, he would call Qin Zhan by his honorific title. The leader of the country ,

Qin Zhan, waved his hand and a barrier was formed.

Dean Lu Yuan looked at the barrier and knew that there must be something important.

“Mr. Lu, I wonder if you know Su Liang?”

“He is the top scorer in this year’s college entrance examination and a student of your college.”

The leader of the country, Qin Zhan, expressed full respect for the old dean and said respectfully.

Although his status is the highest in Daxia except Mr. Su who guards the Eternal Great Wall.

But to him, Lu Yuan is more like a respected elder

“I know, I just saw him two days ago. He should be doing a five-star mission of rank five now. What’s wrong?”

Dean Lu Yuan spoke, as if he had dropped another bombshell.

The leader of the country, Qin Zhan, was startled again.

“You should know about things in Nan Province, right?”

“Um? What does this have to do with him?”

“While he was on a mission, he killed a great lich that was a ninth-level sub-god-level BOSS in the Southern Province!”

With that said, both of them were silent. For a long time.

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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