a few seconds later……

『Instant stabbing!

The joy of fire cut through the darkness, and the red flames flashed away in the”lightless field”.


The big sword mercilessly sank into the body of the last eighth-level professional

【Ding! You killed Meng Tianliang, your crime value +1! 】

at this time!

Including the three rank-7 assassins killed by Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon, Su Liang had killed 16 people.

A third-level super popular name!

The name above the head is extremely red and oozing.

Su Liang slowly turned around, showing a harmless smile, and looked at the remaining three people in the field! moment!

Looking at each other, the two ninth-level deputy captains couldn’t help but feel a little bit in their hearts, with a trace of fear in their eyes. Is this… really a fourth-level professional?

Is there something wrong with them, or is there something wrong with Su Liang?

“Humph, pretentious”

“I don’t believe you can use that skill infinitely.”

Only Zhao Zheng snorted coldly with anger in his eyes.

Although he didn’t understand why Su Liang could ignore the”Lightless Field”, he still didn’t think that a fourth-level professional could pose any threat to him.

“It’s your turn.”

Su Liang 487 spoke with a smile, raised the corner of his mouth 487, golden light appeared all over his body, and”Wushuang” was turned on.

『Dragon language protection』!

『Energy Shield』!

The two deputy captains were frightened and hurriedly put on shields for themselves, their faces solemn.


The Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon had a tacit understanding, roared, and suddenly got into trouble

『Purple Flame·Thunder Cage』!

Three thunder cages were formed out of thin air on the bodies of the two ninth-level deputy captains, as well as the captain Zhao Zheng. not good!

The two of them secretly thought something was wrong.

The control-free domination skills on his body lit up.

However… at the moment they were imprisoned, Su Liang had arrived and appeared in front of Lin Bo, the dragon-speaking archer.

“You are really looking for death.”

Zhao Zheng also activated the Overlord Skill. He was so angry that he did not lose his mind.

Look for the right moment.……

『”Dark Edge Continuously Stabs”!

The spear in his hand stabbed out continuously with a scream that ripped through the air, forming an airtight net of spears.

As long as Su Liang dares to attack, he will be hit by the skill.

With this move, he was absolutely sure to cripple Su Liang

『Jump back and shoot!

Lin Bo also used a skill, and quickly moved back a few meters to widen the distance.

Who would have known…

Su Liang’s lips suddenly revealed a smile that showed success.

His target is not deputy captain Lin Bo

『The thorn of oblivion!

But he saw the big sword suddenly change direction, and a black light that wiped out all power flashed past the flaming sword blade.

It makes people’s hearts tremble!


The big sword stabbed at the three flying dragons under Zhao Zheng!

The ninth-level professionals posed almost no threat to Su Liang. The reason why he killed the eighth-level professionals first was just to prevent a few of them from escaping and causing trouble after a fight.

And Zhao Zheng has the talent of”Knight of Destiny”, and his profession is a dark front death knight. To defeat him, he must first kill the three flying dragons he mounts.

Once the mount dies!

Zhao Zheng’s talent and profession will be doubled.

The combat effectiveness is reduced by more than half!

Zhao Zheng no longer poses a threat to Su Liang.

In an instant, the three flying dragons were unable to dodge and were stabbed by a sword.

With the blessing of the lucky ring, the gift of relief can cause an explosion of ten times the damage!

The health bars of the three flying dragons dropped by half, visible to the naked eye.




The three heads all roared in pain.

Su Liang almost didn’t stop at all, and stabbed out with his sword again

『”Shadow Devouring Burst”!

In the land abandoned by the gods, Su Liang had already swallowed 99 shadows with the joy of fire.

The big sword immediately transformed into 99 phantoms, falling with a terrifying edge.


The phantoms of these big swords, accompanied by the big swords, pierced into the bodies of the three flying dragons at the same time.

“hold head high!!!”

“hold head high!!!”

“hold head high!!!”

The three flying dragons let out bursts of howls before death.

The next second, their bodies fell rapidly towards the ground.

【Ding! You killed three flying dragons (legendary BOSS), and you gained 1.88 billion experience points! 】

all of a sudden!

Even the confident Zhao Zheng was no longer calm.

A level 180 legendary mount, an excellent variant of the sub-dragon, and a powerful three-headed flying dragon. Its combat power is only slightly inferior to that of the giant dragon.

Even if the blood volume is not as high as the BOSS, being killed instantly by two attacks is too outrageous, right?

More importantly… is this fuck really a fourth-level professional?

Zhao Zheng looked gloomy.

The serious miscalculation of Su Liang’s strength caused heavy losses.

If Zhao Jieli was resurrected at this time, he would definitely shoot him to death without hesitation.

Is there anyone who cheats on my uncle like this? now!

Only by catching Su Liang can we make up for the losses.

“Come out, Wind Controller.”

Zhao Zheng quickly summoned his other mount, the epic Wind Controlling Eagle.



The Wind Controlling Eagle just came out of the pet space, and Zhao Zheng was going to equip the Wind Controlling Eagle with a skill that evenly distributes damage..

A sword light flashed.


Su Liang’s figure appeared next to him like a ghost, and he slashed down with a clean sword!


Zhao Zheng’s eyes widened and he roared.

Unfortunately, Su Liang would not hesitate because of his roar. He killed the level 160 Wind-Controlling Eagle with his big sword.


Zhao Zheng has no mount at all.

『Throat-cutting blade!

The sword blade then quickly passed across the roaring Zhao Zheng’s neck, putting him in a state of suffocation for two seconds, ensuring that he could not escape during this period.


Su Liang used the”Super Refresh” skill again.

Continuous thrusts.

He caught up with the two vice-captains of the Black Blade Knights who wanted to escape when they saw that the situation was not going well, and quickly killed them both with a few swords.

【Ding! You killed Lin Bo, your crime value +1!】

【Ding! You killed Zhou Pengyue, your crime value +1! 】

After ensuring that the two people were truly dead, only Su Liang and Zhao Zheng, who had just escaped from the compulsory control state, were left in the”Lightless Realm”

“Jie Jie Jie……”

Su Liang looked at Zhao Zheng and showed the villain’s evil smile again.

Their identities have changed.

This time, it was Su Liang who looked at Zhao Zheng with greedy eyes..

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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