【Ding! You killed Li Bin, your crime value +1! 】

Kill prompt appears.

A group of Rank 8 people were even more frightened.

I thought I couldn’t beat the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon, but I could pinch Su Liang, a soft persimmon.

But they found that the weak persimmon turned out to be them.

Just then…

Phew!!! call out!!!

Dragon Language Archer Lin Bo raised his hand and shot two cold arrows, attacking through the air, like two giant dragons charging at Su Liang fiercely!

『Dragon Language·Arrow of Silence』!

『Dragon Language·Arrow of Imprisonment』!

After all, he is a rank nine expert, and his arrows are extremely fast!

I arrived in front of Su Liang in the blink of an eye.

“it’s your turn.”

Su Liang was not afraid in the face of danger, and his eyes calmly fell on an eighth-level archer not far away.

He pronounced his fate!

After hearing this, the archer’s face changed drastically and he was terrified.

『Flashing Thrust』!

『Flashing Thrust』!

『Instant stabbing!

With two consecutive flickering thrusts and a blink, he easily dodged the incoming arrows.

Coming to the archer’s face, the sword fell again.


A head flies into the air

【Ding! You killed Tang Boshi, your crime value +1! 】

The same is an instant kill with one sword!

“This…how is it possible? He is only a fourth rank!”

“Go, spread out.”

Seeing this scene!

Everyone’s expression changed.

All the rank eights of the Black Blade Knights were completely panicked and took two steps back in shock.


Su Liang was so perverted.

Since Su Liang could kill these two people instantly, he could also Killing them instantly.

Even the knights and warriors, with the terrifying strength shown by Su Liang, probably only needed a few more swords.

Everyone knew that they who were originally going to capture Su Liang became prey… and then… turned around and ran away. at this time!

『Purple Flame·Thunder Beam』!

“Roar——々々 々々 !”

On the ground, the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon was already ready to attack, and when it saw the one escaping, it fired a thunder beam. boom–!!!

Thick thunder beams of thousands of meters swept past, piercing through several rank eight professionals who were about to escape, and entered a state of paralysis.

Swish, swish, swish!!!!! in a blink.

Su Liang used several thrusts and teleportations to kill two more level eight professionals who were not paralyzed by the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon and were preparing to escape.

Zhao Zheng’s expression changed drastically, and he realized something was wrong.

I originally thought that Su Liang’s desire to counterattack was just out of imagination, but who would have thought that Su Liang’s output at turn four would be so terrifying.

One sword and one rank eight professional.

If this continues…

With one person and one dragon working together, the remaining members of the Black Blade Knights will be killed sooner or later.

Although the lives of these people are not that important compared to catching Su Liang, they are still his confidants in the Knights.


Zhao Zheng would not take the risk of being exposed and bring a dozen of them out to arrest Su Liang.

“We can’t die like this anymore. This is a completely unnecessary loss. Let’s take action together.”

Zhao Zheng spoke and gave the order.

He quickly took action together with the two deputy captains of rank nine.

He wanted to stop Su Liang’s killing.

『Dragon Language·Bound Arrow』!

『Dragon Language·Rain of Chaos』!

『dark confinement』!

『wave of destruction』!

『Dark Front Charge』……

The two deputy captains released large-scale group attack skills from behind, trying to restrict Su Liang’s movements.

Zhao Zheng, on the other hand, rode three flying dragons and charged towards Su Liang with terrifying speed and power!

But… how can it be that simple?

『Flashing thrusts!

Su Liang relied on”Flashing Thrust” to weave through the arrow rain and spell attacks, and then got close to these eighth-level professionals who didn’t even dare to resist.

Blinking Thrust can only be released 10 times in 10 seconds.

But don’t forget…

Su Liang also has the artifact”Refresh Ring”』!

『”God-level refresh”!

The ring in his hand lit up with a dazzling light.

The skill of Flashing Thrust is cooled down and refreshed again to shuttle through the dense attacks.

“Jie Jie Jie, you are next!”

Su Liang pointed his big sword and let out a strange laughter that penetrated people.

Like the king of hell, he clicked on whoever he ordered to kill!

The fear of being named reached the deepest level and he lost the desire to escape.

『”Shield of Holy Light”!

The priest’s eyes widened, and he raised his hand in fear to release the shield to protect himself.

“Haha, it’s too late!”

Su Liang’s cold voice sounded. Halfway through the spell casting by the eighth-level priest, Su Liang’s sword had already pierced him!

In an instant!

“Damn it, what kind of skill is this and why can it be released so many times?”

Watching the battle, Zhao Zheng looked extremely ugly and gritted his teeth.

He was very fast when he was riding, but every time he came in front of Su Liang, Su Liang would stab and teleport to another person continuously. He could n’t help Su Liang at all. There’s nothing you can do about Liang’s fourth level.

His skills are too weird!

『Lightless Realm』!

In an instant, a realm of shadow spread from him.

Wherever the realm is shrouded, no light can shine in.

Pitch black!

Zhao Zheng wanted to use this to restrict Su Liang.

As everyone knows……

【Ding! Professional Zhao Zheng is affected by the lightless field, his skill output is +50%, and his movement speed is +100%!】

【Ding! You are affected by the lightless field, your visibility is -90%, and your movement speed is -30%! 】

Su Liang, who had just killed a knight with the”Throat Cutting Blade”, couldn’t help but be stunned.

Feeling his sudden increase in attack speed and movement speed, he couldn’t help but be moved.

What a nice guy!

It also helped him trigger the”Shadow Walker” talent for himself.

As for this pitch-black realm that cannot be seen clearly, it is useless in front of Su Liang’s”Eye of True Sight”.

The massacre… continue!

“¨」 ¨」 Seventh, it’s your turn!”

Su Liang’s cold voice sounded faintly.

Fear spread in the hearts of the remaining eight-level professionals, and despair spread.

Escape is controlled by the amethyst dragon.

You can’t touch Su Liang if you fight. Once Su Liang gets close, It was an instant kill!

The most powerful eighth-level knight among them was killed instantly by Su Liang’s sword…

Next, even Zhao Zheng’s nephew Zhao Jiali could not escape his fate. He wanted to wait and stab Su Liang when he arrived, but Su Liang’s attack speed was too fast! In just a moment, he killed Zhao Jiali with a sword, and then left with a flash of thrust. : Tinh Đế

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