Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3273: The last world (81)

She looked shocked: "Really or not? He has a poor alcohol tolerance?"

As an old mother, Fu Sheng nodded: "Well, he is not like me and my child's father in this regard."

Looking at Yun Si's shock, Fu Sheng smiled, "Don't you know? As for Xiao Jiu... maybe it's hard to tell when you're drunk, but it's no different from normal times."

“I thought he was so powerful before. Even after drinking a large can, he was fine. He looked normal. He didn’t stagger when he walked and spoke clearly. He was just like a normal person who didn’t drink.”

"Then what?" Yun Si was full of curiosity, "Then how did you find out that he was actually drunk?"

"Then..." Fu Sheng thought about it for a moment, "Then I found that after drinking, he would be quieter than usual."

“Although Xiaojiu is a talkative person like his father, he will still take the initiative to talk to me under normal circumstances and he will be more lively.”

"But after he drank, he would just sit quietly and look forward with his eyes. When someone spoke to him, he could answer. When no one spoke to him, he would sit quietly and look forward. Read the book he likes to read, just sit there."

“Not noisy, not noisy, extremely quiet, just like...a small stone, sitting obediently in the corner without moving. Can you imagine this scene?”

“…” Yun Si had a complicated expression, as if she had missed a shocking secret.

   —He actually behaved like this after he was drunk.

She said why he was so powerful. She had been drinking with him before, and no matter how much she drank or how she made him drunk, he never got drunk at all.

 Speaking normally, walking normally, and looking normal—she was also extremely puzzled that he had such a good drinking capacity that he never got drunk after a thousand drinks.

 I never thought…

"But when you're drunk, you shouldn't go crazy or talk nonsense..." Yun Si didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment.

   《(Jiu Ge)》It seems that she should praise him for being good at drinking when drunk, not noisy, not making trouble, and not going crazy, but——

 She looked at the client who was walking in from the outside.

The two people's eyes met, and the person involved who didn't know why was slightly confused and asked with his eyes, "What's wrong?"

“…” Yun Si shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

 Such a big secret, she had to digest it carefully, it was also an unexpected little surprise.

After Jiu Ge went out again, she immediately grabbed Fu Sheng, her eyes bright, "Is there any more? Is there any more? He has any other secrets, sister, can you tell me?"

Fu Sheng looked at her with a smile, touched her face gently and said, "Okay, what else do you want to know about him?"

 “It’s all good, all good, I want to know.”

 Yun Si sat upright, like a child with a strong thirst for knowledge, and her attention was extremely focused.

Fu Sheng thought for a while: "Well... let me think about it..."




 Outside the house.

 In the vegetable garden.

In the huge vegetable garden, the land is flat and the green leafy vegetables are beautiful and moist. Butterflies are flying among the wisteria flowers on the low fence. The flowers are stained with dew and shine in the sunlight, like finely sprinkled drops. diamond.

The clear wind blew by, blowing the wet, clean and crisp vegetable leaves. The fresh air was filled with the faint fragrance of the earth. People in the garden moved neatly, pulling up the vegetable leaves rooted in the fertile soil. , put to one side.

Jun Jiu Ge came with a basket and put the picked vegetables into the basket.

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