Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3272: The last world (80)

As soon as she sat down, he brought tea and snacks and fruits that he had prepared in advance.

 There seems to be no one else here in such a huge residence, and he does everything by himself.

As soon as Jun Jiu Ge came, he naturally joined in helping with the housework. There was nothing to say between the two men, but they also had a tacit understanding of the division of labor.

Yun Si is sitting next to Fu Sheng, obediently.

“I brought a gift. I didn’t know what you like, sister, so I asked Jiu Ge. Jiu Ge said you like drinking, so I specially chose the best one - "

Before she could finish speaking, her mouth was suddenly covered.

The beautiful wife in front of her, who was as gentle and bright as the moonlight, made a silent gesture to signal her not to speak.

She took a sneak peek at Jun Lin, who had just come in with fruits from outside the house. Seeing that he didn't react at all and didn't seem to hear, she breathed a sigh of relief.

He patted his chest and asked Yun Si in a low voice: "Did you bring wine? Really?"

 As he asked, his eyes were bright and shining, like a poor little man who had been hungry for a long time and had an empty stomach.

She has been forbidden to drink alcohol. God knows how greedy she is, and she always wants to drink freely. This doll is so beloved by her that it is such a wonderful gift.

She said: "Give it to me quietly in a moment. Do not let the child's father see it."

 “What are you talking about?”

 Speaking of Cao Cao, Jun Lin put down the fruit plate and glanced at them when Cao Cao arrived.

That look in his eyes was like that of an eagle, as if he had noticed something.

“…” Yun Si, who is particularly good at playing by the opportunity, behaves well and pretends to be silent.

Fu Sheng looked innocent, "No, we are talking about Xiaojiu, Sisi and Xiaojiu's marriage."

“Oh, you are an eyesore. Come on, walk on. We are talking here, so don’t block us here.”

Although she felt guilty, she acted very calmly, and she looked like someone who often does this kind of thing.

Jun Lin said nothing and looked at her deeply, as if he knew what she was planning. Fortunately, the juniors were there, so he didn't say anything to expose her.

After he left, Fu Sheng stretched out her hand and looked at her expectantly: "Where is the gift? Where is it?"

“…” Yun Si touched her nose, as if she had done something wrong: “Among the gifts that… my father just took away, I don’t know if he has opened them…”

Fu Sheng's expression suddenly stiffened, "This..."

"How about I look for it now and see if I can find it?" Yun Si thought of a remedy.

Fu Sheng hesitated for a moment, but shook his head, "Let's forget it. He holds it, so he should know it."

 What a pity...What a pity...

She said: "Next time you come, remember to give it to me secretly and don't let the third person know."

Yun Si asked curiously: "Father, doesn't he allow you to drink? Why?"

Fu Sheng did not answer, but said vaguely: "Drinking is harmful to the body. He doesn't like me drinking very much."

 Actually, drinking caused me to miss something important...

 Because after a big accident happened when he was drunk, he no longer liked drinking, and she was not allowed to drink. She could only drink a little, and she couldn't get drunk - because big things could never happen again.

I don’t know what she thought of. She coughed lightly and said seriously: "Wine is a good thing. Si Si, you will know if you have a chance to try it."

"..." Yun Si blinked, but didn't understand what she meant. She just muttered, "No wonder... Jiu Ge doesn't like drinking either."

 It turns out that it is inherited from father to son.

"It's not that Xiaojiu doesn't like it, it's just that he's not very good at drinking. He gets drunk as soon as he drinks." Fu Sheng shook her head and said, "He has a bad ability to drink. He can't even take a sip."


 (End of this chapter)

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