Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3228: The last world (36)

 Actually, she doesn’t know what liking is, she only vaguely knows that it is an extremely pure emotion that makes people want to get close to her.

 He said that if you like someone, you will like everything about her, like her as she is, but...

 “But how do you know who you will like?” she asked.

"There are so many people in the world, too many to count. If you don't even know what you like, then how do you know you will like her?"

 This is quite abstract, isn’t it?

Moreover...he answered in such a way that she didn't even know which direction she should work towards.

Yun Si was a little discouraged and looked at him eagerly, wanting him to give a specific answer.

Jun Jiu Ge looked at her expression, laughed softly, slowly took a sip of tea, and said warmly: "Sisi, I seem to be particularly curious about this question."

“…” She blinked, reacted, and immediately pretended not to care.

"No, I just...just ask."

 Is she being too obvious? no?

She pretended to be calm, glanced at him secretly, and then drank tea too.

 Obviously guilty, you can tell at a glance.

Jun Jiu Ge looked at her quietly, his purple eyes slightly darkened. After she drank the tea, he refilled it for her, slowly.

 “You’ll always know,” he said.

Yun Si: "Huh?"

"You will always know," he looked at her with a gentle tone, "Since you like it, you can feel it - emotions can't lie."

 The heart-thrilling feeling will never be concealed.

He said: "If I have to say - what kind of thing do I like... something like Si Si is very good and impeccable."

Yun Si was slightly startled, her heart skipping a beat, "...me?"

 Blinking her eyes, she was stunned. She was suddenly struck by his straightforward yet somewhat cryptic words, and she didn't know how to react. For a moment she wondered if he meant he liked her, but before she could even express her joy, the next second she began to deny herself - maybe she was overthinking it, or maybe he just said it politely.

If she was serious, then she was really confused.

 “…cough…” She cleared her throat, trying to keep her face straight and sober up, “Is that so…”

 She had to calm down, she told herself.

 This is a polite remark, a polite remark... She must never take it seriously.

"I'm not being polite, I'm serious." The gentle and delicate person in front of her looked at her and said in a softer tone, "Sisi is very good. She is good everywhere."

 It's really like what he said, if he likes her, he likes her completely, all of her, including everything.

 He likes her no matter what she is—but he can’t say it clearly yet for fear of scaring her away.

“…” Yun Si tightened her lips and tried her best to suppress the corners of her mouth.

 Reason tells her to calm down, but she can't control her emotional emotions.

The eyes are bright, and the invisible tail behind him is raised and swaying, like a little fox being praised.

"Ahem..." She looked away, pretending to be calm, "Really? It's okay, just so-so."

 When you are praised, remember to be humble.

 Obviously, the tail is already rising to the sky.

Jun Jiu Ge smiled deeply and said, "Si Si, there is no need to be humble, good is good, how can there be any general saying?"

  “…” This time the tail is really raised to the sky.

Yun Si looked at him and blinked, her eyes round and bright. She looked at him with burning eyes, becoming bolder and happier.

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