Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3227: The last world (35)

He didn't expose her and went to hold her hand.

 “Are you ready? Come and have tea.”

He would always take the initiative to hold her hand when holding hands. Yun Si looked down and said nothing.

 After he pulled her to sit down and let go, she spoke with a slight hesitation: "You..."



 She actually wanted to ask - would he take the initiative to hold other people's hands like he did just now?

 Hold hands, touch faces, the movements are so natural, have you done this to others many times?

Suppressing the inexplicable and sour feeling of displeasure in her heart, Yun Si looked at his warm, fair and handsome face, which was deserted but somewhat gentle, held her chin up, and asked casually: "Are you the only one who lives here? Your wife …Are you there?”

She probed quietly, wanting to know more.

Jun Jiu Ge slowly poured the tea. Hearing this, he slightly raised his eyelashes and glanced at her. His thin, crimson lips slightly raised, and he said unhurriedly, "I am the only one. As for my wife..."

His tone paused for a moment, and tea flowed from the mouth of the pot-bellied teapot. The hot air was thick, and his cold face was slightly hazy, and his expression seemed to become a little gentle, like the melting of winter snow.

 “Unfortunately, I am not married yet.”

The Gods are all monogamous and have always been conservative in tradition and strict etiquette. Not getting married means...

 He has no wife.

I don’t know why. Yun Si breathed a sigh of relief, and her original feeling of disappointment was gone.

"I see..." she smiled, "I thought you were already married."

When the cup was full, he gently placed the tea cup in front of her. Seeing her smile, he also smiled and said with a smile: "Not yet, after all, I haven't met the right person yet."

"A suitable person? What kind of person is a suitable person?" Yun Si asked bluntly.

Jun Jiu Ge's eyes fell on her, his purple eyes were gentle, "What I like is suitable."

 “What kind do you like?” Yun Si became even more curious.

He looked at her steadily, curled up the corners of his lips, lowered his eyes, and poured the tea, "It's hard to say."

Yun Si: "Huh?"

His voice was gentle and slow, "It's hard to say what kind of girl I like. It depends on her - she is what I like."

"If she is beautiful, I like beauty. If she is ugly, I like ugliness. If she is a smart and well-spoken person, I like a smart and well-spoken person, or someone who is stupid. It doesn't matter. What is she? I like them all."

 “It’s like there are thousands of kinds of flowers in the world, and…”

With the palm of his hand upward, the pure and pure light purple divine power condensed and bloomed, turning into a palm-sized Bianhua flower. He took her hand and touched it a little - the cool purple was swallowed up by the burning bright red.

The blood-red Bianhua flower bloomed in full bloom. The flowers were bright and dazzling, like fire, like cinnabar, and even more like a scorching beauty. It floated on the palm of his hand, light and stretched, and extremely gorgeous.

 “The flower of the other shore.”

"I like Bianhua, I just like everything about it. I like it just as it is. It doesn't have to be an elegant peach blossom, a tough plum, a spotless lotus... as long as it is itself, free and carefree. Come here, it will be good, and I will be very happy."

“Does Si Si understand this?” He took her hand and squeezed it gently.

“…” A certain stupid goblin who was still in love blinked and looked at him, seeming to understand.

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