Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2657: Bandit (4)

  Chapter 2657 Bandit (4)

   There was a lot of noise, and when she saw an attic, Yun Si immediately ran up to it.

  Very clever, the aisle in the attic is narrow, and there are guardrails, her body can just hide.

   will not be exposed.

  Someone ran past holding a torch in the attic, she hid under the guardrail, carefully showing her eyes.

  Like a rabbit, smart and charming, looking around.

  While observing the people below, he wanted to see the nearby terrain and exits.

   After all, this bandit den is too evil, like a ghost hitting a wall.

  Running back and forth is like that, she can't find the way out at all.

  Yun Si hid behind the guardrail, carefully hiding herself, watching back and forth.

   After watching for a long time, perhaps because she was not high enough, she still couldn't see the terrain in the distance.

  No idea, she was thinking about the method until she inadvertently stepped back.

   I don't know what I stepped on, I only heard a "click" sound on the wooden floor.

   It seems to be a hidden mechanism.

  The next second, the door behind her opened.

   There was a slight gap, and the light and shadow inside the door passed through the gap and shone obliquely.

   The yellowish light, soft, fell on her body, not dazzling.

  The posthumous posthumous status is abnormal, and the noise downstairs has not affected the place at all.

   On the contrary, this place looks like a hidden secret room, with a mysterious veil, which makes people curious and interesting.

  Yun Si turned around and looked up.

  Looking at the door that was ajar, she looked around again.

  There were torchlights everywhere in the attic, and her captors were everywhere. She weighed for a while, considering whether to go in or not.

  After thinking about it, she could only stay outside the door if she didn't go in, and she couldn't go anywhere else.

   Might as well go in and have a look.

   There may be traps leading to the exit.

  Thinking like this, she gently opened the door and looked at it first.

   After confirming that there was no danger, she moved in as lightly as a cat, quickly went in, and closed the door.

  It is much warmer inside the house than outside, and it is windy outside, making it very cool at night.

  The inside is bright, and the entrance is two rows of neatly arranged candlesticks.

   Quietly, burning, the candle flickered quickly as she opened the door.

  It is very warm, and there is a faint scent of incense in the air.

   Walking in and smelling it, it seems that the tense nerves have been relieved a lot, and the cold body is also recovering quickly.

  Yun Si closed the door, turned around, and looked around.

  The room is larger than expected, and it seems to be a place specially used to make weapon mechanisms.

  A continuation crossbow hung on the wall, a powerful continuation crossbow equipped with sharp arrows that cut like mud and were thicker than her arms.

  A huge wooden kite is pasted in front of the door, shaped like a flying swallow, with lifelike wooden feathers, and two round eyes staring angrily at the front.

   A sense of oppression came over me.

  It seems that it will turn into a mechanical beast at any time, attacking and biting.

  On the ground, on the table, there are exquisitely shaped wooden blocks everywhere, carved into the appearance of parts, scattered and disorganized.

  All kinds of small knives were placed on the table, and the sawdust was thrown into the incense burner, burning, emitting wisps of white smoke.

  It is very fragrant and not unpleasant.

  Yun Si took a light step and observed everything in the room slowly.

  The sound insulation inside the house is very good. When the door is closed, the noise from outside is completely inaudible.

  It was too quiet, even eerily quiet.

  She walked to the huge carving table, and there was a log on the table, as if it hadn't been polished yet.

   It was still in the semi-finished stage, she looked at the wood, and then at the knife placed next to the wood.

  (end of this chapter)

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