Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2656: Bandit (3)

  Chapter 2656 Bandit (3)

   It was as slippery as a loach, and a group of strong and strong men chased after it, surrounded and blocked it, but they couldn't catch it no matter what.

   Nowhere is disturbed.

  The child fell asleep and was woken up again.

  The women were taking a bath, but a woman broke into the door, followed by a large group of men.



   "What are you doing—"

  The women hurriedly covered themselves with their clothes, panicked.

  Screams came and went.

  Children crying, women barking, dogs barking, chickens clucking.

   It was all caused by a seemingly weak girl.

   run up and down, back and forth.

   Until the end, a large group of men were exhausted.

   Yun Si in front was also panting, bent over, too tired to run.

"Depend on-"

   "Where the **** is the exit?"

  She looked left and right, but couldn't find the exit.

  A small den of bandits turned out to be like a gossip array.

  She couldn't figure out the direction of the exit at all, so she could only wander around like a fly.

  She panted and turned her head.

   Looking back, a large group of men were sweating from running.

  All of them were out of breath, too tired to straighten up.

   "Smelly... stinky bitch... Don't run away if you have the guts..."

   "Damn it...why does this little girl have such sharp legs and feet..."

   My stomach hurts from running.

  The men ran with weak legs and struggled forward.

   There was an interception in front, a containment in the back, and two people beside her were staring at her.

   Trying to pounce.

  Yun Si looked around, watching vigilantly.

  When the two men rushed forward together, she kicked in a roundabout, neatly.

  I saw that the moment he kicked it up, the man on the left had his jaw blown off and a few teeth burst out.

  The yellow teeth drew a perfect arc in mid-air, under the dull and shocked eyes of everyone.

  The man crooked and fell on the man who was rushing over from the right.

  Two tall and strong men, just like that, took off like light rags.


  He fell heavily, like an arhat on top of each other, onto the dirt wall beside him.

  The earth wall collapsed and was collapsed by Yu Jin.

  For a while, dust and gravel filled the sky.

  Two men fell unconscious on the collapsed earth wall.

   The broken tooth fell to the ground, bounced a few times, and then stopped.

  The whole process took place in less than three seconds.

  In three seconds, the seemingly weak and deceitful woman took care of the two strong men.


  The two men who rushed forward couldn't even touch the half of her skirt.

   The scene was dead silent for a while.

  It was so quiet that only the sound of gravel falling on the ground could be heard.

   Quiet, so quiet.

  All the men in the audience stopped.

  Everyone was dumbfounded.

  Looked at each other, and then at the two people who were kicked into unconsciousness.

   She seemed to be overwhelmed by her powerful force.


   This woman.

  Is she a devil?

   None of them moved, and it was rare to show some fear.

   Shocked, I even forgot my mission.

   Yun Si, who was standing in the middle, didn't intend to show off and show off. She kicked the two flying away, turned her head and ran away.

   This time, no one caught up immediately, which gave her a free chance.

  Choose a path at random and run to a higher place.

   Keep running keep running.

  The men behind him reacted and caught up with torches.

   "Don't run!"


   "Go get the weapon!"

   "Take the drug! The drug! The kind that faints cows!"

  (end of this chapter)

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