Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2627: Companion (41)

  Chapter 2627 Companion (41)

   "Ah Choo—"

  When she was about to fall asleep, Yun Si sneezed suddenly.

   Feeling drowsy, she was dazed, rubbed her nose subconsciously, and turned over.

   continued to sleep.

   hugged the quilt and rubbed it a few times.

   Humming, eyes closed.

  After running around all day, she is really tired.

   She was so tired that she quickly fell asleep, not even knowing when a certain man who coveted her would come back.

  Back from the palace, it was almost dawn.

  The sky in the distance is slightly white, very faint, and will soon be swallowed by darkness.

  The moon like a hook is still hanging high in the sky, reflecting the night, shining quietly.

   Still don't know the dawn is coming.

  The beginning of the month-day communication.

  A certain man who had completely forgotten the rules of etiquette, at this moment, looked like an idiot, guarding beside the beautiful little widow's bed again.

  Look at her quietly, touch her face, kiss her hand.

   Didn't make excessive movements, but he was still a disciple.

   An out-and-out apprentice, taking advantage of the pretty little widow.

  He knew that he might be crazy. If she found out, she would be terrified, and would slap him angrily, and stay away from him ever since.


  He really couldn't help it.

  I want to be close, I want to kiss her.

  Decades of asceticism were completely ignited at an unknown moment.

  From a little spark to a raging fire.

   There has been a tendency to get out of control.

   Unfortunately, he doesn't want to control it yet.

   want to touch her face, want to kiss her, want to...

  With aggressive and strong eyes, he lingered tightly to her body.

  A charming little widow in a pure white nightgown.

  The dim light could not hide the snowy feeling of her skin, it was so white that it seemed to be glowing.

  Soft light, like a sleeping Shengbai goddess.

   Ignorance and insensibility, defenseless and unprepared.

   fell asleep quietly, his chest rose and fell slightly.

  Beautiful enough to make people want to sin.


  The man who coveted her like a poisonous snake grabbed her hand and stroked it gently.

   Little by little.




   The little widow who was taken advantage of woke up at noon.

  No one called her, so she naturally fell asleep until noon.

  Sleep well, full of energy, the cells of the whole body are clamoring for comfort.

  Lazily, she woke up and sat up.

  She didn't know what happened last night, and she didn't know that she was taken advantage of.

   Know nothing.

  The vigilance is frighteningly low.

  After waking up, she stretched lazily.

   Lay on the comfortable bed for a while.

   It wasn't until she sat up that she realized that she wasn't the only one in the room.

  He's there too.

   It seems that he has been sitting there for a long time.

   quietly, looking at her, has not spoken.

   admired her lazy posture in bed.

   "..." She was in a daze, her hair drooped, and she looked at him blankly.

  Just woke up, she didn't rinse her mouth, wash her face, or tidy up.

  Looks like a kitten with fried fur.

  The soft and long eyes are slightly rounded, round and round, looking at him quietly like death.

  Long silence.

  The dress on my body is not finished yet.

  The man dressed neatly and changed into reddish-brown clothes.

   Enjoying her bewildered appearance in a leisurely manner, the corners of her lips are slightly raised, and her cold face seems to have softened.

  Gently, with pampering.

   "The weather is fine today, do you want to go shopping outside?"

  He came here, as if he wanted to ask her this.

   "..." She blinked her eyes, her lips were bright red, "Are you taking me there?"

  The man nodded.

  Her eyes lit up immediately, "Go!"

  (end of this chapter)

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