Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2626: Companion (40)

  Chapter 2626 Companion (40)

   Not yet.

   At least, not yet.

  He lowered his eyes and slowly lowered his fingers.

   Quiet, for a long time.




   In a quarter of an hour.

  Yun Si changed into a clean dress and came out from behind the screen.

   Outside, Huo Yuangong is no longer there.

   I don't know where I went.

  There is dinner on the table, and the bedding on the bed has been laid out and replaced with thick cushions.

  Everything is settled, she can rest comfortably, eat and sleep.

  Yun Si took a look and walked out of the room.

   There is a maid guarding the door, and when she sees her coming out, she salutes immediately.


  Hearing this address, she paused.

   "Where's the general?"

   Maid: "The general has entered the palace, and I told you to rest at ease, and you don't have to wait for him."

   These words are more like what should be said between married couples.

  Yun Si didn't hear anything wrong and just nodded.

  Huo Yuangong was not around, so she went back to her room and had dinner alone.

  While eating, he recalled the so-called Miss Su whom he met just now.

  Miss Su...

   She took a bite of food and was very calm.





  Imperial Palace.

  The palace of the imperial city.

   At the moment.

  In bright light.

   "See Your Majesty."

   Huo Yuangong saluted and bowed his head.

  The tall body is in a posture of surrender, facing the current emperor, the enlightened emperor.

  The emperor smiled, stood up from the dragon chair, and walked over to help him.

   "Ai Qing doesn't need to be polite, you have worked hard these years, please hurry up."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  Huo Yuangong stood up slowly, his wolf-like body was stretched very long by the candlelight.

   Years of battlefield time have honed him into the sharpest sword.

  Brows are resolute and calm, eyes are cold and ruthless, with a faint expression of happiness and anger.

   is a wild wolf whose head has been tempered to become a king. The hard muscles of the arms symbolize his youth and strength.

  He is very good and very strong.

   is a sharp sword that is easily dreaded.

  If it is not used well, it may hurt the enemy and yourself at any time.


   Fortunately, he knows how to restrain and restrain himself.

  The first thing to do when you return is to return the soldier amulet.

  He knew what the emperor was most afraid of, and he also knew what he should do.

   Self-awareness without reminders.

  So, very good.


  The emperor looked at him with a smile, up and down, back and forth.

   "Just come back, just come back."

   "Since you're back, take a good rest and don't think about anything else."

  He patted his shoulder, like an elder brother to a loving younger brother.

  Without the threat, the emperor naturally treated him a little more sincerely.

  Huo Yuangong lowered his head and cupped his fists, "Yes."

  The emperor smiled slightly, "General Qin told me about your brother, sorry."

   "If necessary, I can give him a title, so that he can also enjoy incense offerings, so as to tell his spirit in heaven."

  Huo Yuangong replied calmly: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  The emperor nodded, and put the soldier talisman on the table, "When you come back this time, have you thought about what reward you want?"

"But don't say anything. You are a great hero. If you don't get rewards, what will the soldiers who fought bravely on the battlefield think? Could it be to make them feel that I am a foolish king who is stingy with rewarding the country? Hero..."

   "Your Majesty, this time... I really have something to ask for."


  The emperor was a little surprised.

   Turn around and look at him.

"what do you want?"

  Huo Yuangong lowered his head, his brows and eyes were light, "I want to ask..."

  (end of this chapter)

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