Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2594: Companion (9)

  Chapter 2594 Companion (9)

  Murazheng's mother-in-law trembled a bit, so she had to stop outside the door, "Yes, my lord."

  Lin Erbao also wanted to come in, but his mother-in-law stopped him immediately.

   Pull him away and close the door by the way.

  The yard became quiet all of a sudden, only him and Yun Si were left.

  Yun Si put down the basket, stood beside him and looked at him.

   Seeing his eyes fall on her drying clothes with her underwear hanging on them, she coughed.

   Silently walked over and put it away.

   "That... come in and sit down."

  Holding the clothes, she pushed open the door of the main house, very politely.

  Huo Yuangong glanced at the pannier she had just put down, followed without making a sound.

  The main house is very simple and clean, and it is still the same as when he left.

   Entering is a tea table with only one teapot and one teacup on the table.

   Apparently she lived alone.

   There is still a faint fragrance in the room.

  It seems to smell from her just now, very mild and nice.

  Huo Yuangong sat down and followed her with calm eyes.

  She hugged the clothes and walked behind the screen.

   Soon, she came out, rolled up her sleeves, showed her slender arms, and went to the cabinet to find tea.

   "I'm sorry," she said while looking for him with her back turned, "I don't like drinking tea very much on weekdays, I only drink cold water."

   "Where is the tea... I'll look for it..."

  Huo Yuangong looked at her back, closed his eyes, "No need, water is fine."

  She turned around, "Huh? Can you?"

   Before he finished asking, he just saw him holding the kettle on the table and pouring water.

   It is not as big as imagined.

  She closed the drawer and stood up slowly.


  He looked over and met her eyes, "What?"


   She wants to say, that's her cup.

   In theory, she should find a new cup for him.

   Watching him drink from her glass, she was silent for a moment, shaking her head.


   Use it when you use it.

  She walked over and sat down opposite him.

  The man in front of him drank the water and put down the cup gently.

   There are injuries on the hands, they are all scars, and they look ugly.

  She looked at his hand, and he slowly raised his eyes to look at her.

   His eyes fixed on her face.

   "Have you been living here alone?"

  Yun Si hummed softly, her black hair was lightly pulled back, her eyes were clear and gentle.

  When those beautiful eyes looked at him, it was as if he could speak.

  Sparkling, very moving.

   Extra eye-catching.

   Huo Yuangong, who rarely gets along with women, looked at her for a long time, "You..."

   "How could you be willing to marry my brother who is dying?"

   "Aren't you afraid you will become a widow?"

  Yun Si blinked, and then bent her eyes.

   She is very plain, but she can't suppress her surprise.

  With a casual smile, she looked at him with a smile on her face.

   I don't know what I'm laughing at.

   "..." Huo Yuangong looked at her quietly.

   Yun Si is laughing at his and her identities in this world.

  He is unmarried, but she is married.

  The identity is set there, does that mean that in this life, she can only be his sister-in-law?

  brother and sister-in-law...

   This feeling is quite novel.

   She smiled and looked at him, she became more beautiful, and the red mole at the end of her eyes was more vivid and attractive.

"Parents to enrich people."

   "Even if I don't want to, I can't disobey."

   "Do you think so? General Huo."

  The last three words, General Huo, were deliberately emphasized.

  The articulation is clear, mixed with inexplicable meaning.


  Like teasing him.

  (end of this chapter)

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