Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2593: Companion (8)

  Chapter 2593 Companion (8)

  Yun Si met the man's deep eyes and was slightly taken aback.

  The calm and majestic General, his black eyes are narrow and cold and sharp.

  Standing in front of her house, it was almost as high as the door of her house, like a ghost in the palace of Hades.

  Cold, strange, and emotionless.

  The deep eyes can almost swallow people, making it difficult to breathe.

  She stood firmly in place, and suddenly let go of her hand.

  The bright and beautiful bouquet immediately fell to the ground.

   The fat rabbit got a gap, turned around and ran away immediately.

  Runs fast, like a mouse.

   Gone in the blink of an eye.

   "..." She suddenly reacted and lowered her head, "My rabbit—"

   Er Bao pulled away Granny Muramasa's hand and ran over.

   "Sister Si Si, you are back!"

  He ran over and grabbed Yun Si's hand.

   "..." Yun Si, who had lost a big meal, looked back and forth, slapped her forehead, annoyed.

   "Ah, the rabbit I finally caught!"

  Erbao let out an ah, and followed suit, "Rabbit..."

  Munzheng's mother-in-law saw it and hurried over.

   "Ms. Huo, Mrs. Huo, forget about the rabbit, come quickly."

   "..." The lady of the Huo family, dressed plainly, was dragged away by them from left to right just like that.

  Walking in front of that strange and tall man, Mrs. Muramasa next to him introduced him.

   "Miss Huo, this is General Huo, your brother-in-law, do you recognize him?"

   "..." Yun Si looked at the man in front of her and was stunned, "Huo...General Huo?"

   Is that brother Huo who regularly sends money to her family?

  Her eyes trembled, dazed.

  Huo Yuangong looked at her calmly, his thick and dark eyes fell on her face.

  He is very tall, as tall as a mountain.

  Looked down at her, at her fair face.

  The appearance is really good-looking, the eyes are watery, big and clean, like a little fox he saved before.

   There is a little baby fat on the face, fleshy, the tails of the eyes are slightly raised, and there is a small red mole on the left eye.

   There is a little style, but it is covered by the cleanliness in her eyes.

  Looking at him curiously and slightly surprised, his body is very simple, so simple that there is no jewelry.

  Standing close, you can smell the fragrance on her body.

   Faint, not strong.

   It's really cute, this face.

  Beautiful but not aggressive, it is hard for people to deliberately hate.

   General Huo was calm and introverted, his eyes were light, "I am Huo Yuchuan's younger brother, Huo Yuangong."

   Concise and clear.

  The beautiful Huo family lady stared at him quietly.

   looked straight at him, as if not afraid of him.

   In the air, there was an inexplicable silence for a few seconds.

  Lin Erbao looked left and right, and found that Granny Cunzheng was impatient, and urged her, "Ms. Huo, open the door quickly, your lord has been waiting for a long time."

  She looked at him for a while, then hummed.

  Take out the key and open the door.

   This is the Huo family's house after all. When she opened the door, she silently made a gesture of invitation.

  Huo Yuangong stepped over the threshold and walked in, his eyes swept away.

  Cunzheng's mother-in-law wanted to follow in, but Huo Yuangong suddenly raised his hand and said lightly, "Go back."


  Huo Yuangong turned around, his phoenix eyes were cold, "Tell Muramasa, don't worry about me."

   "I won't stay here for long, everything is as usual, understand?"

   After all, a person who has been on the battlefield and killed thousands of people has a scary look.

  Inexplicably, I felt a chill on my neck, as if my head would be separated in the next second.

  (end of this chapter)

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