Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 931 Destruction

Xilan Village.

Lu Qian fell into great passivity.

The treasure banner in Monk Mingxing's hand released a dense blood light and fierce blood flames, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, covering Lu Qian and the entire Xilan City. Monk Mingxing's face was covered with blood, and the corners of his eyes were cracked. He was grinning strangely, looking more and more ferocious like an evil ghost.

Suppression, total suppression.

Buddha's light surged around Lu Qian's body, protecting himself and the huge Xilan City below.

However, in terms of cultivation, Monk Mingxing crushed him by a large margin. The seven-layered treasure in the hands of Monk Mingxing is a rare Buddhist treasure. Although it has been contaminated by the evil Buddha's magic, its true nature still exists and its power is extremely great.

The blood light and blood flames flew down like the aurora and landed on the Buddha light emitted by Lu Qian.

A thin ray of blood fell on it, and it was as heavy as Mount Tai. The Buddha's light emitted by Lu Qian was shaken wildly, and his body could not help but shake with it. His limbs and bones made a crack and bang sound, as if someone was crazy with a heavy hammer. Normal bombardment.

The terrible pressure caused Lu Qian's seven orifices to burst into red, and blood mixed with traces of real fire spurted out. His eyes were filled with black mist and stars flashed randomly. Lu Qian groaned, the Buddha power in his body was burning fiercely, and the Buddha's light bloomed like a lotus, layer by layer, layer by layer, continuously spreading and expanding towards the sky.

The seven-layered treasure building continued to crush.

In just a moment, the Buddha's light emitted by Lu Qian opened very fine cracks. With the harsh sound of glass shattering, the fierce blood flames continued to erode inward along the cracks. Lu Qian felt cold all over his body, and a wave of blood opened in his body. There is actually a faint bloody fire lingering among the hundreds of thousands of acupoints.

Extremely cold, yet unbearably hot, mixed with two completely opposite attributes of Buddhist flame erosion. Lu Qian's internal acupoints made a chichi sound, and severe pain hit him. His body seemed to be burned by flames. A strange firelight penetrated his flesh and skin and slowly rose from his body.

Monk Minghai was held in the mouth of the Tianlong Zen Staff. He was already dying and could be completely annihilated at any time. When he saw this situation, he couldn't help but screamed: Brother, this thief is not worthy of transformation, so we directly killed him and let him Gone to ashes!

Monk Mingxing smiled slightly and glanced sideways at Monk Minghai.

Such an excellent material is not worth converting?

Wow, Monk Mingxing didn't even bother to say anything more - such a stupid junior brother is a good junior brother!

The dull sound of explosions was heard endlessly, and the Buddha's light released by Lu Qian completely collapsed and disintegrated. Even though he has a heaven-defying background such as Landa Buddha, his cultivation is still far behind Monk Mingxing, and the Heavenly Dragon Zen Staff is by no means a match for such treasures as the Seven-Layered Treasure Tower...

Blood inflammation and blood light fell down on his head, almost clinging to Lu Qian's body.

Next to Lu Qian, the five uncles roared in unison and struck with all their strength, stirring up a torrent of five colors and hitting the sky full of blood and blood flames.

The blood flames were not damaged at all, and the seven-layered treasure building shook slightly. The five uncles all vomited blood and fell from the sky in a daze.

Senior brother, please take refuge. Monk Mingxing stared at Lu Qian without blinking an eye, and said with a smile: You and I are of the same lineage as Pudu, and we have a great bond with Buddha... Come to think of it, you must be someone who served under Master at that time. Senior brother, reincarnated through many calamities, a reborn body? Today, junior brother specially invites you to rejoin the master's sect.

On the seven-layered treasure building, countless demonic figures and ghostly faces flashed. Those evil demonic figures grinned and made faces at the same time, reciting mysterious and unpleasant sutras and mantras.

The sound of chanting continued to fall, Lu Qian's mind shook violently, and ripples appeared on the surface of the Soul Golden Buddha. In each ripple, there seemed to be a twisted ghost face looming.

It is essentially the same source as the 'power of transcendence' cultivated by Lu Qian, but the level is different by countless heavens, and the blood-colored Buddha power is contaminated by evil forces, crazily eroding Lu Qian's soul and golden Buddha.

Lu Qian only felt a sharp pain in his soul, as if there were countless tiny ants biting him. There were also strange chanting sounds in my mind, constantly shaking my mind, stirring up huge waves.

The blood gushing out of the seven orifices became faster and faster, and even the eyebrows suddenly widened. Several small blood vessels in the corners of the eyes burst, and viscous golden plasma flowed out of them - the golden plasma suddenly turned into dazzling black. The red color then twisted and swayed into several tiny ghost faces hanging on Lu Qian's face.

On the ground, in Xilan City, Ahu and the others just raised their heads to see these tiny ghostly faces. From such a long distance, they were suddenly 'forced to see' them clearly... The ghostly faces were twisted and hideous when they came into view. Great fear struck his heart, and cold sweat poured out from every pore on his body. Ahu and others all vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Countless dirty thoughts surged through my mind.

Ahu and all the tiger masters endured the impact of the waves of evil thoughts and kept chanting the three words Brother Dian in their mouths.

As for Mrs. Sister-in-law and others, how can they have the concentration and character of Ahu and others?

The moment they saw that little black ghost face and were infected by the twisted and evil thoughts, they subconsciously clasped their hands together, fell to their knees, and started chanting the name of 'Pudu Buddha' over and over again. .

Lu Qian could only support himself.

Seeing that Lu Qian and the entire Xilan Village were about to be wiped out by Monk Mingxing, the giant tree next to Xilan City suddenly trembled violently.

Visible to the naked eye, the ground near the giant tree was squirming violently, as if there were countless giant pythons swaying wildly underground.

The giant tree is huge, stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles, and almost occupies the entire small continent of Xilan Village. The roots are squirming crazily, and ominous restrictions light up in the roots. The vitality of the entire continent is being plundered crazily. Devour.

The branches and leaves of the giant trees fell like heavy rain. Every branch and leaf was withered and yellow, as dry as if it had been burned by fire. Countless branches and leaves fell from the sky. As soon as they fell less than a hundred feet, they turned into tiny wisps of light and were swallowed up by the violently shaking trunk of the big tree.

All vitality, all energy... not only the vitality of the giant tree itself, but also the entire small continent of Xilan Village.

Green mountains and green waters have turned into the Gobi Desert.

Pieces of farmland and pastures have weathered directly into deserts.

The originally moist and warm wind suddenly became hot and dry after flying close to the ground, as if it had changed from a fresh and lovely little girl to a ferocious and ugly mummy, beating the ground with a swishing sound.

In Xilan Village, countless people screamed and screamed.

Boats, large and small, soared awkwardly from the ground, avoiding unknown risks for unknown reasons.

Many of the boats took off too hastily and collided with each other in the air, exploding into blinding and noisy fires.

In just a short breath, the entire Xilan Village was turned into a place of death by the giant tree transformed by this divine seed.

Flowers, plants and trees were pumped until they were scorched and exhausted, green mountains and green waters were pumped away to yellow and withered, fertile soil was pumped into dry gravel, and small land masses that were originally full of vitality and seemed quite refreshing at first glance were suddenly cracked into countless large and small pieces. The cracks...

In those cracks, there was no water, no fire, no strong wind, no magma. They were deserted, quiet, and almost comparable to a mass grave in the middle of the night, without even a trace of fire or heat.

Lu Qian, Monk Mingxing, and countless others stared at the Xilan Village that had undergone tremendous changes.

The giant trees are crumbling, drying up, and collapsing inwards.

On the huge tree trunk, small cracks continued to appear. The originally huge tree trunk rapidly collapsed and faltered little by little... Then, it turned into wisps of smoke with no heat and drifted away in the wind, not even the residue fell. How many.

In just a few breaths, the huge giant tree drained the entire Xilan Village, and he turned into a huge seed that was about three miles high and emitted an extremely strong golden-green divine light.

Wishes of complex and intricate forbidden lines gush out from the seeds that are almost as clear as glass, and majestic energy rolls inside the huge seeds. The huge seeds squirmed, and with a low roar, the seeds liquefied directly from the solid state, turning into a crystal clear, plasma-like state of pure energy.

Terrifying golden-green energy surged, accompanied by a high-pitched and sharp roar. The huge energy turned into countless large and small avenues, and slowly opened up in all directions. The surrounding void was squirming and trembling, and streaks of colorful starlight poured out from the cracks in the void that were constantly opening, constantly injecting into the wildly spreading avenues.

Lu Qian stared at these Dao lines with wide eyes.

Space pattern.

These are substantial and concrete space Dao patterns... Seeing these Dao patterns with his own eyes, Lu Qian's understanding and control of the space avenues are improving rapidly and crazily.

The indescribably powerful spatial Dao rhyme surged in Lu Qian's mind, but all abnormalities were suppressed by the Taichu Confusion Bead. All abnormalities were carefully contained within Lu Qian's body, without any leakage...

Lu Qian just stared at the spreading space Dao patterns seriously, and countless mysteries rolled around. His mastery and understanding of the space Dao had instantly improved to a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

As far as Lu Qian himself senses, with a slight stretch of his hand, he can fold and twist the billions of miles of void into various shapes at will like a piece of paper, and even collapse it from high dimensions to low dimensions. Or jump to a lower dimension to a higher dimension...

And in this constant collapse and leap, all kinds of incredible miracles will be born.

Even facing the powerful monk Mingxing and the incredibly powerful seven-layered treasure in his hand, Lu Qian also had some whimsical thoughts in his mind... It seemed that he was not without his own strength!

Although in terms of cultivation, Lu Qian is far inferior to monk Mingxing.

But if the avenue under control is strong enough and the level of mastery is high enough, it seems that using the weak to become the strongest and the strong to reverse the attack is not impossible?

Just when Lu Qian was eager to give it a try, the golden-green energy that became more and more powerful and terrifying exploded... Such a huge energy suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by dozens of lines. A huge battleship that is hundreds of miles long!

The breath of evil! A low, faintly hoarse voice sounded: Slaughter it! No chickens or dogs left!

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