Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 930 Three Kings and One King (4)

Too soon.

The boundless sea of ​​flowers is in bloom. The air is filled with all kinds of strange fragrances. If you carefully distinguish them, you can smell the fragrance of all the exotic flowers and plants in the world, whether you know them or not.

If you have a sensitive enough sense of smell, you can still smell various subtle odors in the aroma.

From the faint fishy smell of the abalone restaurant to the smell of corpses that have rotted for many years... those disgusting, disturbing, and full of all kinds of negative energy are all in there, gently. , quietly and leisurely mixed in the rich fragrance of flowers and herbs, drifting in all directions with the wind.

There are only a few cigarettes in a small wooden house.

From the outside, it looks like a lonely wooden house with a radius of three to five feet, but the space is folded into a huge palace that spans thousands of miles. The huge hall is densely packed with treasure racks. Within each grille, there are countless pots, bowls, pans, and even large and small stoves and other items.

There are at least three thousand cauldrons with green smoke rising, and the air is filled with various aromas.

These fragrances fill the void, but they are distinct from each other and not confusing at all.

Emperor Taiyi had his long hair loose and a loose gown. He was sitting cross-legged on the ground, grinding a black-red bone seriously. The huge hammer hit the bowl, and the black and red bones vibrated violently, making a 'dong-dong' roar, like a giant bell singing.

A little bit of fine powder continued to seep out from the bones and gathered in the bowl, little by little, more and more.

A large shadow suddenly appeared in the hall.

The quiet wind was clear and cold, rising silently from the ground. Wherever this cold wind passed, the rich aroma in the air was swept away, and all the smells were completely deprived, including all the feelings caused by the aroma, the various emotions that made people happy or unhappy, etc. All illusions and signs were swept away.

Emperor Taiyi sighed, threw away the beating bowl, and waved his sleeves lightly on the beating bowl, and the beating bowl and the black-red bone disappeared without a trace.

There are not many left. Such top-quality materials will never be found again in the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Emperor Taiyi said calmly: I finally used the bones of the gods and nuns to concoct several kinds of The most exquisite incense ever... Oh, what a pity, what a pity.

The light in the hall dimmed.

In the midst of the extreme darkness and silence, Emperor Taichu walked out quietly. He also had long hair disheveled and wore a large cloak with wings. In the middle of his exposed chest, there was a fist-sized orb half-buried in the flesh, constantly emitting a dense light. The cold light continued to extend in all directions along the blood vessels and meridians in the skin of his chest, illuminating half of his body, which was quite strange.

Are these the bones of the Snow Ni Goddess? Emperor Taichu looked curiously at the location where the bowl was just now: If you didn't tell us, even we wouldn't know that she ended up like this.

Back then, you went to the Landa Ancient Temple and wanted to have a night with the Snow Ni Goddess. However, the Temple Protector of the Landa Ancient Temple beat you to a bloody head and drove you out... Later, the Landa Ancient Temple was destroyed, and the Snow Ni Shenni can’t be seen alive, and his body can’t be seen after death...So you concocted it?

The supreme Taichu Heaven, the supreme ruler of the supreme heaven, the Taichu Emperor actually showed a bit of a vulgar and obscene look when he smiled: To be honest, before you processed her into raw materials for spices, did you have... Hehe, you know !”

Emperor Taiyi glanced sideways at Emperor Taichu: What do you think?

The two looked at each other for a while, then laughed silently at the same time and brushed off the topic.

Two futons made of countless petals appeared on the ground. The two emperors sat opposite each other. Wherever Emperor Taiyi waved his hand, a charming maid came quickly and offered various teas, fresh fruits and other things.

You're fine, you won't come to my place. Just to tease me? Emperor Tai Zhen said lazily: Is it for the Linghu family?

Emperor Taichu smiled: Do I care whether they live or die? You don't care either, right? They are just a group of running dogs and hawks. You, me, and even Taihu, who will take these bastards seriously?

Emperor Taiyi smiled and said: Isn't that enough? I just want to see if Linghu can continue to use it. After all, it has been easy to use over the years. Even if you have a cat or a dog, you still have a few It's sentimental. If it can still be used, why not continue to use it perfunctorily?

Even if you want to confiscate your family and exterminate your clan, you can't just kill them without teaching them. Emperor Taiyi laughed chichi: What about you?

Emperor Taichu sighed, picked up the teacup in his hand, shook it slightly, looked at the color of the tea in the teacup, put the teacup down again, and said lightly: Just like you, I put it in the teacup back then. , some people with a hundred or a thousand lives are already dead...but the rules that were established so easily and the situation that was so easy to stabilize are not like they were broken casually like back then.

Then let them toss. Emperor Taiyi picked up the tea cup that Emperor Taichu had just put down, drank it in one gulp, then tipped the tea cup over, letting two drops of tea fall to the ground: As long as you and I If we don't take action to stop it, it will naturally become more and more chaotic, and when the time comes, those with different intentions will naturally jump out.

Emperor Taiyi smiled and said: When the chaos becomes overwhelming, you and I will step in to clean up the mess, and naturally it will be a new situation... Haha, they will still be grateful, and their loyalty to us will increase several times. ?”

Emperor Taichu looked at Emperor Taiyi with a smile.

Emperor Taiyi sighed and dropped the tea cup in his hand: So, it's boring. I think back then, we used to eat meat and drink together to find love with women... Now, you don't even dare to give me a cup of tea. Drink it... Do you think that the huge Supreme Taichu Heaven is so poisonous that even you can knock it down?

Emperor Taichu smiled brightly: But, I don't dare to bet. It's like, I came to Taiyi Tiantian, and you only used a clone to see me... Even the real person didn't come out to see me, not even a little bit. I won’t even give you a chance… Hey, I’m here in person!”

Emperor Taiyi smiled slightly and did not answer the topic. Instead, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the iron gate.

Hey, let's make a fuss, let's make a fuss... Linghu family, and those other families... Haha!

A ray of light flew in from outside the hall.

Light and heat filled the void, making the densely packed treasure racks, large and small grilles, and countless furnishings placed on them all shake violently in the entire hall, and a fire suddenly ignited. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated.

Infinite light and heat occupied the entire space of the hall.

The immeasurable light and heat slowly converge inward, the whole body is as bright as the scorching sun, the body is almost translucent, and the void behind overlaps, and there are countless strange and strange things. In the folds of the space weighing tens of thousands, countless wing-like lights can be seen densely condensed into a circle. The blazing Emperor Taihu walked out slowly.

Are you going to pay? Emperor Taiyi looked at the destroyed treasure racks with a little heartache.

Are you short? Emperor Taiqu looked at Emperor Taiyi coldly: There is no way to compensate, or go out and have a fight?

Emperor Taiyi sighed and shook his head: Am I crazy or stupid to fight with you? Hehe...what's the matter? Your Holy Spirit clan is not unstable, right?

Emperor Taichu also looked at Emperor Taihu with interest.

Unlike his supreme heaven, Emperor Taihu's dependents belong to the Holy Spirit clan, a wise race created by Emperor Taihu with his supreme supernatural power. He is the creator of the Holy Spirit Clan, and he is the 'biological parent' of the Holy Spirit Clan... The brains of the Holy Spirit Clan are all pre-programmed... How can such a group be unstable?

On the ground, a brand-new flower futon rose slowly. Emperor Taiyu sat on it, grabbed the tea cup in front of Emperor Taiyi unceremoniously, and drank it in one gulp.

The tea poured into his stomach, and the tea cup turned into a faint wisp of green smoke in his hand.

Emperor Taiqu sat cross-legged on the futon, looked at Emperor Taichu, then at Emperor Taiyi, and then said coldly: I'm here to watch the fun... I want to see the subordinates of you two. How much bullshit is hidden?

No matter who caused it, one of my sons is dead, and you have to give me an explanation!

Emperor Taichu remained silent.

Emperor Tai Zhen smiled and said: Let's take a look, let's take a look... Haha, over there is... it's called Iron Gate Pass, right? Do you think we can get to the bottom of it over there?

After clapping their hands, the maid came up cautiously, rearranged the tea cups and filled them with tea.

Emperor Taiyi asked the two great emperors seriously: Let those bastards do it... But haven't you found any traces? Is it true?

On the city wall of Loulan Pass, there are three of us 'confidential ministers' who were sent out... Before even giving us any explanation, the entire Loulan Pass was on its way back to the supreme Taichu Heaven, 'boom'!

Emperor Taiyi made an extremely exaggerated explosive gesture and said with a smile: This is a slap in the face, a hard slap in the face.

The faces of the three of us are almost swollen from the beating!

If you don't come to me, I will come to find you... So, let's go through it carefully... Let's start with the death of Taiqu's son whose name was .”

Well, let's match the information we have found out now! Who comes first?

Emperor Taiyi looked at the two emperors with a smile.

Emperor Taichu looked at Emperor Taihu.

Emperor Taihu looked directly at him.

The smile on Emperor Taiyi's face gradually darkened. He looked at the two emperors and murmured in a low voice: No way? No way? I have a careless temper, and the people below have little thoughts. It is understandable that there are mistakes in doing things... The rules of the supreme heaven are strict and watertight... Taiyi, your Holy Spirit clan is completely your creation family, and their loyalty to you is always full...

You haven't found anything, either?

Who...has such a method? Emperor Taiyi tapped his fingers on the long table filled with various teas and fresh fruits in front of him, and said softly: Who has such a skill?

The atmosphere in the hall was extremely stagnant.

The overlapping space folds behind Emperor Taihu burned and shattered piece by piece, and were constantly reborn piece by piece. Between life and death, the immeasurable light and heat turned into a torrent of terrifying particles and surged out, raging in the hall and directly evaporating several accompanying maids into nothing.

So, it's right to calm down. Emperor Taihu said calmly: It's right to let the people below make a mess first...

Outside the iron gate.

Linghu Ku was beheaded by Yaoxin on the spot in full view of the public.

Several clan elders present at the Linghu clan roared angrily at the same time, and some elders even cursed at Lord Tianshu.

Lord Tianshu smiled and said nothing.

The five-colored light around Yaoxin collapsed inward and converged, and he pointed the spear in his hand towards Linghu's private fleet. There was a loud sound of the earth shattering. Behind him, in the huge fleet of the Fifth Military Mansion, the triple battleship at the front erupted from the bow of the ship. At the same time, huge lightning pillars were sprayed out, instantly drowning the Linghu family's thousands of battleships. 'Little flotilla'.

These battleships of the Fifth Army Mansion had already accumulated their strength in advance and made preparations for a full-strength attack before they rushed out of the Devil's Gate.

More than a million lightning beams several miles in diameter gathered into a ball in the void and hit the gathered Linghu fleet. These private battleships of the Linghu clan were all expensive high-end custom-made products. Faced with nearly a thousand times the concentrated fire attack of the enemy ships, they had no resistance at all and were directly evaporated into a wisp of smoke.

In the void, the raging lightning pillar slowly dimmed.

For a moment, there was silence in the void, and there was no more sound.

Yaoxin looked at the location of the Linghu family's private fleet before, and raised his hand towards the old master of Tianshu: Thank you, old master... I also ask you to put these old dogs back. Let the Linghu family do a good job. Prepare.

Yaoxin looked at the pale-faced elders of the Linghu clan with a smile: Your Linghu clan has a great cause, and I'm not afraid of you running away... Where can you run to?

Go back to your own territory, and think about how to give me the Yao family, the Supreme Heavenly Court, and most importantly, give a satisfactory explanation to Taichu Emperor... Get out! Yaoxin Yi Zhen held the spear in his hand, the head of the gun A ray of cold light flickered, and an old man from the Linghu clan who was facing him grunted. Hundreds of miles away, a hole as thick as a bowl was opened in his lower abdomen.

With blood splattering, above the battleships of the former military palace, figures wearing armor and with terrifying auras shouted in unison: Get out!

The void suddenly trembled, and in all directions, in the starry sky slightly closer to Iron Gate Pass, several large stars where intelligent beings thrived were shaking violently. Terrifying hurricanes rolled up in the atmosphere on the surface of the star, and the biological groups on the star were almost destroyed. These heavenly generals were immediately annihilated with a loud shout.

Mr. Tianshu smiled kindly, and shook the fly whisk gently in his hand. Several clan elders of the Linghu clan gasped for breath, and escaped from the desperate state that was like a nightmare, with extremely clear minds but unable to move at all.

Several clan elders were silent, and suddenly there was strange light flowing in their bodies, countless strange flowers bloomed, and wisps of sword light surged. In an instant, the petals withered, the sword light dissipated, and in the void, several elders of the Linghu clan had used escape techniques and disappeared without a trace.

He returned home defeated, and returned home in a humiliating way.

This time, Linghu... had hit a brick wall.

What happens next, there are still all kinds of twists and turns.

Lord Tianshu smiled.

Yaoxin shook his head coldly.

He pointed the spear in his hand at Mr. Sangxing Xing, who was standing aside with a pale face: Now, I have no time to pay attention to you. Someone, take down Mr. Sangxing Xing. Keep him under strict supervision... and deal with him according to military law afterwards. .”

Mr. Xingxing gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Dozens of heavily armored generals swarmed up, and with a few puffs, various barbed torture instruments penetrated the body of the Xingxing Lord. Each one was flashing with thunder, burning with flames, or covered with black ice, The poisonous chains seeped out and bound him three times inside and three outside, making him look like a rice dumpling.

There are also three layers of thick cages with different attributes and densely packed restrictions, which lock the Xingxing Lord inside.

This three-layered cage has its own space inside. It seems that the three-layered cages combined are only a few feet in size. In fact, the cages are probably thousands of miles apart, and there are countless presets. Large formations, restrictions, and countless vicious traps and other ambushes were laid out.

If ordinary people want to open this three-layered cage and rescue the imprisoned Mangxing Xingjun... they can only ask for good luck!

You know the family rules of the Five Military Mansion. Yaoxin looked at Mangxing Xingjun in the cage: I also know that there must be something on your mind...for example, why did you come to Tiemenguan, for example, Why would my father, in charge of a large army, come here... Even, for example, you should know why the head of the Linghu family personally brought a tribe to this remote border town.

Yaoxin smiled slightly: Can you tell me?

Sangxing Xingjun endured the pain on his body, turned his head slightly, looked at Yaoxin and said softly: I don't have anything to say, and I don't know what the so-called...'some things'...well, maybe there are , I dare to say it, do you dare to listen?

Yaoxin's smile froze.

He stared straight at Mr. Sangxing Xing, who had already closed his eyes and mouth, and sat cross-legged in the cage with a gudong sound. Starlight surged around him. After a while, he changed There was no breath at all, just like a statue.

You will say it! Yaoxin looked at the autistic Sangxing Xingjun with cold eyes and said quietly: I think you will say it... Do I have the courage to listen... Hehe, hehe, behind me is Your Majesty, you What do you think?

The old man of Heavenly Book put his palms on the side and praised: The Great Heavenly Lord is absolutely right. Behind you is Your Majesty. The Great Heavenly Lord can just let go and do whatever you want. With Your Majesty here, what conspiracies, tricks, demons and monsters can rebel against Heaven?

Yaoxin's face suddenly turned red.

He suddenly realized that the ‘Great Heavenly Lord’ mentioned by the Master of the Heavenly Book was referring to himself!


The one who holds the real power is the Great Heavenly Lord who controls the military palace before the five military palaces in heaven!

He is the new head of the Yao clan under the supreme heaven!

In Yaoxin's mind, the sadness, the hesitation, the confusion, the confusion about his father's sudden death all disappeared at once.

His whole body was suddenly filled with power, and his brain seemed to be a hundred times easier to use. Countless thoughts poured out like a volcano erupting. He suddenly felt that he had become omnipotent, and even certain parts of his body were It has become as strong as the spear in his hand.

Quan! Yaoxin gritted his teeth and looked at Doumen Xingjun, who was standing aside with a pale face.

Doumen Xingjun knelt down in the void with a 'gudong' sound, and hissed: Great Heavenly Lord, I really know nothing about this official... I don't know what happened here at Tiemenguan. The official knew that Lord Shangxingxing suddenly blocked the Iron Gate Pass, and then the Linghu fleet suddenly attacked, Lord Tianjun came with his army, and then, it was unbearable to say...

Yaoxin looked at Doumen Xingjun, he smiled and said: I know, this matter has nothing to do with you, Xingjun. Xingjun, it's just that he was dragged down... Well, I have Lao Xingjun to cooperate with my former military mansion. action!

In the void, starlight twined, the void surged, and two star gates slowly opened near the Iron Gate Pass.

King Fei Ling, who rules this area of ​​the sky, and Lord Doumen Xingjun's direct boss, Lord Miyingxing, also brought a large fleet across the star gate and arrived here.

A Great Heavenly Lord from the Military Palace in front of the Fifth Army Palace fell here, and even the head of the Linghu family under Emperor Taiyi was picked up here... If King Fei Ling and Lord Ji Yingxing still don't know what will happen now, Sleep, without any response... They should have died ten thousand times long ago.

A quarter of an hour later.

In the bridge and shipbuilding of the flagship of the former military mansion's huge fleet, which was more than a thousand miles long, a crystal ball with a diameter of about ten feet floated in the air, emitting countless extremely thin rays of light. Wisps of light spread out and turned into large turbid haze of light.

Miying Xingjun stood next to the crystal ball, his hands transformed into magic seals, and he talked eloquently.

Laojun and the Great Heavenly Lord have learned clearly that around the Supreme Heaven, in the chaos, there are countless evil spirits and rebels who are eyeing our Supreme Heaven and plotting all kinds of shady and vicious plans at any time.

Beyond our Miying Star Territory, in the vast chaos, there are countless evil spirits and traitors lurking.

Among them, the three kings and one statue should be the most famous... King Ping, King Qi, King Bing, and Buddha Pudu... These three kings and one statue are the devil among the devils and the leader among the rebels. , the most cruel, dangerous, and most harmful.

According to the confessions of the former military officers, the person who attacked the Mahatma in a sneak attack and caused the fall of the Mahatma must be a disciple of the demon monk Purdu Buddha... As for who it is, it depends on the method of the Mahatma.

At the place where the seal changes, in the mist of light surging around Miyingxingjun, extremely bright tiny light spots light up one after another.

In the past ten million years, our Mingying Star Territory has governed various star mansions and many border towns. The number of pioneering groups projected outwards has been recorded by the Department, totaling 898,754,000 Three hundred and ninety-three.”

The number of gods they brought out was exactly this number.

Today, among these gods, those who can sense it are still alive... Little dots of light flickered, and wisps of strange fluctuations slowly rippled. Miying Xingjun pointed at those small light dots and said in a deep voice: Excluding those primitive wastelands that have been 'recycled', those that are not worth mining or recycling, but the divine seed still survives, and may become the nests of evil spirits and rebels... there are still 1,278,944 Place!

There are 495 places closest to Iron Gate Pass... It is very likely that the evil spirit that attacked Lao Tianjun and caused his fall has its lair in these 495 places. nearby.

Yaoxin looked at Lord Tianshu and cupped his hands.

Mr. Tianshu smiled and shook his head: Master Tianshu, just let go and do whatever you want. Little old man, I am just following His Majesty's will to provide you with the truth!

Yaoxin nodded and said sternly: In this case, first target these 495 divine seeds...project my former army directly over, plow the courtyard and sweep the caves, and sweep away the demons.

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