Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 456 Sword Forging (3)

Jianmen has a staggeringly rich heritage.

In this earth-lung furnace, the top-quality embryos that Lu Qian saw were only embryos and had not yet formed, but the power they exuded was comparable to the top-quality treasures at the seventeenth and eighteenth levels of the Sea of ​​Bitterness Realm.

Especially when compared with the treasures of the same level cast by the swordsmiths of Sword City using various collected metal materials and using various casting methods, the top-quality embryos in the furnace of the earth and lungs have a natural aura and are born from the heaven and earth. It contains innate mystery, and the power of a treasure of the same level is at least three times more powerful.

One manpower, one creation of heaven and earth. There is no need to explain the difference.

Three times the difference in power, basically this is a crushing situation. Unless there is a huge difference in cultivation level, there is no need to fight at all!

These top-quality embryos are forged into various flying swords and magic weapons, and are given to the elite disciples. It is conceivable that the disciples of the Sword Sect will take an advantage over the other disciples in the fight.

Three hundred and sixty of these top-quality embryos mature every year, and they have accumulated for 30,000 years. What a terrifying number is this?

And the acquired Lingbao embryo matures in sixty years.

In Lu Qian's view, it is naturally not as important as the several religious-suppressing treasures in his hands, such as the Qingning Heart Lamp, the Wutu Sneaking Thunder Slaying Divine Net, and even the Foyin Hall. These are the eighth level of the other side. The treasures of heaven, ninth heaven, and even tenth heaven.

The spiritual treasure embryos conceived in the earth-lung furnace here are probably at the level of the first and second heavens on the other side.

Only those embryos that have not been taken out and have absorbed a large amount of earth energy and heaven and earth aura in this earth-lung furnace have the faint aura of the third and fourth heavens on the other side.

Even so, a rough calculation shows that this furnace has been established for 30,000 years, and one piece every 60 years, that is, 500 acquired spiritual treasures are held in the hands of the elders of Jianmen. Coupled with the good things they obtained from other channels, it goes without saying how terrifying the top leaders of Jianmen are.

It’s really a fat and oily sect!

So, since they have Bai Yuan, the prodigal son of the young clan, why does Lu Qian want to save money for them?

For a set of armor, Lu Qian chose a set of 'Nine Dragon Son Triple Chain Chain Heavy Armor' that had been warmed and maintained in the furnace of the earth and lungs for nine thousand years.

The so-called Dragon Born Nine Sons, this set of three-layered chain heavy armor, inside and outside, is exquisitely shaped. Eight locations on the left and right knees, left and right elbows, left and right shoulders, front and back are in the shape of one of the Nine Dragon Sons, the animal head swallowing its mouth. The fully enclosed head looks like the dragon head of Pulao, the Nine Sons of the Dragon.

In addition to the Kowloon-shaped helmet and the beast-swallowing mouth, the entire set of armor is made up of 36,000 pieces of exquisite armor, both inside and outside. Each piece of armor creates a small defensive formation. The pieces of armor each formed a defensive formation, and then the three layers of armor and the three major formations formed an extremely powerful Nine Dragons Formation that overturned the sea, collapsed the mountains, and disrupted the sky.

This is an extremely powerful defensive formation naturally generated by heaven and earth. Once activated by enough mana, this formation will directly break away from the armor and cover an airspace of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of miles in radius. Form a formation to suppress one side.

A gun with a powerful shape and a length of three to six feet. For ordinary people, this length is too outrageous.

But for Lu Qian, whose normal height reaches 1.6 feet, this gun is the length of two of him, and it is the most convenient and practical length.

This gun is called Flying Bear. Countless wind and cloud patterns are circling and flying in the gun barrel. Once the mana is poured into it, a flying bear will immediately fly into the sky. Its function is to bless the gun owner and rapidly increase the gun owner's light escape speed and gun swing speed. .

As long as the mana is enough, as long as the understanding of the wind is enough, this speed blessing... can theoretically reach more than a thousand times that of the gun owner himself. Such terrifying speed is perfect for killing enemies or escaping.

A sword, also in the shape of a giant sword. The sword is one foot and two feet long, one foot at its widest point, and half an inch at its thickest ridge. The surface of the sword body is heavily covered with water patterns and ice patterns. Within the translucent body of the sword, it can be seen that the vast sea of ​​ice has rolled up countless icebergs and struck them randomly. The icebergs collided with each other and exploded the jade dragon's broken scales all over the sky. The momentum was earth-shattering.

This sword is also born with an inscription, which is the word Beiming.

When he saw the name of the sword Beiming, Lu Qian knew that this sword was indeed destined for him.

One armor, one gun, and one sword are enough to meet Lu Qian's 'daily needs' now. There is no need to use those heavy weapons that will cause huge consequences once they are exposed.

Wutongsou took matters into his own hands, holding the Sword Gate Talisman and pulling the three treasures out of the corresponding furnaces.

The spiritual treasure embryo generated by heaven and earth in the earth-lung furnace seems to be formed, but in fact it is just a ball of light, a ball of vitality, a ball of great laws, and a ball of spiritual machines. Because of the powerful power of heaven and earth derived from the earth-lung furnace, , causing him to forcibly condense the form that can be seen with the naked eye.

As long as this kind of Lingbao embryo is brought to Sword City, these sword-making masters will personally use various rare materials to fill it into the Lingbao embryo one by one. During the filling, they will be carefully refined and carved. If there is an accident, a powerful acquired spiritual treasure can be cast.

What's especially wonderful is that unlike the innate spiritual treasures that are completely formed from heaven and earth, this acquired spiritual treasure embryo can accurately control the final product when filling it with materials.

For example, the Beiming Sword that Lu Qian chose, if the sword owner is physically weak, you can fill it with three to five hundred kilograms of material, and it can be formed.

If the sword master has strong physical strength, and you fill it with the materials of three to five hundred dragons, he can also turn into a magic weapon of the same grade, but heavier and with enhanced sturdiness.

If the sword master's physical strength is abnormal, even reaching the level of physical brute force like Lu Yi's, you can fill the sword embryo with materials from a thousand elephants, and the embryo can easily withstand it and adjust the filling materials on its own. to the most perfect state.

For the same sword embryo, if you fill it with three to five hundred kilograms of material, the quality will obviously be inferior to that of three to five hundred dragons.

And if you fill it with the materials of three to five hundred dragons, such a sword will be a rare magical weapon wherever you put it. Ordinary weapons can be easily cut through with just one sword.

But when it comes to a 'monster-level epee' like Lu Qian, who had a thousand elephants filled with a huge amount of materials, the thing that was naturally cut through was the sword that was 'only' filled with a mere three to five hundred dragons' material. A 'poor, weak, light' unlucky guy.

Of course, no matter how many materials it is filled with, when this sword releases its 'innate magical power' and 'innate Taoist law', the power of the spell is equivalent. Because the 'law of the great way' and 'the spiritual mechanism of the Tao Yun' imprinted in the sword embryo by the Earth Lung Furnace are measured and have nothing to do with the weight of the materials filled in the day after tomorrow.

Looking at the three dazzling lights and shadows, Lu Qian couldn't help but take a breath, and then solemnly bowed to the great masters of sword making: Thank you, masters. On the day when the baby takes shape, your profound wisdom will be rewarded!

Lu Qian was making a promise here, and Bai Yuan was already on the side, acting like a 'sister-in-law, like a mother', and started to take care of everything: What did Brother Lu say? They belong to Jianmen. They can do something for you. They Dare to take benefits from you? I won’t chop off their hands!

However, you should work harder and help Brother Lu and three girls cast treasures this time. Whoever performs better will be given a piece of Taishang Immortal Crown!

Bai Yu raised his chin, took out a folding fan from nowhere with his right hand, and opened the fan with a snap. Forget about the majesty, air, and sultry appearance!

Yinyuan hurriedly hugged Bai You's shoulders, leaned into her ear and whispered softly: Good wife!

Bai Yu's little face flushed with embarrassment, and he punched Yinyuan's chest a few times: It's so damn...there are so many people...we'll talk about it later when we go back!

Lu Qian turned his head silently and remained silent.

Han Xun, Huo Yuan and other masters lowered their eyebrows and remained silent.

Old Man Wutong stared blankly at the couple, and strange words such as 'in broad daylight', 'in the bright sky', 'immoral', and 'immersed in a pig cage' suddenly ran through his mind.

Fortunately, the laughter of the three Qingyou girls broke the awkward silence.

This set of One Qi Three Yang Swords is destined to be related to our sisters.

In the furnace where the three Qingyou girls were, three groups of gentle and warm red lights lit up. The light groups were not big, but they illuminated the entire underground Earth Lung furnace with a red light. The dazzling purple and gold lights of the twelve orbs in Wanli were also suppressed.

Wutongsou suddenly widened his eyes: This Qi Sanyang Sword, this is, this is...

Bai Yu looked at him very dissatisfied: My three girls are interested in these three swords. Is there any problem?

Wutongsou's face twitched violently. He lowered his head and said dryly: This is what Elder Luo has decided for his beloved son Luo Xiu. He said that... he will gather the Sword Heart Dao Fruit in Luo Xiu and hold this event. It was given to him as a gift during the Kenshin Ceremony.

So, although this set of sword embryos has only been formed for a few years, Elder Luo ordered that the earth vein energy drawn from the Earth Lung Furnace be intensified and nourished. Therefore, the climate of this set of One Qi Three Yang Swords is comparable to that of this set. It has been kept warm in the furnace of the earth's lungs for eighteen thousand years...this has been...

Unbridled! Before Wutongsou finished speaking, Bai Yu had already shouted loudly: Wantlessly mobilizing the vitality of the earth's lungs, furnace, earth veins, and warming up the sword embryo related to his own son of a bitch, this is simply... Brother Yin, this is what you should say. How to say?

Dereliction of duty, acting recklessly, using power for personal gain, taking bribes and perverting the law... To put it mildly, Elder Luo is too selfish. He uses his power to disrupt the sect's laws and regulations. He knows how many shady things he has done before. ? Yinyuan said fiercely: To be serious, since this earth-lung furnace is one of the core lifelines of Jianmen, he, an elder, dared to interfere in the operation of the furnace here... He didn't tell us about this matter. Father-in-law, please tell me?

The white turtle blinked: So?

Yinyuan drooped his eyelids and said in a low voice: So, this elder Luo did this kind of thing without telling our father-in-law... The dignified headmaster of Jianmen was actually deceived by the elder... This is rebellion, Xiaobai, My good wife... in a secular dynasty, this would be a serious crime that would implicate the nine clans!

Bai Yu's face also became serious: Yes, this is a rebellion! I will not let go of anyone related to this matter!

Wutongsou had already shot out the talisman first and pulled the sword embryo of Yiqi Sanyang Sword out of the furnace.

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