Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 455 Sword Forging (2)

Sword City also has a city lord's mansion.

However, there is no real city lord in Sword City. The one who calls the shots here is the Supreme Elder of Jianmen who takes turns taking charge. Nowadays, it is naturally Wutongsou who controls all the affairs of the city lord's mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion in Sword City is not large in area, only about ten acres in size. There are no permanent public rooms for secular government offices or the like. In the middle of a single courtyard stands a pavilion covering an area of ​​1 mu. In the middle of the first floor of the pavilion, There is a deep well with a diameter of several feet, which is the most important point of Sword City.

Wutongsou personally accompanied him and welcomed Bai Yu with a smile on his face.

In Jiancheng, Wutongsou was definitely the one who was most sensitive to information. Especially when Bai Yu made his promise before, he did not hide it or use forbidden methods to block the sound.

Therefore, Mr. Wutong finally knew that - all the Supreme Immortal Orders that had been sent down from the upper world, allowing monks in this world to ascend and attain enlightenment, were actually controlled by Bai Yu's single hand!

This is simply!

Everyone in the world knows that the Taishang Immortal Order descended from the upper world and landed directly in the Jianmen Mountain Gate, and was returned to the Jianmen Gate to take charge of it!

But who would have thought that all the Supreme Immortal Orders and tickets to the upper world would be held by Bai Yu? Are all the Supreme Elders of Jianmen going crazy for acting like this? Let her act so wantonly?

But she just did it!

The inside story was horrifying to think about. Old Man Wutong didn't dare to think too much, let alone inquire more, but he knew that now he had to serve Bai Yu as his ancestor - maybe he, Old Man Wutong, could get it. Where is a Supreme Immortal Certificate?

Really, there are too many competitors!

Not to mention those small sects, they are just cannon fodder for the conquest of the Holy Heaven.

But apart from those small and unpopular sects, how many powerful sects are there in Yuan Lingtian? Among the top 100 sects, which sect does not have a powerful being at the half-step heaven-human realm? It’s just a matter of quantity!

As for the Jianmen, as Wutongsou knows, there are no less than half a hundred Supreme Elders in the Jianmen who are half a step above the heavenly realm!

This is a core secret that only Jianmen’s top brass knows...

There are so many masters who are half-stepping into the realm of gods, which one doesn’t want to attain enlightenment and ascend, and which one doesn’t want to live forever? As a young man among these supreme elders, Wutongsou wanted to snatch a supreme immortal seal from those old monsters. It was really difficult. It was too difficult.

However, Bai Yu actually dared to promise a Supreme Immortal Certificate to swordsmiths such as Master Hanxu and Master Huoyuan?

This is the living ancestor!

This is our ancestor!

Wutongsou no longer saw the desolate and desolate man who had been offended, injured, and extorted an astronomical amount of compensation. With his face glowing and full of energy, he personally led Lu Qian and his party to this place where the rich Tao was constantly sprayed out. In front of the deep well of Yunling Machine.

Young Master, as well as Young Master Yin, Young Master Lu, and the three girls, this place is the lifeblood of our Sword City.

It is because of this that the huge Sword City has become the largest sword-making holy place in Yuan Lingtian, and it is also the source of the continuous acquisition of all kinds of top-quality flying swords by my Sword Sect disciples.

This is a forbidden area. Even I can't go down without a valid reason.

But who asked Shaozong to come in person? Is there any place in Yuan Lingtian that Shaozong can't go to? No, definitely not...

Wutongsou's words made Bai Yu smile happily and keep nodding towards him, obviously he liked his attitude very much.

Seeing Bai Yu smile, Wu Tongsou's bones all over his body became lighter. He hurriedly asked Bai Yu to get ready, and then shot out a set of twelve fist-sized purple-gold orbs with his backhand, wrapping everyone around.

A large golden and purple ray of light surged out like a wave of water, gently picking up everyone, and with a flicker of light, they were thrown towards the mouth of the well.

There was a dull loud noise from the 'Gululu' below, and the purple-gold glow surrounded everyone, breaking through the Dao Yun spiritual machine that was constantly coming up from below, like a falling meteor, speeding down a straight corridor.

The sound of thunder continued, and the light and the Dao Yun spirit machine surging below collided rapidly, making loud and dull noises, and thunder and lightning splashed. From time to time, rich vitality was impacted by the electric fire, and the vitality condensed into particles. Crystals, gems, or various semi-solidified strange gold stones of different sizes collided with each other, causing the light to make a bang bang sound.

Down, down, down.

Lu Qian secretly made an estimate and couldn't help but feel palpitations. According to the speed at which the light fell, they had already gone thousands of miles underground. At Hanyue Temple that day, the Buddhist treasure was only located more than 300 miles underground. And this deep well in Sword City is actually so deep?

The lower you go, there are countless strange lights all around. The turbid and turbulent underground vitality rolled and impacted, like a mad dragon roaring and twisting. Occasionally, a burst of vitality attacks, and its power is so powerful that even through the protective light, people feel frightened. The force of the impact is no less than the full-force attack of a Condensing Dao Realm master.

The group of people continued to go downwards. The further down they went, the more ferocious and majestic the earth energy was, and the frequency of impact became higher and higher.

By the time Lu Qian calculated that everyone had probably fallen into the depth of 30,000 miles underground, the purple and gold brilliance of the protective body had received at least about 10,000 blows with a snap of his fingers, and each blow was comparable to that of someone who had just entered the void realm for the first time. Mighty attack with full force.

That is to say, Wutong Sou, a half-step celestial being, protected everyone with the help of twelve rare treasure pearls.

If it were someone else... Lu Qian calculated that if he was left here alone, he could only last for a cup of tea at most. If he couldn't find a way to escape, he would be ground to powder.

Just as he was thinking about it, the raging attacks of the surrounding earth's energy suddenly subsided, and a bright light shone before his eyes. All the earth's energy became gentle and tolerant like tamed wild horses. One after another, in an orderly manner, according to their respective attributes, they flowed in the void in an orderly manner. It shuttles back and forth like quiet rivers.

Here, it is thirty thousand miles underground.

It is magnificent and majestic, highlighting the majesty of creation. It is simply an incredible miracle.

Words cannot describe the beauty of this place. It can be roughly imagined that dozens of human lungs are magnified tens of millions of times, carefully connected together, and the entire thing is embedded thirty thousand miles underground.

The trachea and blood vessels were shining with a faint light.

Countless alveoli, large and small, are constantly swallowing the energy of the earth veins rolling around.

In those large and small alveoli, strange lights of various colors flashed. Groups of light, bright or dark, large or small, wrapped in strange shapes of light and shadow. There are armors, bows and arrows, ships, pavilions, eighteen kinds of weapons, all kinds of clothing and accessories, and even all kinds of common treasures and equipment, etc.

But more than 99% of these light groups are still swords.

Various types of swords.

Long and short, wide and narrow, thick and thin, with and without hilts, in sets of three to five or in sets of hundreds of hilts...even various sword wheels, sword boxes, sword pictures, etc. wait……

Everything you can imagine related to swords is here.

Here is one of the most important cardinals of our Sword Sect. Thirty thousand years ago, the Supreme Supreme One used his supreme magical power and infinite power to borrow the rare treasure 'Earth and Lung Furnace' descended from the upper world.

Here, there are 360,000 large and small alveoli. Each alveoli can absorb endless inspirations from heaven and earth, absorb endless energy of earth veins, capture the creation of heaven and earth, and create the mysteries of heaven and earth. Counting thousands of years, on average, 360 top-quality embryos can be matured every year. Ten pieces!

With just a few acquired materials, these top-quality embryos can be tempered and polished with real fire. In a short time, they can be transformed into a top-notch magic weapon. They are naturally psychic and full of spirituality. The power of each bite is on par with the real acquired spiritual treasure.

And in this furnace of earth and lungs, the treasure embryos that are conceived are also divided into superior ones and inferior ones.

Wutongsou looked at Bai Yu and lowered his voice: Every sixty years, a true acquired spiritual treasure embryo can be conceived in this earth-lung furnace, but...

Bai Yu waved his hand carelessly: As long as my brother Lu and the three girls like it, just take it. If anyone has anything to say about this, just come to me.

Han Xun, Huo Yuan and other ten sword masters' faces trembled.

What Han Xu promised to Lu Qian before was just a top-quality flying sword embryo bred in this earth-lung furnace... This was the cooperation that Han Xu had worked so hard to save.

This Earth-Lung Furnace can only mature 360 ​​embryos every year, but how many disciples does the Sword Sect have? How many new disciples will be recruited every year? Who doesn't want to have a top-notch flying sword that is born from heaven and earth and is born from inspiration?

It’s normal to have more monks and less rice!

Han Xu could promise Lu Qian a top-quality flying sword embryo. This was the limit of what he could do, and it was also the ultimate limit of his rights as a master swordsmith.

As for the real backstage spiritual treasure embryos that only took 60 years to be conceived, there is actually a lot of stock in the furnace of the earth and lungs. However, those are regarded as the sect’s secrets. Who dares to touch these secrets easily?

But the white turtle dared to give it as a favor easily!

Han X and the others were dumbfounded and speechless, but their hearts felt hot - being able to forge a real acquired spiritual treasure from a real spiritual treasure embryo was undoubtedly the highlight of their forging careers...especially Yes, if Lu Qian could be given a set of acquired spiritual treasures that he was satisfied with, wouldn't he be able to please Bai Yu?

All of a sudden, the ten sword-making masters were gearing up one by one, and they were all ready to attack with all their strength.

Lu Qian bowed his hands to Bai Yu generously and saluted: In this way, my family will not say anything to outsiders. My sister-in-law was very kind, so I accepted it... Qingyou, you also thank your sister-in-law, and then go and choose a bite for yourself. Whatever suits your heart!

Lu Qian laughed loudly, not treating himself as an outsider at all. He released his spiritual thoughts and swept around, then flew towards the places where the light was the brightest, the Taoist charm was the strongest, and the inspiration was the most agile in the furnace of earth and lungs.

The old man Wutong looked at the smiling Bai Yu, and hurriedly greeted him: Master Lu, of the treasures you want to forge, I remember that there happen to be a few embryos of spiritual treasures that are most suitable for use. Take a look. Is it to your liking?”

Wutongsou bowed to the white turtle and hurriedly caught up with Lu Qian, vying to be the leader.

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