Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 322: Ancient Temple, Abbot (4)

Hundreds of Qingyun Temple monks, like wolves and tigers, rushed forward.

A dozen men were frightened by Lu Qian's magical power to block the knife with his head without causing any damage. After barely blocking for a few times, they were beaten to the point of broken bones and tendons, and they fell to the ground vomiting blood.

Fajing, Faming, and a group of eminent monks of the Qingyun Temple's Fa generation gave explanations to the donors and pilgrims who came to visit after hearing the sound. They only said that there was an external demon invading the mountain gate, and they were easily relieved by the guardian Arhat of Qingyun Temple. Suppression and so on.

All in all, it was a lot of nonsense that made all the donors and pilgrims happy and continued to go back to their own courtyards to meditate and ask questions.

Then, the sound of wind and rain started again, and the sound of pop in the sky was like a storyteller's cloud board, resounding through the mountain gate.

Lu Qian also saw another side of Qingyun Temple.

In the cave at the back of Qingyun Temple, there is actually a private dark cell. There are all kinds of shackles, shackles, and various instruments of punishment. It is dangerous and vicious, even more cruel than the secret prison of Dayin's palace supervisor. countless.

The dozen or so bald men who invaded Qingyun Temple were manipulated in turn, and the tough men were turned into dregs.

Unable to resist the punishment, they confessed one after another.

Lu Qian stood in the execution room, listened to the confessions of these bald men, and understood their origins.

Outside Xiyun City, the capital of Qingyun Kingdom, there are two ancient temples, both of which are first-rate and famous.

One of them is of course Qingyun Temple, where eminent monks have emerged in large numbers and have been passed down for a long time. The name of the ‘Send-Off Buddha’ is resounding throughout the Qingyun Kingdom.

Another ancient temple is called Shuiyun Temple, which is a nunnery.

Shuiyun Nunnery has a long history, which is no worse than that of Qingyun Temple. The nuns in Shuiyun Nunnery are proficient in medicine and good at using talisman water. They have served everyone from top to bottom of the Qingyun Kingdom, from the emperors and generals to the common people. If you have three diseases or five calamities, and medicines are ineffective, you should go to Shuiyun Nunnery. As long as you can get treatment from the nuns of Shuiyun Nunnery, nine times out of ten, you can turn the danger around.

Therefore, Shuiyun Temple also has a huge believer base in Qingyun Country.

In particular, because Shuiyun Nunnery is a nunnery, many rich ladies and Ruyi wives of many high-ranking officials in Qingyun Kingdom often go to Shuiyun Nunnery to nurture their hearts and cultivate themselves.

Among them, those concubines who failed in the struggle in Qingyun Kingdom's palace like to leave the palace in the name of worshiping Buddha and praying for blessings, and hide in Shuiyun Nunnery, chanting sutras and worshiping Buddha day and night, praying for Qingyun Kingdom. Pray for the emperor, and pray for the people of Qingyun Kingdom.

Of course, as the traditional enemy of Shuiyun Temple for many years, Qingyun Temple also made the true face of Shuiyun Temple clear and obvious.

Those wealthy ladies and Ruyi wives who go to Shuiyun Temple to nurture their hearts and cultivate their souls are of course accompanied by strong men with strong waists and strong backs. If you like delicate, white, feminine and handsome pretty faces, they are all available.

As for the concubines who failed in the palace battle and went to Shuiyun Temple to worship Buddha and pray for blessings, they also sang and caroused every night.

According to Zhike Monk Faming, there are many dignitaries and wealthy businessmen in Xiyun City. They especially like to go to Shuiyun Temple to appease the concubines who have been kicked out of the palace - to be precise, they treat the women of Emperor Qingyun. , have different hobbies.

The former concubines who 'worship Buddha and pray for blessings' are Shuiyun'an's 'fist product', a time-honored brand and signature that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Didn’t I say before that the nuns in Shuiyun Nunnery are good at medicine?

Many old dignitaries and rich people who are already in their seventies or eighty, their energy has declined, and they are already powerless. They go to Shuiyun Temple to live for a few days, and they can be nursed back by the nuns to become rosy and energetic, and they can be like those who worship Buddha and pray for blessings. The former concubines discussed the ways of heaven and man in simple terms and pondered the philosophy of life!

When these old dignitaries and rich men are in their glory days, they will naturally not be stingy with money for all kinds of incense and sesame oil.

The businesses of Qingyun Temple and Shuiyun Temple overlap, so the two companies cannot help but compete with each other.

But when it comes to inheritance, there is not much difference between the two families. When it comes to strength, there is almost no difference between the two families. When it comes to the base of believers between the government and the public, the two families are also at the same level.

The two families have been fighting for countless years, but no one can defeat the other.

But, I really didn't expect that those dead nuns would be so heartless. Abbot Fajing looked at the dozen bald men who were beaten almost to a pulp, and shook his head sadly.

Princess Jincheng is a person who is like a pearl of fairy dew. Her reputation for charity is known to everyone in the country. Without mentioning other things, let's just say that there was a locust plague in several counties in the northwest of Qingyun State last year. Princess Jincheng raised hundreds of millions in donations. With Yunqian, I, Qingyun Temple, will come forward to purchase food, grass, and medicines and send them for treatment, there are countless people alive!

Fa Jing looked at Lu Qian and lowered his voice: Seventy percent of the hundreds of millions raised by Princess Jincheng was donated to this temple, adding fragrant oil to the ever-burning lamps in front of many Buddhas. The merits are immeasurable!

The corners of Lu Qian's mouth twitched.

It turns out that this is Princess Jincheng... so she is a great benefactor of Qingyun Temple?

They want to set up Princess Jincheng. Lu Qian said calmly: They have prepared extremely vicious methods to make Princess Jincheng die an unjust death, and she will suffer great shame and humiliation after her death...

Fa Jing looked at Lu Qian and said softly: Senior brother Fahai thinks that this Shuiyun Temple...

Lu Qian looked at Fang Jing and said in a deep voice: Since the poor monk has promised to join Qingyun Temple, then Shuiyun Temple is the sworn enemy of the poor monk... Tsk, they can use tricks, so naturally we can too It can be used!

When Lu Qian said this, he didn't even tremble at all.

Be it Qingyun Temple or Shuiyun Temple, what are these things?

In Dayin, if the extremely conservative old monks in the three sects, three temples and three Zen forests knew that this temple and nunnery were like this... They would probably be beaten to death by those old monks. , Only when the spirit and form are destroyed can there be ghosts.

None of them are good people, so... this inheritance belongs to him, Lu Qian.

Lu Qian looked at Fa Jing and said in a deep voice: What does the abbot have in mind? This poor monk will obey everything!

Fa Jing looked at Lu Qian, looked towards him, and asked a little hesitantly: When I see my senior brother in the daytime, he walks like a dragon and tiger steps, and has the power of a vajra arhat... I dare to ask my senior brother, how advanced is his cultivation? realm?

Lu Qian was silent for a while. The golden light flashed in his hand, and he pulled out a diamond sword and threw it on the ground.


The ground, which was made of molten steel and blessed with Buddhist teachings, was forcibly smashed into a large pit by the diamond sword.

The entire execution room was shaking slightly, constantly vibrating. The diamond sword slowly pressed down a little bit, causing the ground to continue to sink. With its own weight alone, the Buddhist restrictions on the floor of the execution room were crushed layer by layer, and there were constant fires of various colors. Bang bang' exploded.

Fa Jing was shocked.

Fa Ming was shocked.

In the execution room, several great monks of the Fa generation from Qingyun Temple were horrified.

Fajing was silent for a while, and then he looked at the old monk with a beard who was nearly ten feet tall and the most burly among several great monks and said in a deep voice: Junior Brother Fa Sheng, you are practicing the powerful Yaaksha method. You can try Fa Hai. Senior brother, this is a Buddhist weapon!

The old monk Fa Sheng walked over in two steps, put his hands together and saluted Lu Ren with awe, and then held the hilt of the diamond sword with both hands.

The veins on his forehead bulged, and he tried his best to move the diamond sword.

No matter how much he used all his strength, the diamond sword would not move at all.

Fa Sheng roared loudly, his body shook, and a blue-black Buddha power surged in his body. His muscles suddenly bulged, and blue veins beat violently under the skin. Three mountain-shaped bone protrusions grew on the top of his head. As he stood up, his face became ferocious and ferocious, just like the legendary flying Yaksha.

No matter how hard he struggled.

The level of Qingyun Temple's inherited skills is limited, and the skills cannot defeat those in the Fiery Realm. The ultimate strength is probably about a hundred dragons. How can he be able to hold Lu Qian's diamond sword?

It's worth saying.

When Lu Qian set out to Yuan Lingtian, the nine Buddhist sects of the Supreme Holy Heaven all escaped from the good things they had packed in the bottom of the box. With the addition of a batch of good materials presented by Wanxiang, the weapons and armor on Lu Qian's body were all comprehensive. There's been a big upgrade.

In terms of weight alone, Lu Qian’s diamond armor now weighs thirty-six elephants, his diamond spear and bow weigh twelve elephants, and his five diamond swords each weigh three elephants!

Not to mention the upgraded Vajra Swords, the previous five Vajra Swords weighed three hundred dragons. Monk Dharma Victory could never pick them up simply by relying on physical strength!

Even if he performed the powerful Yaaksha technique and his power surged several times out of thin air, Monk Pharm Sheng could only barely pick up the original version of the diamond sword. How could he shake this upgraded version of the diamond sword that weighed three elephants?

Fa Sheng was twisting his whole body, activating his magic power hysterically.

He exerted too much force, and suddenly took a breath, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His body staggered back several steps, and he sat on the ground with a gudong and could no longer move.

Senior...brother's power! Monk Fa Sheng looked at Lu Qian in shock, his pupils shrunk to the size of pinpoints, and he was in awe of Lu Qian to the extreme.

This, this, this...

Fa Jing, Fa Ming and other great monks were surprised, but more horrified.

During the day, Lu Qian strode over carrying a brass Zen staff. As a Zhike monk, Monk Faming had sharp and ruthless eyes. He could tell at a glance that Lu Qian was an accomplished monk.

Therefore, Fa Ming, Fa Jing and others enthusiastically recruited Lu Qian.

They never expected that what they recruited would be such a terrifying master... Monk Fa Sheng was known as the 'number one in divine power' in Qingyun Temple. He couldn't even move a weapon thrown by Lu Qian. !

Fajing's heart twitched violently for several times. He put his hands together and saluted Lu Qian respectfully: Senior brother Fahai is indeed worthy of his name. His power is boundless and vast as the sea. He is truly an unfathomable eminent monk with great virtue.

So, regarding Shuiyun Nunnery... Fa Jing lowered his voice: Senior Brother, please make the decision.

Fa Jing coughed lightly: Junior brothers, I think that with the great power of Senior Brother Fahai, he should be the supervisor of our Qingyun Temple. As long as all my disciples of Qingyun Temple should behave accordingly, they should be controlled by Senior Brother Fahai. !”

A group of old monks clasped their hands and nodded silently.

Lu Qian waved his hand carelessly, picked up the diamond sword, waved it with a sword flower, and took it back to the Beiming Ring.

In this case, the poor monk will do his duty, and the supervision of the temple... is not bad. Lu Qian said carelessly: As for Shuiyun Temple, a place where filth and evil are hidden, what else can I say? Go straight in, plow the courtyard and sweep Just turn it into ashes.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and Lu Qian sneered: Is it possible that our Qingyun Temple has conquered demons and eliminated demons? Who in the Qingyun Kingdom would dare to be dissatisfied?

When the monks such as Fajing and Faming heard the sound, their hearts suddenly moved.

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