Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1005 Reinvention

The White Snake carried the dying Emperor Tai Zhen and left.

Lu Qian did not intercept.

He is just a Taiyi Emperor... He is just a wisp of White Snake's essence and blood. Lu Qian does not claim to be a 'god of learning' figure, but he still has some common sense from his past life - creatures like Emperor Taiyi, who are created out of thin air with essence and blood, only need a ray of essence and blood from the White Snake. There is also a little backup. How many Taiyi Emperors cannot be brought out by Qingdi?

Instead of replacing an unfamiliar ‘stranger’, it is better to keep this already familiar ‘old opponent’.

Or maybe it's because of the romantic relationship between White Snake and Yinyuan? Well, Lu Qian is not willing to call Lady Bai 'sister-in-law' now, but in Yinyuan's heart... well, God knows what Yinyuan thinks. God knows what the situation is like for this woman and Yinyuan now? The so-called husband and wife, if they quarrel at the end of the bed, they don’t have an overnight feud, right?

Therefore, it is the best state to not get involved, ignore each other, and pretend to be a 'familiar stranger'.

The White Snake was carrying Emperor Taiyi and had just left the envelope of the world of mortals when the Tao Yun and inspiration around her suddenly pounced on Emperor Taiyi. Almost beaten to death, he took a deep breath, choked out a few mouthfuls of old blood, spit out a few pieces of broken internal organs, and watched the hideous wounds on his body squirming and growing rapidly. Recovery, his physical body had healed as before in just one breath.

His energy and spirit also returned to its peak state in a very short period of time. He struggled to get out of White Snake's hand, looked back at Lu Qian, and then looked at the figure floating quietly next to Lu Qian, which originally belonged to He was an imperial soldier who was forcibly imprisoned by Hongchentian and left beside Lu Qian unable to move.

A breath of bad breath rushed straight from his heart to his forehead. Emperor Tai Zhen roared angrily and pointed his finger at Lu Qian fiercely.

The white lady's brows raised, and her face suddenly became cold as if covered with a layer of frost - it belonged to her, and had always belonged to her, and had never been contaminated by Emperor Taiyi, and as far as she knew, Emperor Taiyi had never realized it. The long-handled scythe, which had passed the relevant laws of the great road, suddenly started to move without any motivation on her part.

The handle shone with a cold light, and the long-handled scythe, which was covered with a thick aura of death, suddenly closed inward and slashed towards Lu Qian overwhelmingly.

Lu Qian raised his head, his eyes flickering with a faint light. The scythe that was originally striking at him with great speed suddenly slowed down... The scythe vibrated, struggled, and made a harsh cry. The circles in front of the blade were faintly visible to the naked eye. Visible ripples swayed densely, constantly making strange neighing noises.

Gradually, the closer the scythe got to Lu Qian, the slower it became.

A snap of a finger... tens of thousands of miles in an instant... a breath of thousands of miles... By the time the long-handled scythe in the sky was less than a hundred miles away from Lu Qian, the speed had been exhausted to the point where he could only advance two or three feet with one breath. Awkward situation.

With a loud 'pop' sound, Lady White slapped Emperor Tai Zhen hard on the face, until his cheeks were sunken, and a large amount of blood mixed with broken teeth spurted out from his mouth. White Snake opened the five fingers of her right hand, and her nails suddenly reached out to be more than a foot long, like five small daggers, and she fiercely grabbed Emperor Taiyi's neck: What did you do? What do you want to do?

Emperor Taiyi was beaten so hard that he staggered backwards. He vomited blood. As his body shook, the sound of cracking bones and broken bones kept coming from his neck and cheeks.

He stared at the white lady with wide eyes and chuckled: What have I done? Didn't you see it? What am I going to do? What am I going to do?

A ray of fierce light emerged from the depths of Emperor Taiyi's eyes, and he screamed at the top of his lungs: I am the real Emperor Taiyi... Everyone in the world knows that I am Taiyi... They, only Even if they recognize my face, they only know my face...you...you...you...

Lu Qian's eyes widened. He ignored the long-handled scythes that were slowly approaching, and looked at Emperor Taiyi who was counterattacking with a hint of surprise.

You... damn bitch! Emperor Taiyi finally yelled out the 'truth' that he had been holding in his heart for countless years, and Lu Qian had been silently waiting for a while: I am Taiyi, and You should have been replaced by me a long time ago.

Emperor Tai Zhen roared angrily. A wisp of cold and biting death air surged through his body and quickly flowed through his body. In an instant, it filled the surface of his body and turned into a dark haze, in which there was a faint trace of A strange multi-headed giant snake loomed. The giant snake spit out long snake breath and made a sharp, menacing hiss at White Snake.

The white lady pursed her lips and smiled: That's it? You want to replace me as my true self? Who gave you the courage? And how and when did you understand the avenue of death?

Emperor Taiyi tilted his head and chuckled. He looked up to the sky and shouted, Is it me or her?

Emperor Tai Zhen's roar was directed at whom he didn't know.

But White Snake's face suddenly changed... Lu Qian's heart also sank slightly - good, very good, this Emperor Taiyi seems to have some tacit understanding with Qing Emperor, and this tacit understanding is obviously for White Snake. Not a good thing.

Emperor Taiyi even screamed at the top of his lungs: Don't think about it, I completely accept all your conditions... I can give up everything, everything, everything... I only want this damn woman, I only want everything about her... Her bones, her flesh, her soul...her way, her law!

“I don’t want to be an insignificant ‘substitute’, I want to be, myself, the real ‘self’!”

I'm not a poor, cheap, worthless 'copy'!

I am 'I', and I am the real 'Emperor Taiyi'!

Emperor Taiyi howled at the top of his lungs: I am the real Emperor Taiyi. These damn bugs, despicable lower creatures, shameless worms who relied on nepotism to cling to me, what qualifications do they have to be arrogant and domineering in front of me? They Why should you beat me...beat me...

In the void, the Dharma of the Avenue of Death slowly appeared.

On the dark avenue of death, the manifested form is a ferocious dragon with unknown numbers of heads and tails... He makes a low and long whistle. Although it is a whistle, no one can hear it. What kind of sound was it? I just felt a sharp and thin cold air that penetrated my bones and passed through my body. It seemed that my own life flame had dimmed a lot.

On this terrifying avenue, there are only a few dozen spirits of varying strengths and weaknesses.

And one of them is clearly particularly prominent and powerful, and it clearly belongs to the White Snake.

The Avenue of Death squirmed and rolled, and in the Dharma of this multi-headed and multi-tailed black dragon, all the souls except the White Snake killed themselves one after another... They cut off all connections between themselves and the Avenue of Death, and they gave up their homes in death one after another. The share of the road, the authority, and the privilege of control.

They transferred their share, their authority, and their privileges to a divided soul that was rapidly approaching the road of death. This split soul kept making sharp whistles, screaming hysterically like a madman.

White Snake alone occupies 40% of the Avenue of Death. She is also the only great emperor who can use the Avenue of Death to condense the Dao Fruit of the Imperial Seal. In a sense, White Snake can be called the ‘Emperor of Death’ or the ‘Emperor of the Underworld’.

At this moment, the dozens of souls who had a large share of the Avenue of Death killed themselves one after another and transferred all their shares to the 'newcomer' Emperor Tai Zhen... It was as if an eminent monk had used the Buddhist enlightenment technique to forcibly Instill cultivation into Emperor Tai Zhen and improve his realm. Seeing the multi-headed and multi-tailed jet-black dragon, a figure slowly stood up, its aura and coercion rapidly chasing the White Snake.

White Snake emits pitch-black starlight all over her body. She stirs up the power of the avenue, and is about to intercept Emperor Taiyi who is frantically seizing the share of the avenue of death. Suddenly, not far away, in the void, there is a light that Lu Qian has seen twice before. A lamp made of white bones suddenly appeared.

A lamp more than a foot long emits a faint light, and the faint light shines on the white lady.

The white lady's body suddenly stiffened, and the sound of 'chichi' could not be heard. The dark stars on her body shook and scattered, and she was almost defeated by the sneak attack. She turned back suddenly, looked at the bone lamp, and screamed angrily: When did you...

The Bone Lamp did not make a sound, but quietly emitted a faint divine light, silently attacking the White Snake.

The dark starlight on the white lady's body was just scattered, but it immediately regrouped, rolled up, and filled the sky with the dark light of death, turning into a monstrous canopy of death, fiercely shrouding the clear and faint divine light.

The cultivation level of the Bone Lamp is obviously slightly inferior to that of the White Snake.

Taking advantage of the sneak attack, the White Snake gave Lady White a little bit of color, but when White Lady stabilized her position and began to fight back with all her strength, the faint divine light immediately scattered and shattered, the white bone lamp shook violently, and the small bean on the lamp was The big lights also flickered wildly, and countless sparks exploded.

Accepting the Great Emperor... Those bandits in Landuo Ancient Temple said back then that your name is disrespectful and should be killed... You were surrounded by bandits several times, and with my help, you narrowly escaped death... The White Snake shouted sternly: Today, you actually plotted against me?

The Bone Lamp... Well, the emperor spoke quietly. What he did was clearly a sneak attack from behind, and even a little ungrateful, but his voice could be described as gentle as jade, clear and pleasant. He chuckled and said, Where are you talking? When you helped me, wasn't it because I could help you?

You helped me, yes, you helped me escape several fatal catastrophes... But back then, I worked hard and helped the three of you charge into battle. I don't know how many thieves were killed... I was responsible for the destruction of the ancient Landa Temple. Yes. My merits are enough to offset your kindness to me, right?

Since the grudges have been settled, is there anything wrong with me attacking you today?

Scared, besides, you have been living in seclusion for these years, and you have not had much contact with us old guys. You just ignore me, but you are very cold and arrogant... But Emperor Taiyi is different. He has killed me. The flattery of strength.”

Hey, do you know that over the years, Emperor Taiyi's eighteen most outstanding imperial daughters are now my double cultivators. Emperor Jieyin sighed softly: According to this calculation, I also want to Just call him 'Father-in-law'. In this case, I will help him achieve enlightenment, let him cut off all illusions and obsessions, let him eradicate you, the biggest inner demon, and let him be unrestrained and carefree from now on, wouldn't it? Is it reasonable?”

The white lady made a move with her hand, and countless long-handled sickles whizzed and merged inwards.

Lu Qian didn't stop him.

He watched with great interest as the White Snake returned the long-handled sickle that had spread all over the sky into one handle, clenched her hands, and struck hard at Emperor Jieyin.

What did the white lady say just now?

Is the title Jie Yin the Great taboo? Or is it what the monks at Landa Holy Land said? This is interesting... Jie Yin, Jie Yin, the word Jie Yin is taboo, right? Which family did you offend, and whose taboo did you offend?

The emperor chuckled leisurely, the light on the lamp flickered, and countless golden flowers and silver trees burst and flashed. There were also gods and Buddhas in golden armor, flying gods in colorful clothes, and even an enchanting witch holding a pipa. There are also many unparalleled beautiful Rakshasa girls, etc... All kinds of celestial beings and human beings slowly emerge, singing and dancing, intertwining in the void to form a picture of the holy realm of bliss.

The way to lead the emperor is very strange.

The reality and reality are alternated, life and death are dim, and there is an unpredictable power of creation... The golden flowers, silver trees, gods, Buddhas and flying gods he released seem to be real people with flesh and blood, and they are also like the illusion of mirror flowers, water and moon. The subtle changes in it made Lu Qian see it as unfathomable and profound, and he just felt confused...

And the holy land where countless golden flowers and silver trees, gods, Buddhas, and goddesses have evolved, has an inexplicable calling power that is as close and gentle as a mother, and an attractive force that is like the origin of life, attracting you to be involuntarily involved.

Gradually, if you look at it for a long time, you will be horrified to find that in that holy realm, among the gods, Buddhas and goddesses, there seems to be a figure who looks like you - you can't help but look carefully. Look, look carefully, look with all your concentration... Gradually, you will find that that person looks more and more like you, his appearance becomes clearer and more lifelike, and every move is vivid and vivid. Your charm gradually matches, and finally... blends into one perfectly!

This is sorcery.

However, the Dao of its avenue is extremely strong, far-reaching, and extremely powerful. There are also many mysteries that Lu Qian failed to identify. They are mysterious and mysterious, and the murderous intent is deeply hidden... With Lu Qian's current cultivation level, he is heading towards After looking at the holy realm for a few more times, I felt that my soul was shaking and my blood was swaying, as if my whole person was being sucked into the holy realm and became a part of the holy realm.

The four heavenly pillars all emitted bright Buddha light, and the power of the mortal world became more and more intense. A strong desolate and decaying aura of the Dharma Ending Age filled the four directions, forcibly dispelling the confusing aura emanating from the holy realm.

Lu Qian calmed down and watched the white lady holding a sickle, curling up a cold light of death and piercing the deepest part of the holy realm.

Behind White Snake, Emperor Taiyi roared loudly.

Above the projection of the multi-headed and multi-tailed death dragon, a shadow of a great emperor gradually stood up. Emperor Tai Zhen exudes a strong aura of death, and his death path fruit is rapidly taking shape.

White Snake hesitated for a moment and was about to turn around to deal with Emperor Taiyi.

Emperor Jingyin let out a strange roar, and strange lights flickered in the holy realm, forcefully pulling her into the holy realm. The moment White Snake entered the holy realm, countless silver trees all withered, countless golden flowers fell one after another, many golden-armored gods and Buddhas all turned into bones, countless coquettish goddesses instantly fell into ashes, and all other magnificent The scene also seems to have been tempered by the wind and rain for thousands of years in the Age of Dharma, with little bits of decay and haggard, gradually turning into decaying ashes and drifting away.

But in the next moment, he saw a graceful figure resembling the White Snake emerging from the holy realm. Not one or two, but hundreds or thousands... They live, sit and lie down like ordinary people in the holy realm, and even make peace and pair up with other men and women who appear one after another, and even have children.

As a result, Lu Qian's clearly visible lines of cause and effect continued to twine out of the holy realm, like a huge spider web, entangled with the white lady who had submerged in the holy realm. These causal lines became more and more numerous, denser and faster, and the speed of the entanglement became faster and faster. The figure of the White Snake gradually disappeared into the holy realm.

With a 'click' sound, the bone lamp cracked with a clearly visible crack from beginning to end.

Then, another one, and another, and then ten, and then a hundred, and the whole lamp was about to explode into pieces... The emperor's roar suddenly sounded: Since you succeeded, come and help me quickly, otherwise, If I escape, who will help you?

Emperor Taiyi, with the death light all over his body, let out a long roar, took a deep look at Lu Qian, who was standing still, and submerged himself into the holy realm: Stay far away, and then slowly sort out this crazy thing. Mother-in-law… I’m confused, I don’t know what the so-called thief mother-in-law is really… damn!”

Stay away, this Lu Qian, and those three little ladies, they are weird... Don't talk to them, don't provoke them... Wait until we deal with this crazy bitch, and then we can take our time to argue with them.

The bone lamp emits a strong light, sways in the air, and disappears without a trace.

Lu Qian watched quietly as Emperor Jingying and Emperor Taiyi escaped with Lady White... He did not stop her, and the three Qingyou girls did not say much because of the friendship between Lady White and them a few days ago. What a sentence.

Like Lu Yi, the three Qingyou girls stood quietly behind Lu Yi, with their hands on the long swords, silently practicing the sword techniques, activating the power of the sword in this world, and watching all directions with extreme vigilance.

So, for a long time, for a long time.

A low sigh came from far away: You are such a vigilant boy... Hey, I wanted to sneak up on you from behind... That's all, that's all... I owe you a favor, just for a moment, but...

In the void, a blood-colored eye quietly appeared, taking a deep look at Lu Qian.

There is a distance of about twelve heavenly realms between this bloody eye and Lu Qian. The distance is so far away. At first glance, this eye is still about one foot in size. This shows how huge this eye is. .

Just when he opened his eyes, blinked, and was about to leave, Lu Qian's body suddenly swayed, and with an earth-shaking loud noise, Lu Qian grabbed the Tianlong Zen Staff and tore it open with lightning speed. The void in front of you.

Although Lu Qian focused on the Speed ​​Dao Fruit, his attainments on the Space Avenue were also quite high.

At least with his current emperor-level cultivation, it is extremely easy to tear open the void and move short distances... And with the emperor-level cultivation, even if he has just stepped into the threshold of the emperor, even if he has not refined the avenue of space, as long as he has a little Touching the threshold of the space avenue, with extremely powerful cultivation, he can also move out of dozens of heavens.

Those bloody eyes thought that he could leave before Lu Qian attacked him.

But Lu Qian accelerated his speed to the extreme. He tore through the void and accelerated the Tianlong Zen Staff to the extreme. The speed when it was thrown from the crack in the void was already so fast that the blood-colored eyes could not react at all.

The next moment, less than a thousand miles in front of the bloody eyes, a thin space crack suddenly appeared. The crack appeared so fast that the blood-colored eyes had no time to use the little power of the space avenue that he also mastered to erase the crack that appeared millions of times faster than lightning. flat.

The Tianlong Zen Staff flew out from the crack, and with a bang, it hit the blood-colored eyes that could not be avoided.

Everything happened so fast.

The Tianlong Zen Staff was accelerated by Lu Yi to the extreme that Lu Yi could reach now, and the Tianlong Zen Staff was so heavy. With the blessing of such extreme speed, the power of this blow... Lu Yi himself could not calculate it clearly.

I saw that the almost 'unprepared' blood-colored eyes were hit by a blow. In the middle of the huge eyes, a small depression suddenly appeared. Then, like the water surface hit by a giant bomb, the surface of the blood-colored eyes rippled. Overlapping ripples, waves of flesh and blood splashed around, and dull loud noises continued to be heard.

I curse! His blood-red eyes wailed, crying loudly.

He is proficient in some kind of terrifying avenue, but although his body is huge, it is only because of the need to activate his avenue... The blood-colored eyes themselves are actually lackluster in terms of power and physical strength.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, this bloody eye with an astonishing aura is just a piece of fat meat filled with poison - if anyone touches him, or even takes a small piece of his flesh and blood, he will naturally... It's too dead to die... But the big fat guy himself can't run fast, and he can't fight... If you wear thick enough gloves, if you seal off the contact between the whole body and the outside world, use a sharp knife to gently Cutting, you don't need much effort to tear him apart.

His blood-colored eyes screamed, 'I curse'... He widened his eyes and glared fiercely at Lu Qian's figure.

In the dark, monstrous malice and unimaginable evil power spread rapidly towards Lu Qian along with the invisible causal connections.

However, the Taichu Hutong Pearl emits a dark light.

This time, the dim light emitted by the Taichu Huntong Pearl even penetrated Lu Qian's body, wrapped up his body, and even tightly wrapped up the three Qingyou girls and Sifang Tianzhu.

As a result, Lu Qian, the three girls Qingyou, and even the four pillars of heaven were completely isolated from the void, the world, this side of the world, and all causes and effects of all things in the world. The evil thoughts in the dark and the overwhelming evil power surged forward, but after circling around Lu Qian and others for a long time, they couldn't find any usable clues, so they immediately retreated.

That huge eye was struck by Lu Qian Tianlong's Zen staff, and the huge body was shattered by about 30%. The immortal, who had lived for who knows how many years, actually wailed hoarsely, with a clear cry, shrank into the void little by little, and disappeared without a trace.

The Tianlong Zen staff turned into a bright light and flew back.

Lu Qian grabbed the Tianlong Zen Staff and looked at the void around him with horror in his eyes.

A void that is about a million miles in diameter, space is collapsing, time is being annihilated, and all the Tao and all dharma that make up this million-mile void are like gene chains that have been damaged by strong radiation, constantly breaking and disintegrating.

Lu Qian and the three Qingyou girls hurriedly left this void.

Seeing the millions of miles of void completely turning into nothingness, turning into a black hole that swallows all things... Taoist charms and inspirations continued to pour into this black hole that suddenly appeared. After a full cup of tea, the Supreme Taichu Heaven's The power of heaven and earth restored this black hole to its original state without leaving any trace.

The void was repaired, but there was still a strong force of malice and evil in the void that made Lu Qingdu instinctively feel creepy and unwilling to get close.

These bloody eyes... are truly terrifying.

What if he didn't show up just now, but hid in the void, and directly plotted against Lu Qian?

Lu Qian pondered for a moment and shook his head. With the Taichu Mixed Bead protecting his body, Lu Yi is the natural enemy of this blood-colored eye. If the opponent's magical power cannot find traces of Lu Yi's cause and effect, it will be impossible to harm a single hair of Lu Yi.

Therefore, as long as he is more careful in the future, Lu Qian will not be afraid of these bloody eyes.

But when facing this guy, you can't be too careless.

Lu Yi was not afraid, but no one around Lu Yi could bear the revenge of these bloody eyes.

Emperor Taiyi is gone.

White Snake also left.

Emperor Jie Ying and the bloody eyes appeared one after another, and they seemed to have formed an alliance to maliciously target White Snake... These scenes made the senior officials of the Dugu family present feel frightened and almost out of their minds.

They looked at Lu Qian who was standing calmly in front of them, looked at each other, and bowed their heads at the same time.

The strongest backer behind him, his master seems to have rebelled, and no longer cares about these loyal veterans. So, it is not too much to find a way for his people to survive, right?

Especially, this new master seems to be very strong!

Even those blood-red eyes were unable to stop Lu Qian - that was the supreme Taichu Heaven, hidden behind the scenes, the most notorious and notorious 'Nightmare Emperor'!

In this case, if you don't kneel down and surrender, what are you waiting for?

The Dugu clan surrendered.

The armies of the Linghu clan and the Dugu clan merged into one, and under the command of Lu Qian, began to sweep away in all directions.

Next, still relying on Lu Qian's terrifying speed, Shen Yin's army appeared and swept across all directions. The Nangong clan resisted for a month and surrendered... The Beimen clan basically did not resist and surrendered...

Emperor Taiyi's Taiyitian, standing side by side with Tianting and Taihutian, is one of the three most powerful giants on the face of the Supreme Taichu Tianming. Taiyantian's territory is extremely vast. The combined territories of the Linghu, Dugu, Nangong, and Beimen clans only account for one percent of Taiyantian's territory. Just two.

In addition to the four great clans, there are hundreds of powerful families under the name of Taiyi Tian. There are many other sects and wealthy families, with the total number exceeding one million? Building harmonious families, sects, sects, etc., the combined territories of all the forces only account for less than 20% of Taiyitian's territory.

Lu Qian commanded the army and conquered all directions like a snowball. Wherever he passed, all the big and small forces under Taiyi Tian's rule heard the news and descended. Even so, it took Lu Qian several years to fully control the territories of the vassal large and small forces under Taiyi Tian's rule.

In this process, Yinyuan, Yu Changle and others gave full play to their respective jobs.

Yinyuan was busy conferring official titles, winning people's hearts, and winning over surrendering families... In the process, he half-assed and gained hundreds of concubines... During the years when Lu Qian was fighting abroad, these hundreds of new concubines were acquired. A concubine, ahem, basically pregnant!

As for Yu Changle, while counseling the government, he also took charge of the construction of the 'Palace Guards', 'Jinyi Guards' and even the 'East-West Factory'.

The Palace Guard was an intelligence organization that once existed in Dayin. Now that it is being rebuilt, Yu Changle is naturally an expert.

As for the origins of Jinyiwei and Dongxi Factory, it is easy to know.

These three new intelligence agencies and the palace supervisors check and balance each other, but they also cooperate with each other, spreading their eyes and ears in all directions... Yinyuan has given them enough privileges, and they can kill first and report later.

Under such intimidation, the situation of Shenyin, which was rapidly expanding, stabilized quickly and the rapid development of power began.

In the past few years, Emperor Taiyi and White Snake have been silent.

The master of Taiyitian has not returned.

The sons and daughters of Emperor Taiyi, including King Chunlan, began to compete for Taiyitian's power... They each had their supporters, and soon Taiyitian's direct jurisdiction was divided into dozens of pieces. The powerful emperor's sons and daughters, who wielded huge power, divided themselves into one side, and the lively drama of the Warring States Period began.

Outside there is Shen Yin who is eyeing him, but internally his brothers and sisters are fighting to the death.

The results are obvious.

Lu Qian took less time than before to sweep away the four great clans, and took over half of Taiyantian's territory. And Yinyuan also relied on marriages, and continued marriages... In the process, Yu Changle used all kinds of provocations, all kinds of killings, all kinds of roping and division, and smoothly concentrated Shenyin's resources and power in Yinyuan's hands. superior.

Shenyin's power expanded rapidly.

One day, Lu Qian led a huge fleet that could truly block out the stars and blocked the sun, blocking the gate of Taiyitian.

In front of Taiyantian's main gate, King Chunlan, who had been friends with Lu Qian in Yuncha Ridge, was looking at Lu Qian with a complicated expression.

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