Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1004 Shen Yin (3)

Emperor Tai Zhen is vomiting blood, really vomiting blood.

He tried his best to leave the battlefield, but escape has never been his strong point... Maybe the White Snake has extremely powerful and exquisite escape powers, but Emperor Taiyi does not.

He is a ray of blood from the White Snake, a 'clone' concocted by the Qing Emperor. When he was born, everything in the Supreme Taichu Heaven had been settled. He only needed to play the role of Emperor Taiyi well, and There is no need for him to fight to the death with people. Therefore, Emperor Taiyi’s ‘supernatural power configuration’ has quite a few flaws.

This flaw may be intentional by the White Snake... Who knows?

In short, the most direct consequence is that, faced with Lu Qian's speed and suppression, Emperor Taiyi tried his best to escape, but it became so embarrassing... Lu Qian appeared next to him, and the Emperor Taiyu ax in his hand made a swing. A brilliant light continued to hit every part of his body.

The head, neck, shoulders, back, chest...everywhere that was fatal or not, every time it was bombarded, there were countless rays of cold light, and large crystal shields in the shape of flowers shattered. The fragrance placed by Emperor Taiyi was torn apart due to the difference in speed. Countless cracks were densely covered in the field of the fragrance he released. Lu Qian could move forward and retreat freely in his fragrance, and the Emperor Taiyi was in a state of embarrassment. .


Avenue suppression.

The Avenue of Speed, in the hierarchy of avenues formed by heaven and earth, is much higher than the fragrance and the like that Emperor Taiyi majored in. A world can have no fragrance, no aroma, no smell, but the world can still maintain the most basic operation.

The movement of the world will inevitably bring about the concept of 'speed'. Speed ​​is, like time and space, one of the indispensable pillars of a complete world structure.

In particular, Lu Qian has the privilege of having a 'single monopoly' on the road of speed. Therefore, even though it was not long before Lu Qian gathered the Speed ​​Path, compared to Emperor Taiyi, a senior emperor who had been immersed in it for countless years, Lu Qian still formed the Dao Crushing.

Heavy bombardments continued to fall.

Emperor Taihu's ax is extremely sharp and contains terrifying cutting power... The Tianlong Zen Staff is very heavy. Although its own rank has not yet reached the level of the Emperor's Weapon, with its terrifying weight and immeasurable speed, the heavy blows it unleashes can hit The threat of Emperor Taiyi even exceeded that of Emperor Taihu's axe.

Emperor Taiyi, you can tell from his appearance time and time again that he is an extremely 'exquisite' person. Life is exquisite, the principles of enlightenment are exquisite, and all kinds of magical powers and secrets are also extremely exquisite.

He has rich experience in dealing with the Taihu Emperor's ax, which is light and sharp and relies on magical changes to kill the enemy. Although the long sword rebelled, the colorful starlight around Emperor Taiyi condensed into a rain of flowers of various colors, and the petals flickered in the sky, but it could still withstand a few blows.

And the Tianlong Zen Staff was like a rude and uncivilized man, smelling of sweat, roaring and rushing towards his face... arrogant, rude, and full of huge and unstoppable power. Impact after impact, collision after collision, Emperor Taiyi was like a frail and weak Xiaojiabiyu. Facing such powerful impacts, he could only pant, vomit blood, and passively bear it with sweat on his back.

Again and again, again and again.

Emperor Taiyi's hair was messy and his clothes were torn. The protective magical powers he used were shattered into pieces, and his mana was consumed. However, the world of mortals composed of four pillars sealed the void, and he wanted to extract it from the void. Even a little bit of heaven and earth wisdom can't replenish one's own consumption!

Even if he has the special authority of Emperor Tai Zhen, he cannot feel or call on any spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Emperor Taiyi gasped, his hands trembling, and he took out one pill bottle after another. One after another, the magical pills kept flying out of the pill bottles, and they were about to swallow them in his mouth... A figure flashed in front of him. These pill bottles, these magical pills, and even the one on his wrist had an amazing capacity, and could almost be filled. All the bracelets in this small world were taken away.

Emperor Taiyi was horrified, his hair stood on end, and he almost screamed.

That bracelet was on his wrist... Lu Qian could easily scrape the bracelet off his wrist with his terrifying speed. Couldn't it be that he could do more at will?

Emperor Tai Zhen took a closer look and realized that his body-protecting divine light had almost completely collapsed, and the surrounding fragrance had been torn into a mess. The few protective treasures he had just sacrificed were being smashed in the void by the Heavenly Dragon Zen Staff that turned into a long dragon... The black-gold, lifelike Tianlong Zen Staff, with every scale alive, roared loudly, and every time When it was shot down, the fancy and exquisite Noble Phantasms shook violently and flew all over the sky.

That scene was really like an old gangster who had blocked a few helpless little girls on the street and was venting his violence wantonly... And every time those precious phantoms were struck and trembled, This caused Emperor Taiyi's heart and liver to tremble, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

What do you want to do? Emperor Taiyi looked at Lu Yi, whose figure was flickering in the distance. Even the life-saving pills had been taken away, and there was not even a single pill. He had almost exhausted all his magic power. Roaring at the top of his lungs: How dare you do this to me...


An invisible and traceless sword intent that originated purely from his heart stirred up. Emperor Taiyi's heart felt sharp pain, and blood spurted out from his seven orifices. He covered his face with both hands and looked at the three-talented sword formation in shock. The three Qingyou girls quietly stood behind him.

The sword skills of the three girls of Qingyou originate from a certain supreme power that is indescribable, unspeakable, unthinkable, and unimaginable. Although it was just a line of sword techniques taught casually by the great master, to that Danon, this sword technique... was just ordinary and ordinary. But for serious and normal monks, the inscrutableness of this sword technique cannot be described in words.

Emperor Taiyi just thought that Lu Qian might kill him.

Just as a trace of 'killing intention' and 'killing thought' emerged from his heart, the sword intent of the three girls Qingyou followed the killing intent and 'killing thought' in his heart, from somewhere, from the void. The earth came into existence out of thin air.

Emperor Taiyi's own sword intent hurt his own heart and soul in battle!

This is the terrifying thing about the three Qingyou girls who majored in sword skills.

You can use countless methods to block the tangible and visible sword light... And this kind of sword attack that comes from the heart, from the depths of your heart, from a thought in your soul, how can you block it? How to stop?

Unless you can become as hopeless as an ancient well, and even eliminate all your thoughts, all your delusions, and all the miscellaneous thoughts that can be used by the three girls of Qingyou...

But if it really goes to this level, how is Emperor Taiyi any different from a dead person? With no thoughts, no thoughts and no desires, isn't he just a dead pig standing in the void and being slaughtered by others?

This is unethical.

Unless Emperor Tai Zhen's Great Law can crush the sword skills of the three Qingyou girls...otherwise, this is an unsolvable contradiction. Either she will compete with Lu Yi and Qingyou in a high-spirited manner. In the process, he will be chopped into pieces countless times by the sword intent in his heart.

Or, his heart was as dead as water, and he maintained an almost frozen state of mind and had several stalemates with Lu Qian.

But my heart is like stagnant water... just waiting to be slaughtered!

Emperor Taiyi's heart was on fire and he was extremely anxious.

But when he was anxious, all kinds of thoughts came out of his heart, and the sword intent attack was like a wildfire starting a prairie fire, growing in his heart and pouring out from his soul... Emperor Taiyi was stunned, and he was hit hard again!

This is the first time I have vomited blood today. Emperor Tai Zhen smeared blood with large mouthfuls, and blood spurted out from the gaps between his fingers. He looked at the three Qingyou girls with distracted eyes, and hissed: It doesn't make sense. Lu Qian condensed the Speed ​​Dao Fruit, and I was suppressed by him. I am convinced... You three, obviously not yet, not yet...

The three Qingyou girls looked at Emperor Taiyi with faint eyes.

It stands to reason that they should have gathered the Dao Fruit of Sword Dao to have the ability to hurt Emperor Taiyi. But what is the purpose of condensing the sword's Dao Fruit? The purpose of condensing the sword's Dao Fruit is nothing more than to obtain a power, a permission, and a privilege to mobilize the power of the sword in this world to kill.

The three girls of Qingyou didn't need to condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, and they didn't need the so-called authority, permission and privilege. They directly gained the favor of this world's swordsmanship. They were very direct, very proactive, and jumped out with great joy. The three women of Qingyou were given the blessing of their own power, and they took the initiative to use their own power to suppress and attack Emperor Taiyi.

Emperor Taiyi was immediately miserable.

He was constantly being severely injured, vomiting blood, deep cracks gradually appeared on his body, and his internal organs were beaten to extreme pain... Since his birth, he has never suffered such pain, let alone Forced to the point of near-death.

He kept yelling, yelling, and even hysterically swearing on the street.

The three girls, Lu Qian and Qingyou, just continued to exert their power, regardless of Emperor Tai Zhen's roaring, cursing, vomiting blood and struggling... Gradually, a trace of despair appeared in Emperor Tai Zhan's eyes, and he angrily looked towards He screamed at the sky: You must watch me fall here?

Lu Qian suddenly became cautious.

The next moment, a strange-shaped scythe quietly appeared nearby, carrying a biting death intent. The scythe flashed and split continuously, splitting into two, two into four, and four into hundreds of billions... In an instant, countless long-handled scythes with a deathly aura blocked all directions, and the gap between the scythes and the scythes The space is airtight, almost to the point where there is no gap to take advantage of.

The white lady quietly appeared in the distance.

She looked at Lu Qian from a distance and waved her hand gently: I will give you what you want...this guy, but let him have a way to live, right?

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