
Chapter 134

Seeing that Cao Cao was coming down, Zhao Yun took a wooden gun and was about to go up, but was stopped by Cao Cao.

Cao Cao pretended to ask casually: "Does Zilong have a way to break his swordsmanship?" Zhao Yun shook his head with a smile, this time even Cao Cao's face was a little ugly, and then asked again: "Then Liu Xuande's swordsmanship is really so powerful?" Zhao Yun shook his head again after hearing this, and said with a smile: "If you insist on studying the art of cracking, it's not that you can't do it, it's just too troublesome, it's better to defeat him directly." Then he went on the field.

As soon as Liu Bei saw Zhao Yun, his eyes also lit up, after all, Zhao Yun was beautiful and burly, and he didn't know how much better he was dressed than ordinary people, although he was carrying a wooden spear in his hand, he still couldn't hide that heroic energy.

Liu Bei arched his hand slightly and said, "Brother is young, let's make a move first." He wanted to take the opportunity to leave a good impression on Zhao Yun, but he didn't know that he poked Zhao Yun's sore spot. Zhao Yun is often regarded as a child because of his handsome appearance, which is a point he hates very much, because whether he studied under Tong Yuan Xi practicing the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Gun or the set of Seven Probe Snake Guns he created himself is serious and has worked hard to the death, according to his past experience, the competition is not killing and revenge, it is often a point to stop, so the person who loses to him often says something like letting the junior, as if Zhao Yun's martial arts are mediocre, and he can win because of his young age.

To be honest, Zhao Yun is really not young, I once asked Huang Haitang in private, it is said that it should be about the same as this Liu Bei, and it should be similar in age, so when Zhao Yun heard Liu Bei say this, his face sank, and he said angrily: "If you can fight, you will fight, if you can't fight, you will admit defeat, and Hugh will take advantage of me in terms of language age."

Liu Bei was stunned and took a breath, he didn't expect Zhao Yun to be so dismissive of him. But how did he know that last year, the city lord of Duan was nailed to the wall by Zhao Yun because of this sentence, and compared to him, it only made Zhao Yun say a few cold words, which was really the difference between heaven and earth.

Liu Bei shook his sleeves and said, "Then pay attention." Following the movement of his body, the wooden sword swayed and stabbed at several places on Zhao Yun's body. Zhao Yun saw that Liu Bei was extraordinary, said hello, kicked up one end of the wooden gun, pulled it back, and shook the barrel of the jujube wood by him, and the shot was the three shots of Feiyan under Tong Yuan's door.

This Feiyan three guns last year I had with countless bandits or disciples, that year Tong Yuan and Li Yan were vindictive, widely recruited ordinary disciples, and only taught these three tricks of introductory skills, then let them go up the mountain to beg for thieves, and then wear the last three guns when the thieves came back from victory, and so on, in the end, whoever killed more thieves under his disciples, and at the same time the number of disciples is also the winner. But how did the two old guys know that after learning a few tricks, these mixed disciples they taught not only did not go to the thief, but relied on the ability to learn the ability to fall into the grass and rob the house for Kou, so they were killed by me and Huang Haitang. Tong Yuan and Li Yan knew that they were wrong, and they didn't delve into this matter, and at the same time, because our extermination failed to make those thieves who had learned Feiyan's three guns do something more out of line, otherwise the faces of these two old guys would have been lost to themselves.

The same marksmanship and the same moves, when they appeared in Zhao Yun's hands, it seemed to be a completely different kind of martial arts. Zhang Xiu, the king of the Northland gun, and Zhang Ren, one of the fourteen generals of Xichuan, are both good at the Hundred Birds and the Phoenix Gun, this Feiyan gun is one of the hundred bird guns, and there are more than 100 kinds of marksmanship like this. Liu Bei has his dragon sword, and Tong Yuan naturally has a phoenix spear under his door.

The wooden gun seemed to be alive in Zhao Yun's hands, picking or stabbing, advancing or retreating, Zhao Yun just kept stabbing back and forth with the gun, but Liu Bei kept jumping up and down as if he was on fire, that set of Qiankun footwork was used to the extreme, but no matter how he dodged, he was always covered by Zhao Yun's gun shadow strips. Whenever Liu Bei's sword body wanted to catch Zhao Yun's gun, the wooden gun was like a long eye slippery and slippery, and it could not be grasped, Liu Bei's trick of holding the sword and unloading the martial arts was useless, since the attack was hopeless, then he could only desperately dodge, but Zhao Yun was not in a hurry to win, from the delphinium gun to the water bird gun and the bird gun, all of them were deployed, and Liu Bei was out of breath in the fight, and even his body slowed down, the wooden gun in Zhao Yun's hand was always half an inch away from Liu Bei's clothes, and the spectators on and off the stage were dazzled。

I guess Tong Yuan must have instructed Zhao Yun to show his Tong Yuan's marksmanship as much as possible, don't come up and use a trick to defeat the enemy, so that people who don't have kung fu still think that you are lucky to win, only after such a big trick can ordinary people be convinced, and he will praise and boast when he turns back, he Tong Yuan won this good disciple in front of the four peers in the world, not only to Li Yan, a sparse person, but also Huang Haitang and Lingnan Wang Li Jin are not Tong Yuan's opponents in terms of junior disciples, and they seem to be sitting on the top of the four peers invisibly。

Liu Bei jumped out of the gun and stood aside to stop the soldiers, Zhao Yun put away the gun and waited for his next move. I thought to myself that Liu Bei should not just admit defeat, but I didn't think that Liu Bei first praised Zhao Yun's marksmanship, and then turned to the master and asked, "Can you give me another sword?"

Although the Venerable Master was a little surprised by Liu Bei's proposal to temporarily add a sword, he quickly agreed. After Liu Bei got the double sword, he gestured slightly, and the frustrated energy just now suddenly disappeared, and even an uncontrollable smile appeared in his eyes, as if he was about to become famous all over the world.

I wonder in my heart, although you have two swords in your hands, but your most powerful thing is the Mozi Sword hidden in your sleeve robe, to put it bluntly, it is nothing more than taking advantage of the opponent's attention attracted by your Dragon Sword and Qiankun Step to surprise and use your left-handed sword to sneak attack others. Now that you have both swords in your hands, can't Zhao Yun's marksmanship stop your dirty tricks?

However, what happened next made me look at Liu Bei's whole person, and even now I didn't understand that I didn't understand what kind of person Liu Bei was from the beginning, and my so-called Liu Bei's trick was not what kind of double-strand sword Mozi Sword he had shown in front of us before, but really had real skills, no wonder it was as strong as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were willing to be his subordinates, and they really spoke with strength!

Liu Bei made a mistake with the two swords in his hand, and walked slowly towards Zhao Yun, not moving at all at all. Zhao Yun was also quite surprised by this change, and pointed out with a shot, thinking that Liu Bei would give way sideways like just now, and then Zhao Yun planned to launch the next offensive endlessly.

But who knew that this shot would reach Liu Bei's door, he didn't dodge or dodge, raised his hands, and didn't see what strength he used, and suddenly overturned Zhao Yun's entire gun aside, and even Zhao Yun's figure was messed up.

This time Zhao Yun was not light, if Liu Bei took the opportunity to keep up with the move, he would definitely be caught off guard, in the panic Zhao Yun stabilized his body and fired a few false moves, but Liu Bei did not move at all, and turned a blind eye to these few shots that were far from the false moves. He saw that Zhao Yun was standing firmly, and slowly walked towards Zhao Yun. This time, Zhao Yun felt a little tricked, and shouted angrily in annoyance, and the wooden spear skyrocketed a few inches, stabbing straight at Liu Bei's chest.

This shot Zhao Yun probably made seven or eight percent of the force, one no false move and two no cover, a shot is the last type of the earth-shattering bird towards the phoenix gun, known as the indestructible phoenix gun in the rivers and lakes, this gun is not only Tong Yuan's famous skills, with this gun in more than 100 guns reborn, the opponent directly to death, whether it is Beidi Zhang Xiu or Xichuan Zhang Ren, are immersed in this gun for more than ten years, each has their own experience, but everything changes, whether it is innovation or improvement, this phoenix gun is the foundation and essence, but also this gun, so that these people have broken out of different places out of different fame。 Now this shot appears in Zhao Yun's hand, neither like Zhang Ren who has transformed into a Luofeng gun, nor like Zhang Xiu, who is holding Tong Yuan's way of being unchanged, as soon as this gun is shot, it can be seen that it belongs to Zhao Yun, whether it is from speed or posture, it is a real Changshan style of play.

However, this trick has been rampant on the rivers and lakes for decades, and it is a move made by Zhao Yun himself, and at the same time, it was clamped left and right by Liu Bei's two wooden swords, and they were divided into both sides, and the lightning and thunderous strength that was originally poured into the gun did not know where it disappeared. Liu Bei flipped his hands again and took Zhao Yunlian to the side with a gun. Maybe because the force of this shot was too strong, Liu Bei was much more unbalanced than the last time when he brought people over, and a character like Zhao Yun also staggered forward a few steps, as if he couldn't walk in a straight line no matter what.

This time, not only Zhao Yun, but even the top masters sitting on the stage also changed their faces. Tong Yuan's shock is needless to say, even Li Yan, Li Jin and Huang Haitang know that this phoenix gun is powerful and domineering, but Liu Bei broke it so easily, and also messed up Zhao Yun's body posture like this, if the two really fought with their lives, Zhao Yun should have died twice after these two unloading moves.

At this time, Zhou Yu came back with Sun Ce, and happened to witness Liu Bei's elusive swordsmanship on the stage, Sun Ce naturally didn't know the power of this hundred birds and phoenix spears, and it was just an ordinary move, but Zhou Yu saw the mystery at a glance, and even blurted out: "Gu Yingfa!"

When he called this, Cao Cao and I naturally chased him and asked him what Gu Yingfa was, Zhou Yu looked at Liu Bei on the field in disbelief, and muttered: "I only saw it in ancient books, saying that there was a kind of double sword swordsmanship before the pre-Qin Dynasty, which was called left and right Ying, which can turn the world's martial arts into invisible." I originally thought it was just the ancients bragging indiscriminately, but I didn't expect it to be the swordsmanship in Liu Bei's hand!"

After Liu Bei unloaded Zhao Yun's attack again, he still looked like an immortal wind bone, quietly waiting for Zhao Yun to organize another attack, and then break it again.

If you want to say that the first time you were recruited by the gang out of carelessness, then the second time Zhao Yun was angry and used the phoenix spear and was casually opened, it was really dazzling and puzzled.

I thought that Zhao Yun would be cowardly because of this, but he just thought about it for a while, and then raised his gun with a smile and prepared for the next round of attacks.

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