
Chapter 133

I saw Liu Bei's relaxed and disdainful face, and thought that success or failure was here, so I shouted: "The ambition to fall into battle!" followed by a kick, holding a wooden knife and crashing towards Liu Bei.

Liu Bei was startled at first, thinking that I was going to die if I broke the jar, but seeing that I couldn't beat him, I simply let out my anger and made me happy. Liu Bei subconsciously raised his sword to stab, but suddenly found that he was holding a wooden sword in his hand, this wooden sword was light and thin, if he came to me at high speed to get such a sword, I would not be okay with the rough skin and thick flesh, but the wooden sword would be broken first.

Liu Bei's face changed a few times, because he and I both knew that his martial arts were not a little higher than mine, and even if he broke the sword by luck, he still had more than a hundred different ways to defeat me or even torture me - but those dignitaries and nobles in the audience who were not very good at martial arts in the Beijing division may not think so, they can only understand some superficial things, and you are still a powerful fart if your weapons are broken.

Liu Bei's mind turned sharply, eager to make a name for himself in the Beijing Division, and leave a good impression on everyone, and no longer hide after seeing through my purpose, for fear of being accidentally splashed with dirty water by me, followed by a loud shout, stepped on the Qiankun step under his feet, and suddenly his body was in all directions, and the dragon sword technique came suddenly, I didn't see clearly that the whole body was pointed by the wooden sword a few times, and when I was going to continue to collide, Liu Bei was already standing in a corner with a sword and smiling humbly. Where have those gentlemen in the Beijing Division seen this kind of bells and whistles, and Liu Bei deliberately showed off his skills, how to deal with a nobody like me, why did he bother to blow up more than a dozen figures on the spot, not to show those in the audience who wanted to be encircled.

The Venerable Master said, "In this competition, Mr. Liu won. "I still have to distinguish, I want to say that even if I change to a real sword and a real sword, I can stand up to piercing so many transparent holes in the body of my trapping camp leader, not to mention the small wooden sword. Cao Cao called me down and said, "That Master and An Shigao are both the world's top masters, can they still not see these two moments under our hands? Hugh has to distinguish with that Liu Bei, he has already shown his face in the Jingshi, if you can't say a word and be caught by him again, then you will have to use the topic to play." "

Although I was a little frustrated, I didn't hold back until I got off the field, and I heard a lot of people talking about it, asking about the situation in the state. I was very happy in my heart, even if I didn't win, at least I didn't lose too much, at least I got what I should have in the worst case.

It's just that a cold lightning gaze in the crowd slashed over, which scared me all over my body, and when I looked for it, I happened to meet the puffing Huang Haitang. When I boarded, I was in a cold sweat: I calculated before and after, and I was in the state and the camp, how could I forget the stubble of Huang Haitang's apprentice. I was clumsy and clumsy on the stage for a long time, except for the impression that I was not afraid of death, I didn't show any martial arts skills, but she was still boasting in front of everyone in the world, and in the end she recognized such a stupid apprentice, which really made her embarrassed in front of everyone.

I didn't dare to look at her anymore, so I simply hid beside Zhao Yun. That Zhao Yun stood there in a heroic posture, I leaned towards him, and immediately compared me to me, like an old man who met a rich man. Thinking that Huang Haitang came with Tong Yuan and Zhao Yun, I felt an indescribable discomfort in my heart, thinking that I was standing here with Zhao Yun now, and Huang Haitang must have set his eyes on him. When I thought about it, I looked up, and I saw all kinds of people passing through it, and Huang Haitang was still staring at me viciously. There seemed to be something else in those eyes, I couldn't tell whether it was resentment or blame, pain or sorrow, but it was just staring at me in such a complicated way.

Cao Cao went to the stage, saluted each other with Liu Bei, and stood on both sides with swords. They looked at each other, and they both smiled a little sympatheticly. I really saw it off the stage, although Cao Cao and Liu Bei are two people with completely different personalities and styles, but I don't know why, when they both stood on the stage at the same time, the temperament that emanated from them was exactly the same, which couldn't help but make people a little confused. They observed each other's expressions the same, and it is estimated that the two of them could not tell why this feeling of déjà vu was.

The master gave an order, and the two began to move. Liu Bei seemed to have the heart to see Cao Cao's martial arts path, so he didn't show his real strength when he came up, he held the dragon sword in his right hand to guard the façade, and the Qiankun step under his feet only moved in a few directions behind him, and he didn't sway around in a big way.

And Cao Cao's side has been holding his sword still. Ordinary people make a sword, if it is contained but not sent, the sword must be on the side of their body, the other hand in front of them, and at the same time they must pinch a sword duel, virtually reminding the opponent which move he will use or which move he will not use. If the other party is a sword master, you pinched the stabbing trick but made the chopping move, this is called the soldier is not tired of cheating, the two swordsmanship masters are like a soldier fighting when the move, true or false you come and go I am not exciting - if the other party is a layman who makes the sword, this sword duel also has the effect of confusing the other party: for example, when you stabbed the first few times, you are pinching the stabbing trick, and when you chop are pinching the splitting trick, when the opponent thinks that he has mastered a certain law, you pinch the thorn trick and chop, often there is an unexpected harvest.

Cao Cao is different. When he didn't use his sword, the sword was not hidden on his side, and he didn't even want to use his body and sword to confuse his opponent. Cao Cao's sword bent arm was flat on his chest, and his other hand was behind him, and the whole person was condensed, with a sense of slaughter. Liu Bei didn't know Cao Cao's details, and he also put the You Dragon Sword in front of him, but looking at his expression, it was very relaxed, after all, the Dragon Dragon Sword was the main defensive Mozi Sword's main attack, coupled with the blessing of Qiankun Bu, of course Liu Bei had the confidence that no matter how high the opponent's swordsmanship was, he would not eat a sword.

However, Cao Cao moved. And it's just an ordinary flat stab. But it was this sword that almost stabbed Liu Bei's vital point, although his dragon sword was good at defense, but Cao Cao's sword came too fast, and the tip of the sword had already resisted the placket of Liu Bei's chest in a flash, and Liu Bei, who was shocked, took a violent step, and his body moved and floated out several feet away, and his face was a little abnormal when he fell, and he lost his fearless appearance before.

And Cao Cao missed a blow, and returned to the appearance of the bent arm and sword just now, as if the thunderous stab just now had not happened, and he still maintained that kind of ready to attack.

Everyone in the audience began to applaud, although most of them didn't know how dangerous the moment was just now, but the two of them looked very elegant, they thought that the two of them were focusing on performance, but they didn't know that the sword almost separated the winner.

When Tai Shici and I were fighting at the north gate of Luoyang that day, Cao Cao helped out, but he was broken by Zhou Yu in a few clicks, but he was just a good figure. Now it seems that Cao Cao's swordsmanship is really average, if he competes with Liu Bei in swordsmanship, it is estimated that Cao Cao will have to disarm and surrender in less than ten moves. But Cao Cao is too shrewd and pragmatic, directly breaking the whole into zero, taking the most direct move in swordsmanship, with his ghostly and uncertain body style, either he is as dangerous as the morning dew and does not move, and he will be surprisingly successful and kill with one blow.

This coincides with Liu Bei, a bit like his absolutely pure Mozi swordsmanship, giving up the hypocritical and disguised Dragon Sword, and relying on his own swiftness to strike first. But they have obvious differences: they are all for the same purpose of killing, Liu Bei has to spend a lot of time to make superficial articles, and it is the majestic dragon sword technique and the Qiankun footwork in the eight directions of heaven and earth, and the bells and whistles go around a big circle before secretly using the Mozi sword hidden in the sleeve robe to kill people; 。

Liu Bei was startled by Cao Cao's sword, and his face changed several times before he stabilized. He worked hard to run a game but didn't want to be so inexplicably cut off in Cao Cao's hands, although most of the people in the audience didn't see what he had just done, but the world's four peers and two monks were sitting on the side, where could this omission escape their eyes, a "Liu Xuande is not as good as Cao Mengde" The idea gradually became clear in everyone's hearts, and what Liu Bei urgently needed to do was to dispel everyone's thoughts.

Liu Bei said to Cao Cao: "Cao Gongzi is so fast. Cao Cao replied: "It's just a small skill of carving insects." Liu Bei saw through Cao Cao's capital and knew that what he was relying on was just his own light skills, which they somewhat coincided with, so Liu Bei naturally knew how to crack the martial arts road with only body skills and no swordsmanship, and only praised Cao Cao's body skills in front of everyone and did not praise his swordsmanship, his intentions were self-evident, so Liu Bei made up his mind and began to take the initiative to attack.

Cao Cao was a little flustered this time, after all, Liu Bei was superior in terms of swordsmanship and body skills, and now he was eager to redeem the impression in the hearts of many masters.

Although Cao Cao was pressed by Liu Bei like a storm for several rounds, and the left and right sides were defeated, Cao Cao was not chaotic in defeat, and he was still closely looking for opportunities to turn defeat into victory under the general trend of castration. Under another round of intensive offensive, Liu Bei's body technique was used to the extreme, and the whole stage was his erratic figure, and the people in the audience grew their mouths, and they forgot to applaud for a while.

Liu Bei could have taken down Cao Cao a long time ago, but he insisted on showing off his skills in front of several top masters, until he made dozens of moves around Cao Cao and picked up the wooden sword in Cao Cao's hand, and then bowed slightly to the Quartet. The audience was applauding, Cao Cao didn't seem to mind, laughed and saluted Liu Bei before leaving. Both of them acted in front of and behind each other, because when Cao Cao came down to face us, although the smile on his face did not diminish, but Liu Bei's eyes became fierce, and it seemed that although he had a praising smile on his face, he was annoyed by Liu Bei, who insisted on making him ugly.

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