
Chapter 130

When I looked for prestige, I saw the trees on the top move, and there were a few more people on the broad platform. I was anxious to find the source of the crisp female voice, but I saw that Huang Haitang and Tong Yuan were together, followed by Zhao Yun and Zhou Qianfu Kun.

Originally, I hadn't seen Huang Haitang for several months, and my thoughts were overflowing, but the joy had not yet passed, and when I saw her and Zhao Yunlang standing together in a beautiful manner, my heart felt like I had been poured with a basin of cold water.

Huang Haitang deliberately pretended not to know me like that Liu Bei, and since he had already appeared, he still ignored me, and said to the Venerable Master with a smile: "Great monk, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

The Venerable Master said: "I just felt that there was an old man in the forest, and I didn't dare to believe it until I saw the little sister of the Huang family. It's just that your internal breath is a little chaotic, but you have suffered internal injuries. Huang Haitang said: "Thank you for your concern, it's out of the way."

Over there, Li Jin was quite excited when he saw Huang Haitang, and he didn't interject when he opened his mouth several times, and when he heard that Huang Haitang was injured internally, he hurriedly asked, "...... Are you injured? Is it serious?" Huang Haitang was stunned for a moment, and then raised a smile again and said, "With Lord Lao Li worried, it's almost fine." Li Jin hesitated and said: "Alas, I don't know if the method of teaching you qigong is good or bad, but now it has affected your body." Huang Haitang turned his back and ignored him.

The Venerable Master said to Tong Yuan: "This old gentleman's cultivation is not trivial, and he dares to ask his name. Huang Haitang introduced: "This is the world's first gun king, Tong Yuan Tong Xiongfu." "The Venerable Master and An Shigao both joined together silently, and Tong Yuan was also very modest, and returned the salute.

The Venerable Master said to An Shigao: "Today is really a coincidence, when all the four famous masters of the world came to our temple, it was really full of glory. An Shigao smiled and said, "The disciple does not dare to deceive the Venerable, Mr. Tong and the little sister of the Huang family were indeed invited by the disciple in advance to help. The Venerable Master nodded and asked, "Since Abhitama has already had an idea, how should the rules of the martial arts competition be changed next? Could it be that the Four Absolute Masters who are famous in the world will do it for us personally

?" An Shigao said with a sinful sigh and said: "That is absolutely impossible, the four martial arts have been perfected, and if you are not careful, you will have to worry about your life, and the Dharma is a good deed, how can it add blood and light to this matter?" An Shigao then said to the Four Uniques: "Please also ask each of the four martial arts ancestors to send a disciple to fight, and those who have not brought a disciple will be made up by me and the disciples of each sect of the Venerable Master."

Li Yan couldn't hold his breath when he heard this, and said sharply: "When you invited me to come, you only said that you can watch from the wall, how do you know that there is a competition when you come today, my disciples of the Sword God Sect are widely spread all over the world, but you didn't say it on the premise, I made a low-key trip, so I didn't bring my disciples here." "

Li Yan said it soundingly, but I know it, the group of unsuccessful disciples under his hand killed me several last year, and the rest either escaped or fell into the grass, where is there a genius with such qualifications as Zhao Yun, Tong Yuan's subordinate, and then accepted a Ma Chao and a Tai Shi Ci halfway, and now Ma Chao is far away in Xiliang and Nangong Boyu are fighting, Tai Shi Ci was stabbed in the abdomen by Liu Bei with a sword, and now he is recuperating in the backyard, and he can't fill the façade for Li Yan.

Li Jin also answered: "I have been busy with official business all these years, and I have not accepted disciples. Tong Yuan said unhappily: "I said Zixian." Li Jin's attitude was very respectful, and he hurriedly arched his hand and said, "Senior Brother Tong, please speak." Tong Yuan continued: "Do you want to take your mastery to the grave? Your achievements in the officialdom can almost see the patio, you are now this age, and if you sharpen your head and climb up, can you climb to the third prince?" Li Jin shook his head with a smile, and Tong Yuan said again: "Then why don't you take advantage of your strength to quickly pick some young people with good talents and bones to train them well, so that you can inherit your mantle in the future! Because the famous teacher is there, you just need to pay homage, and where do you go to find a good apprentice who is not one in ten thousand, you have to slowly look

for them one by one!" Li Jin glanced at Zhao Yun and said to Tong Yuan with a smile: "Then congratulations to Senior Brother Tong on completing a major event in his life!" Tong Yuan was carried away by this unexpected congratulations, and forgot for a moment that he wanted to admonish Li Jin, so he just stroked his beard and smiled.

The Venerable Master looked around and said to An Shigao, "It seems that Mr. Tong is the only one of the four ancestors who has brought his disciples. Huang Haitang suddenly interrupted: "Who said it's only him!" Everyone was stunned, but Li Yan secretly gritted his teeth.

Huang Haitang suddenly turned to my side, and said with a smile like a flower: "You idiot, why don't you get up and meet your uncles!"

When she said this, everyone in the audience instantly turned their eyes to me, and suddenly felt that there were hot stares everywhere, but there were more people who were not sure that it was me, and they thought it was Cao Cao when they saw Huang Haitang talking to this side, so they began to shout and coax Cao Cao to add fuel and vinegar to Cao Cao.

What kind of character Cao Cao is, if Yuan Shao were replaced, he would definitely take on the false name of these four peerless apprentices, but Cao Cao just quickly turned sideways and let me out, and said in a low voice: "Brother Shun is still in this situation, congratulations." I smiled awkwardly, and looked at Huang Haitang on the stage with some hesitation, seeing that she always looked at me without hesitation, I smiled at Cao Cao, and walked to the stage under the eyes and criticism of everyone's huge pressure.

Zhao Yun saw me and said, "Meet again!" I scratched my head and said, "I hope this time it's not the right door." I looked ashamed like a little girl and stood beside Huang Haitang. She put one hand on my waist, as if an elder recommended a disciple to her peers, but in fact she was secretly pinching the flesh on my waist.

In the midst of a lot of discussion in the audience, Huang Haitang took me to salute Li Jin, Tong Yuan and Li Yan respectively. When Li Jin looked closer, he felt that he was a master of the house, and his eyes were different from others, as if he had a very heavy heart. Li Yan is much simpler, his left eyeball and right eyeball add up to only one thought of killing me, but unfortunately there is no successor, and he can't teach me a lesson for his old man, the only treasure disciple is still recuperating in the backyard, and I am afraid that even he will not be able to see him for a while.

I have something I want to say to Huang Haitang, but now I am at a critical juncture, and the atmosphere on and off the stage has been set off, and I am about to roll up my sleeves and start fighting, where is there still a chance to talk about the old days. An Shigao said, "In this case, our representatives are Cao Cao, Zhao Yun, Gao Shun, and my apprentice Baoqing, and the Venerable Master's representatives are Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zhan, Liu Bei, and the Venerable Master's apprentice Baishi. If there is no objection, the representatives of both sides will prepare separately, and the pilot will be up to the end.

An Shigao said that some disciples brought out some wooden objects, but when they looked closely, they were wood-polished Xi weapons. The Venerable Master said, "The sharp weapon is unknown, and I am afraid that it will hurt the harmony of the kings, so I have prepared wooden tools for the disciples in the temple for everyone to use. "

Let's go up and get some of the wooden tools that we are comfortable with, and others are good at saying, those who make swords take swords, and those who use guns take guns, although there are also wooden knives, but I have always been accustomed to my nine-ring goose wing knife, which itself is much heavier than ordinary big knives and short knives, and now let alone changing to a light and fluttering wooden knife, even if I change to an ordinary iron knife, I am not used to it.

Huang Haitang saw that I was not satisfied with the test and the test of this and the test of that, and the others were all finished picking, and I was still there to pick left and right, so she came over and grabbed a wooden knife and handed it to me, and said in a low voice: "This time it is a comparison of moves and shapes, and it does not pay attention to winning and killing the enemy, it doesn't hurt that your knife is light and heavy." When

she said this, I had no choice but to give up, take the knife she handed me and go down. Cao Cao asked, "How do we line up, what do you think?" I pointed at Zhao Yun and said to Cao Cao: "I have seen Zilong's ability, let alone four on the other side, even if the twenty or thirty people all surround him, it is not enough for him to fight alone." Zhao Yun blushed when he heard this and said, "What's the matter, don't listen to Shun'er's nonsense." Cao Cao laughed and said, "I really want to see and understand such a brave man." I said, "There are few people here, and there is no atmosphere." Cao Cao said: "It doesn't matter, there is always a chance."

Bao Qing Heten said: "If General Zhao is so brave, you might as well keep the pressure formation, and let the little monk go to test the depth of the other party first." Cao Cao said: "It's so hard. Zhao Yun said: "I can do it, listen to everyone's arrangement." "

We are still humble here, and Yuan Shao has already stood on the stage over there, shouting at Cao Cao: "Mengde! Our brothers haven't practiced together for a few years! Come up and play with both hands?"

Cao Cao smiled and didn't answer, then Baoqing took a wooden stick and went to the stage, Yuan Shao saw a foreign monk coming, and felt that Cao Cao brushed his face, and his face gradually turned cold, and even Baoqing turned a blind eye to his salute.

Yuan Shao said, "Look at the sword!" followed the sword, and immediately became entangled with a wooden stick from Baoqing. When Cao Cao first saw Yuan Shao's sword, he couldn't help but let out a "oh", I couldn't understand it, so I asked him, "Is it amazing?" Cao Cao laughed out loud, and didn't say anything more, so I had to watch Yuan Shao's move carefully.

That day, Zhou Yu and Sun Ce said that Cao Cao's swordsmanship was average, and it was only by relying on light body kung fu that he was good at swordsmanship, and Yuan Shao happened to be upside down with Cao Cao, and his body sank like a stake, but the sword in his hand came and went like the wind.

Baoqing naturally saw that Yuan Shao was flashy and unrealistic, but because of Yuan Shao's imposing family background, he had to let it go again and again, and he had the opportunity to round the stick several times and give him a stick to take the stage, but it was estimated that Yuan Shao would be annoyed and ashamed after this stick was beaten, and in the future, he would use the relationship between his family to make things difficult for the White Horse Temple for no reason. I guess before Baoqing came to power, the Venerable Master and An Shigao should have given these two Buddhist disciples special training lessons, including who can beat and who can't, how to fight, and how to beat who can't, and they should have been taught by hand.

Somehow, Baoqing was in a trance, and was stabbed in the throat by Yuan Shao's sword. It stands to reason that Bi Pilot should not have such a ruthless move, but Yuan Shao estimates that he really doesn't understand this, and what the master has taught him is what he thinks is powerful. But where did Baoqing think that he would suddenly kill the killer, Leng Buding was stabbed in the throat, and instinctively thought of a ruthless move to counterattack or die together, but suddenly woke up and realized that it was just a competition, so a pair of hands stopped in the air, and Yuan Shaofei kicked off the stage, and he didn't react to what happened until he got up.

Cao Cao smiled: "Foreign monks, I don't understand the customs. "I saw that Baoqing was beaten down, and I said in my heart that it was better to call us to fight, so I could still boost my morale, you Baoqing made such a play, and I was also very frightened.

I said to Cao Cao: "If you count from low to high according to martial arts, ...... I will appear" Cao Cao said: "There is no need to be so rigid. I looked at the stands and said, "I guess I'll only be able to beat him." "

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