
Chapter 129

Zhou Yu walked to Cao Cao's team without saying a word, I thought to myself that I couldn't understand anyway, but Zhou Yu and Cao Cao were both standing here, so I had better find a place with acquaintances to get together, so I also came here.

The Venerable Master and An Shigao saluted the team under his audience at the same time, and Li Jin saw that he was in trouble, and said again and again: "How is this good." Yuan Shao in the audience glanced at Cao Cao's team and said loudly to Li Jin on the stage: "Li Tingshi, since the matter has hit this point, you must have seen it, Wendou can't fight for a reason!"

When he said this, the teams on both sides suddenly began to applaud, and these gentlemen from Beijing and from other places were about to be bored to death when they listened to the Dharma and Zen, and when they heard Yuan Shao's proposal, everyone felt that it would be more fun than listening to the old monk chanting the scriptures no matter what, so they all shouted and coaxed.

Li Jin's face sank when he heard this, and he reprimanded: "The pure land of Buddhism, plus the holy land of Buda that is personally written by the emperor, how can you use knives and guns to fight and kill?" After all, Yuan Shao has a big family, and even Li Jin, who is the head of the world's four peers and the assassin of Jiaozhou at the same time, does not pay attention to it, and still says half-truthfully: "We are in the inner courtyard, the door is closed, and the outside world does not know, as long as you don't complain to the emperor, everyone here is in the middle of the matter, who will reveal the slightest bit of this headless thing to the people outside?"

Although Li Jin looks majestic, but he guards the border all the year round, coupled with his intoxication with martial arts and dedication to the development of political achievements, so he is not a person who can speak well

, Yuan Shao stopped Li Jin in a few words, and hesitated: "This ......" Yuan Shao said again: "Besides, Lord Li, you are personally in charge, the two monks are watching, these brothers under the stage are no more than a few of you, no matter how big the black bird can fly, can it fly beyond the phoenix to Cangwu Mountain?" After that, there was another burst of laughter, and the students in the two columns were even more high, shouting for a martial arts competition.

An Shigao said to Li Jin: "Since we have come, we are sure that things will not turn around easily, Lord Li, you have worked tirelessly to come from Jiaozhou, and it must be the Venerable Master who has told you about the benefits." Li Jin nodded, but did not speak. An Shigao said again: "Since they are all adults, there is no need to hide this tacit hint. Master Li, you are a first-class figure in the court and in the rivers and lakes, you set a rule, and let's start.

Li Jin was in a difficult situation, and kept casting a plea at the Venerable Master's gaze for help. The Venerable Master recited a sentence of Amitabha Buddha and said to Li Jin: "Since this is the case, let Master Li decide." Seeing this, Yuan Shao and the others bowed their hands to the stage and said, "Please speak, Lord Li!" Li

Jin hesitated for a long time, not knowing how to calm down this matter. I asked Zhou Yu: "Everyone present counts him as the biggest official, and the matter of setting a rule is simple and flattering, why is he so hard?" Zhou Yu smiled: "Brother Gao, you also said that he is 'the person with the highest official position present', so if there is a little accident here, the emperor will hold him Li Jin accountable, he is the first person responsible here, can he not be so cautious." In addition, he has been immersed in officialdom for many years, and he does not take opinions indiscriminately and does not express his position publicly, which is the basic norm of officialdom.

I was surprised and said: "How can you know so many things about officialdom at such a young age?" Zhou Yu smiled and said: "My Lujiang Zhou family has been an official for generations, my ancestors have been officials to Sikong and Taiwei, my cousin Zhou Zhong is the great Si Nong, and my father is Luoyang Ling, these officialdom things are just a few treasures for me." "

I was dumbfounded, and they all said that dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and rats and children can make holes, which is really true. These upper-class people don't talk about beating their mother's womb - people are people from the mother's womb of their ancestors, children and grandchildren for thousands of generations, you sing and I appear, you are a big official, you recommend my children, I am a big official, I recommend your children, come and go, it's really lively.

Li Jin hesitated for a long time before he said to the Venerable Master: "Since it is in the White Horse Temple, then everything should be arranged by the monks and monks, and we will do our best to assist and maintain order." An Shigao also said to the Venerable Master: "I have traveled to Lingnan many times, and I am quite familiar with Master Li, and I know that he is by no means shirking his responsibilities, but only a good person, and does not like to formulate rules and regulations, so I also invite the Venerable Master to do his best as a landlord."

The Venerable Master said politely to An Shigao: "The White Horse Temple is a temple for Buddhist disciples, where is there any 'friendship of landlords'. An Shigao replied, "If the disciple has lost his words, then please ask the Venerable Master to announce the rules of the competition on behalf of Master Li."

The Venerable Master and An Shigao proclaimed the Buddha's name, then thought for a moment, and said to the students in the audience: "Although you have only been studying Xi the Dharma for half a day, you have been fortunate enough to have realized the second truth of Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism. The

students in the audience applauded, and when they saw that Yuan Shao's team was not selected, the students naturally gave up a circle, and Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei stood in the circle.

Gongsun Zhan took Liu Bei's hand and said to Yuan Shao: "This is my sworn brother Liu Bei, and the dragon swordsmanship of the famous northern land is beautiful and solid." Yuan Shao listened and said without concern: "The northern states are poor and remote, and the swordsmanship over there is put in the capital to play, I am afraid that it will not be a shame for the students of all factions."

After listening to Yuan Shao's rude and arrogant words, Liu Bei only smiled slightly, and said to Yuan Shao: "The younger brother is only shallow in learning, and he is not as good as the famous teachers and apprentices in the capital, so he can sweep the battle for the two brothers on the side." Yuan Shao said: "Don't drag it out, Cao Apu still has two hits under his hands."

Saying that, Yuan Shao shouted to Cao Cao in the other team: "Meng De! You have returned to your hometown to work hard for the past few years, have you made any new gains? After a while, you can let my old brother have a good experience!" Then he shouted to his neighbors: "Meng De and I have been brothers for many years, and when we knocked our heads on the ground, they were the brothers who had passed our lives!" Cao Cao just laughed and said nothing after hearing this.

Zhou Yu whispered to me: "I'll go and call Ce'er, you can deal with it first!" said that he hurriedly ran away, Cao Cao turned around and asked the students behind him: "At the beginning, a representative has been elected over there, who on our side is willing to fight side by side with Cao?"

Cao Cao's question, a circle flashed around him. It's just that Cao Cao is the only one in the circle, and no one else is willing to play. A scholar with a literary crepe said to Cao Cao: "Meng De, our background here is relatively inferior to Yuan Benchu's group of people, and naturally we have been in charge of literary affairs since childhood, and we have never been able to afford to be taught by the swordsman of the capital like them at the beginning, and we are not as civil and military as you, so we are all powerless!"

Cao Cao nodded slightly, and said to the man: "Brothers, don't blame yourself, this is an emergency, and no one expected that they would come out of the White Horse Temple with the door closed." After that, he laughed loudly, and then said, "Even if I, Cao Mengde, have one enemy and three enemies, what is there to fear? It's just that I sincerely agree with the doctrine of Na An Shigao Hinayana Buddhism, and I think it is more suitable for us ordinary people, not like they were as false and empty as they were at the beginning." Cao

Cao saw me inadvertently, and suddenly smiled: "This time Cao is not alone. As he spoke, he walked briskly to take my hand, and said while showing off to everyone: "Gao Shun in Bingzhou, his subordinates lead a special operations unit, called 'trapped camp', and he has made countless expeditions in Bingzhou, and his achievements are impressive!"

I only accidentally mentioned a few words about my affairs in Bingzhou that day when I was drinking, I didn't expect him to remember it so clearly, as for what great feats and countless battles, these are his own nonsense words, I am not cheeky enough to brag about this to others. Since the establishment of the trap camp, it has not fought a serious battle, except for receiving the congratulatory gift of the thirty-six pairs of basin collar iron armor from the second brother Guan, it is still useless until now, let alone fighting in all directions.

When those students heard Cao Cao praise me like this, they knew that Cao Cao deliberately raised my value, so they didn't expose me, and congratulated me one after another. I thought that if Cao Cao boasted like this on Yuan Shao's side, I would definitely be torn off by Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao scoffed at Gongsun Zhan's big card to introduce Liu Bei just now, not to mention a little-known little person like me.

Cao Cao beside me asked, "Are you afraid of two against three?" and I said, "There is nothing to be afraid of the people of Bingzhou." Cao Cao praised: "Man!" Suddenly he remembered something, and asked me: "What about Tai Shici, who tried with you a few days ago, didn't you come to learn Xi together, I saw him in the courtyard earlier, why didn't I see anyone now?"

I didn't want to involve Liu Bei's matter, so I lied to him: "He and Sun Ce skipped class, and Zhou Yu has already gone to call them." Cao Cao said with a smile: "Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are together, and they will not lose to any of the other people." I also laughed and said, "When they grow up in a few years, I'm afraid that even one child will be better than those people." Cao Cao felt deeply and nodded slowly.

Yuan Shao saw that there were only two people here, me and Cao Cao, so he smiled and shouted: "Meng De can't make up people, do you want to get a few people from my side for you?" Liu Bei looked at me with a kind expression behind Gongsun Zhan, as if he didn't know me at all.

At this time, the Venerable Master said to the tree cover in the corner: "Since the donors are here, why don't you come down and get acquainted." When he said this, I remembered that when Liu Bei left in the backyard in a hurry, he had stared at the tree in horror, and someone had secretly helped me, just when Liu Bei was about to kill me.

At this time, a crisp female voice on the tree laughed: "If you want to fight, the big guys will go up together, why do you have to distinguish between the three of you and the three of me." "

Hearing this voice, my heart was shocked, this voice had been with me day and night for more than half a year, just because of a moment of negative breath without saying goodbye, now in this White Horse Temple again to meet her, my whole person is in a panic.

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