
Chapter 122

Then Cao Cao began to talk about the heroes of the world, what Longxi Dong Zhongying broke the Huns, Liaoxi Gongsun Zan Wei Zhen Saibei, Wujun Sun Wentai rode alone to break Wan, some of them are I have heard of it, and some of them can't even tell who is who, so they can only look up and pretend to be listening very seriously.

The black face next to me glanced at me, lowered his head and said, "If you don't understand, don't pretend to be interested, the food is cold." Cao Cao and the others laughed, and the young man named Miaocai got up to serve me food again, and I resigned again and again, and finally learned to eat with a black face and no head.

For a moment, I felt as if I was back at Lu Bu's side. When we were together, we often got together to drink and talk, but I was the only one who just ate and ate, and the other brothers didn't mind, even if they only drank and didn't eat. It's a very good feeling of being happy, unlike when you have to sit up straight and listen carefully when you go somewhere else, and the rules are so big that you can't kill people.

After the two bowls of millet rice were eaten, I suddenly felt that the smell of wine had disappeared a lot, and I felt that the wine that had been poured hard before had turned into an insincere smile, and it hung warmly on my face. Blackface said to me, "You've drunk too much." I smiled and pushed him, as if he was Zhang Liao in a trance, this push was very impolite, but the black face was just stunned for a moment and didn't say more.

Cao Cao and they are still chatting in the north and south, and they have to admire his insight, from the Huns outside the Saiwai to the court officials, from the high-rollers in the rivers and lakes to the heroes of the green forest, he can say the same, some things seem to be immersive, and Lu Bu is different, the two of them have the same extensive knowledge, but Cao Cao prefers to comment on the people he talks about, and what advantages and disadvantages are clearly stated. And Lu Bu never said this, he gave you some examples, and explained them in detail and satisfactorily from beginning to end, but whether this matter is right or wrong is good or bad, it is up to you to judge, and he will not say more about your judgment.

Seeing that Cao Cao and they were talking lively, I had no room to interject at all, and I couldn't stand up to the boredom of being idle, and they continued to say something, perhaps because of the strength of the wine, I became more and more arrogant, and suddenly grabbed the shoulder of the black-faced man and asked, "Big brother, what do you call it?"

The black face was obviously unhappy when I hugged me like this, and his whole body shook slightly, if I hadn't drunk too much, I would have even suspected that he was going to beat me with internal force. But everyone at the table was chatting happily, and I was drunk again, and the black face decided not to meet with me, so he didn't break free from my hoop, and said with a calm face: "Xiahoudun." I laughed when I heard this, clapped my hands and said: "Good guy, you are also three words, Wang Shihao, Fan Jianghui, and Wu Yanji under my hands are all words!"

After this guy came to power, he immediately adopted a series of things to toss people, including pushing Dong Zhongshu's Heaven and Man Induction Three Principles and Five Constants, and then personally set off a wave of name changes. I don't know what this person thinks, first changed the official names of some officials in a big way, and after changing it, it was not enjoyable, and then began to change the name of the place blindly, so that the people didn't know the Tao, he waved his hand and changed it back, and now the people can't find a home at all. What's even more interesting is that he also changed the name of the foreign tribe, today the Xiongnu was changed to slavery, and tomorrow Shan Yu was changed to obey, until the foreign brothers did not agree and began to fight with him.

This is not over, Wang Mang, the renamed emperor, began to toss around with the names of ordinary people again. I don't know which emperor in history is so lacking in virtue, and promulgated a law of "going to the second name" to the common people, which means that the big guys have temporarily changed their names to two words, and the names of the two characters are superior people, once anyone makes a mistake and breaks the law, change his name back to three words, so that everyone knows that he is an inferior person - I think it is better to be happy to tattoo the word on the face and dig the nose, and the punishment or something is so good that only one person is tortured, and Wang Mang, who goes to the second person and comes out all day, is unlucky. So until now, everyone has only given a single name, and names like Wang Shihao and Xiahoudun are very rare.

How do you know that Xiahoudun was not happy when he heard it, his big black face was red, as if he was angry and anxious, but he was forced to hold back. He stood up suddenly, and the few people chatting at the table looked at him for a moment, obviously not knowing what was going on on our side.

When Xiahou saw that so many people were looking at him, he felt weak first, and said in a whisper: "Xia, Xiahou was originally a compound surname. My single name is the word '惇'.

Everyone at the table laughed, and I laughed for a long time, Xia Houdun's face turned even redder, and he sat on the side with his head down, not even having the heart to eat. The young man who served me a meal next to me smiled and said to me, "Everyone should be laughing at you, but you laughed like this, and everyone laughed like everyone laughed at my eldest brother." I

"ah", and then I realized that people laughed because I was short-sighted, and I made a joke out of foreign appearance, and I was stupid and followed him, no wonder Xiahoudun thought that everyone was laughing at him and shut himself up.

I hurriedly compensated Xiahoudun, saying that I had been poor and poor since I was a child, and I had never seen the world, and this was the first time I went out to make a joke and asked him not to mind. Xiahoudun's face was black and red, and he ignored me with his head bored. Cao Cao smiled: "It's okay to be a little thing, when I was talking about the martial arts of the rivers and lakes with Zilian Zixiao just now, both of his brothers said that although your sword skills look rough, but there is quite a lot of demeanor between the sword fortunes, I don't know where to learn?"

This stopped me. Originally, after the battle of Hengshan last year, everyone was happy, but I insisted on returning to Jinyang to provoke Huang Haitang to say goodbye, and this matter has made me very uncomfortable like a thorn today. Originally, I thought that Huang Haitang and I had suffered so many times, coupled with the friendship between master and apprentice, it should have been a great joy, but who knew that our relationship had taken a sharp turn for the worse, and now I am reluctant to even call myself her disciple in front of outsiders, because I don't know if she has spoken out of the rivers and lakes to expel me from the master, or when others ask about her, she pretends to be stupid and says that she has never confiscated me as an apprentice. In fact, it wasn't very important in the first place, it was all a matter of face, but my martial arts were clumsy, if she didn't recognize me, I still called myself her disciple on the rivers and lakes, wouldn't it be for nothing to smear her.

So I decided to pretend to be stupid to the end, thinking that if you have the ability, you can take me to confront Huang Haitang, so I can save myself from going to her. I shook my head and said to Cao Cao: "I have dull qualifications, and wherever there are any famous teachers to guide me, I am all blind and indiscriminate."

A square-faced man beside Cao Cao sneered: "He looks loyal, but when he talks, he is sneaky and slippery, can't we really see it?" Cao Cao stopped with some criticism: "Zixiao, if it's inconvenient for Brother Gao to say, we don't ask." I

trembled when I heard this, thinking that these people are so powerful, I just learned some of the most basic gestures with Huang Haitang to hold the knife and some methods when making moves, which makes them see my master's path? This overlord sword technique is not a clever kung fu, ordinary martial artists will make one and a half moves, the difference is only in the fine and not refined, let's get to the bottom of it like this!"

It turns out that they said that they could see that my martial arts path was not referring to Huang Haitang's Huangmen sword technique, but the overlord sword technique that Lu Bu passed on to me at the beginning!

So I hurriedly explained to them: "How dare I say that this is the overlord sword technique, I think when I was in Bingzhou, Lu Bu taught me three moves, and I forgot more than half of it, but this starting style is still familiar with the practice, and I don't remember the others at all!" The square-faced man named Zixiao nodded and said: "What I said is your first knife, otherwise you have no other knife technique except this move, and when you face the enemy, you just rely on luck and the opponent does not dare to fight you to death." I

thought about it, and it didn't seem right or wrong about what he said. The right thing is that I really don't have any other moves except this knife, but that's because I don't want to do it to Tai Shici, in principle, I actually have two moves, one trick to fight the autumn wind, but the power is too great I usually don't want to use it. Second, in fact, he was not entirely right, because I didn't rely on luck to beat me there because Tai Shici couldn't bear to kill me. You must know how urgent Tai Shici was to avenge his master and master at that time, the big golden stick scraped off the wall, it can be seen that this kid is ruthless, if I don't guard it well, I guess I should be ready to go out of the funeral at this time.

However, Cao Cao heard the words, and asked with great interest: "Where is this brother named Lu Bu who you just said is from?"

So I sorted out my thoughts, starting from Ding Yuan and Zhang Yi becoming a righteous father and son, to Zhao Yuze Zhang Yi was killed, Lu Bu rode the savior alone, and after returning to Jinyang, Zhang Yi entrusted the big things, Ding Jianyang was unable to support it alone, Lu Bu turned the tide, and since then the Yellow Turban has been extinguished, agricultural production has been restored to appease the people, and the villagers have been actively recruited to help the difficult villages in a timely manner.

I kept talking, and they kept listening, during which Cao Zixiao and Xiahou Miaocai heard Lu Bu and Zhang Liao riding on Pingyingtou Mountain and shouted hello a few times, while Cao Cao kept twisting his beard and smiling silently. It wasn't until I had to stop and slow down when I said that Cao Zilian, who had not spoken, said to Cao Cao: "Ah Pu, do you think this fool named Lu Bu is very similar to you?"

Cao Cao didn't speak, just twisted his beard and squinted his eyes, smiling slightly.

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