
Chapter 121

Although I had already seen Cao Cao during the day, and thanks to his rescue, I was able to get rid of Tai Shici's entanglement, and it is reasonable to say that I should have Xi Cao Cao's existence, but when Wu Yanji said his name, my heart was still slightly shocked.

Why? I calmed down for a while before I thought, maybe it's because he is the only person Lu Bu wants to see the most.

Protect the people, fight against the eunuchs, defend the dynasty, and the world is peaceful. These two people are far from the same in terms of political views and aspirations, although they have never met, but heroes cherish heroes, Lu Bu praised Cao Cao's deeds after hearing about them, and praised in front of me and Zhang Liao This is the only confidant in his life, although Zhang Liao and I are not convinced, but after all, we are not their kind of people in the upper circle, so we can only stare at envy and blow beard and be jealous.

Lu Bu is so fascinated by Cao Cao, so does Cao Cao know that there is such a person as Lu Bu in Bingzhou?

I guess not necessarily. Lu Bu has always buried himself very deeply, although the big and small affairs of the entire state, whether it is the dispatch of soldiers and horses or the curfew and night patrol, Lu Bu is personally grasping, Ding Yuan, an official from other places, only thinks about killing more yellow turban thieves to make some political achievements, or not to make chaos in the country, if only he can arrange a few more relatives to be officials, and then scrape a layer of people's fat and people's ointment for his own use or buy officials, it would be better.

Although Lu Bu does not advocate killing, and every time he catches the Yellow Turbans, he will symbolically be detained for a few days, but he will choose some rogue bandits who rob the villagers, and if he is in bad spirits, he will ask Zhang Liao to take people to cut them all, and the heads will be sent to the capital to invite merit and reward as soon as they are exhibited in Jinyang, so although Ding Yuan's political achievements are not as outstanding as the great warlords of Xiliang, they are also very eye-catching nowadays.

I heard Zhang Liao say that in fact, Ding Yuan didn't come to be the official of the Bingzhou Assassin History, it seems that before him, the Bingzhou Assassin was a person named Zhang Yi, Ding Yuan was just his deputy at the time, although he was old, but because he didn't have a solid relationship in the capital, he could only wait behind Zhang Yi and wait for the successor.

Ding Yuan's ability is average, but he is a good hand at getting close to each other. I heard the old people in the state say that Ding was a foreign official, and because he was old and not outstanding, Zhang Yi didn't treat him very well when he first arrived. But later, I didn't know what magical powers Ding Yuan used, and he actually coaxed Zhang Yi to be commensurate with his father and son, and often said to outsiders that Ding Yuan was like his father-in-law. With Zhang Yi's decentralization, Ding Yuan's influence in Bingzhou is also increasing.

Later, in response to the Yellow Turban Uprising, Guo Tai, a rogue, who was hiding in the Baibo Valley of Xihe County, led thousands of rebels to the east of Fenshui with his subordinates Yang Feng, Han Xian, Li Le, Hu Cai and others. After getting the news, Zhang Yi personally led the troops to the crusade, leaving Ding Yuan to sit in the rear. As a result, for some reason, the news leaked, Guo Tai and others united with the foreign Xiongnu to ambush near Zhaoyuze, and when Zhang Yi led his troops to pass by, he launched a surprise attack, at that time Lu Bu was only an unknown soldier in the army, and he fought bravely to the death to protect Zhang Yi and retreat to Jinyang. Zhang Yi always suspected that Jinyang had Neiying and Guo Tai conspiring to kill him, but he couldn't find evidence, and he died soon after being seriously injured in an ambush.

Before Zhang Yi died, he entrusted Bingzhou to the old Ding Yuan, and told him that Lu Bu was a manufacturable material, which made Ding Yuan treat Lu Bu very closely. The strange thing is that after Zhang Yi's death, Ding Yuan didn't mention anything about avenging him and raising troops, and Guo Tai and others went around Hedong like a tourist and returned to Xihe County, everyone knew that Guo Tai and others were hiding in Baibo Valley, but Ding Yuan didn't say anything, and no one could move the army to crusade, and this thing that made Zhang Yi depressed slowly everyone knew in their hearts, but no one could say it.

Ding Yuan has endured in Bingzhou for many years, and he thought of doing a few big things after taking office, but he soon found that the position of the assassin in this state is not so easy to sit in. At that time, he trusted a relative named Zhang Yang very much, and handed over everything to him, although Lu Bu was famous, he was only thrown into the army and given to an inconspicuous petty officer to do. Moreover, Zhang Yi failed to die on the spot in Zhao Yuze, which was also a matter of concern to Ding Yuan, so it was not an exaggeration to anger Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was not in a hurry when he saw it, so he let Ding Yuan and Zhang Yang toss indiscriminately in the position, but as a result, Ding Yuan couldn't keep up with the foreign tribe's soldiers before he started to fight for food, and all parts of the state were rebels who revolted, and all villages and counties were eyeing Jinyang, and for a while, the officials in Jinyang City were panicked, and they all thought about whether to resign and return to their hometown or hide in Luoyang, Ding Yuan and Zhang Yang were at a loss for this. It is estimated that Ding Yuan is also secretly scolding in his heart, he knew that he would not kill Zhang Yi if he was so tired of being a bullshit, how comfortable he was to be a ready-made deputy, how could there be such a thing of burning eyebrows.

At a military meeting, Lü Bu showed his talents, and the proposal to deal with the rebels from all walks of life was unanimously approved, and Lü Bu led a small number of soldiers and horses out of Jinyang, and almost wiped out all the rebels who were fanning the flames in the territory with one trip. Later, he was also killed by Zhang Liaogou's son who was in the stone cliff of Fugu Mountain. That was the year that our brothers and sisters all stepped onto their own historical stage.

Lu Bu returned from quelling the rebellion, and Ding Yuan found out that Lu Bu was a genius with both civil and military skills, so he gave Lu Bu a large share of the work that Zhang Yang was in charge of. Since then, Lu Bu has presided over the affairs of the state alone, and it has been in good order for a few years, but Lu Bu who Ding originally asked for is trying to satisfy him as much as possible, including making some money here and stuffing a relative for him to be an official, for Lu Bu it is a matter of moving his fingers, sometimes he almost doesn't even need to move his brain, Lu Bu once smiled with us when he was drinking and said: "This kind of thing that will not be done wrong with your eyes closed, I can't figure out why Ding Jianyang just can't do it." "

At the time, I thought, I can't do it if I change it. Zhang Liao is more capable than me, and it is more difficult to ask him to go to a war and rob a road, and let him govern a county in a state than to ascend to the sky. Since Zhang Liao can't do it, more people can't do it either. Therefore, being an official is also about talent. People like Lu Bu and Cao Cao, I think they were born to be big officials, and many things that we don't have a way to break our heads are easy to solve in the hands of others, and I can't frown for a while, and it can be solved easily, which you can't accept if you don't accept it.

Now the person Lu Bu admires the most is next door, and he has a high probability of knowing that there is a person named Lu Fengxian who is similar to him in Bingzhou, and I suddenly feel that I should do something.

I asked Wang Shihao to wait for me in the room, and I went to the next door to knock on the door empty-handed and without weapons. The door was opened by a wooden-faced man, swarthy and strong, as if he was standing behind Cao Cao during the day when he was drinking with the officials.

The black-faced man didn't ask me who I was recruiting, he probably saw me during the day and had an impression of me, so he asked directly: "What's the matter?"

I have always had a natural sense of distance from this kind of person who is neither yin nor yang and can't see the joy and sorrow, and the enthusiasm in my heart just now was half extinguished in an instant, and he lowered his head and looked at his toes and said: "Thanks to Lord Cao's help during the day, I specially want to express my gratitude." How

do you know that this black face said flatly: "It's just a gesture, don't worry about it, we're tired from a day of travel, you can go back and rest." "I was about to close the door before I could tell it, and I was too stupid to speak, so I reached out and blocked the door. The black face didn't raise his eyes, one hand kept the door closed, and the other came over to grab me. I probably didn't expect my strength to be so great, and the black face grabbed my wrist and was stretched open by my struggle, and the black face was a little unhappy, and turned over and pinched my throat.

I heard Cao Cao in the room blame: "Huh-Yuan Rang." The black face was startled, and the five fingers stopped in front of my neck, and my hand was just on the door frame. Blackface withdrew his hand and said inside, "It's me who is abrupt." Then he turned to me and said, "Come in." Then he turned around and walked away, very crisply.

The room was not big, and Cao Cao was drinking and talking with a few men, but there was no wine glass in front of the black-faced table. When he saw me enter the room, a young man next to Blackface immediately stood up, put away his dishes and chopsticks, and went to get a new one for me to decorate.

I was flattered and waved my hand again and again, for fear that others would think that I was here to beg for food, and I was afraid that I would lose face to the people of Bingzhou if I didn't understand the rules, not to mention that I came to make friends with Cao Cao on behalf of Lu Bu. I hurriedly said, "I've eaten, I've eaten." Cao Cao smiled: "Miaocai has put dishes and chopsticks for you, since you have eaten, it is better to sit down and drink a glass of wine." "

I was so embarrassed that I sat down next to the black face. The black face didn't look at me, and at the same time, he didn't talk to the other people at the table, he ate by himself, feeling like me with carbon on his face, and eating all their food and wine while Lu Bu and Zhang Liao were talking.

The young man named Miaocai, who had given me a seat, brought me another chair, sat down next to me, and poured me wine. I didn't dare to say that I wouldn't drink anymore, and that people in Jizhou were not afraid of death, would they still be afraid of drinking? I picked up the wine bowl, first thanked Miaocai, and then stood up and said to Cao Cao and a few other people at the table: "Thanks to Lord Cao's rescue at noon, otherwise I would have to lie in the hospital at this time." Saying that, I raised my neck and was about to do it, but it was too difficult to drink half of it, so I secretly spit out a small sip back into the bowl, pretending to remember something, and said with half a bowl of wine: "My name is Gao Shun, and I came from Bingzhou to learn Xi Buddhism." Then he drank the remaining half bowl of wine.

After I sat down, my blood was surging, my eyes were a little straight, Cao Cao smiled and drank a bowl of wine with a few other people and said, "A little thing, don't mention it again in the future." Then he changed his tone and asked, "Where are the two children who talked to you during the day, but can you ask them?"

I wanted to laugh when I heard it, so many people gathered together to compliment him during the day, but he also noticed in the chaotic crowd that Zhou Yu and I had a conversation, and he also thought about Sun Ce, who had a good reputation with him, Cao Cao's scheming and good memory must be regarded as the first among the people I have seen.

So I told Cao Cao the truth about Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, and I don't think he would go back to find the bad luck of the two children. But how did I know that Cao Cao didn't mean this at all when he inquired about Sun Ce's name and origin, he only heard the two place names of "Wujun Fuchun" and "Lujiang Shuxian" and began to laugh and said: "A good Sun Wentai, give birth to a good son!"

I was dizzy to see.

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