It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 99 Extreme Thunder Knife, the first level of sword drawing technique (please subscribe)

Su Chen did not leave with Sun Yun immediately, but waited for Hong Ming and others to regain their strength, and then left with Sun Yun after explaining a few words to a few people.

Sun Yun naturally knew what Su Chen was thinking, but he didn't care. If he really wanted to deal with Hong Ming and the others, he didn't need to go to such trouble. He could just do it, so there was no need to waste words.

Soon after the two left, Hong Ming, Li Mo and Liu Fang also left.

Along the way, Su Chen and Sun Yun rarely communicated with each other. The two of them were traveling very fast, and they were about to arrive at Baishi City in just one stick of incense.

However, because the city was heavily guarded, the two did not enter the city immediately.

Su Chen looked at Sun Yun and said, You and I will go to the city according to our abilities. After entering the city, we will gather at Zuixian Tower at midnight tonight to share information and discuss countermeasures. How about that?

After hearing this, Sun Yun glanced at Su Chen in surprise, then thought for a moment, nodded and said, Okay!

The two parted, and Sun Yun looked at Su Chen's retreating back with deep eyes.

After separating from Sun Yun, Su Chen disguised himself as an old man and sneaked into the city.

After entering the city, Su Chen took the time to return home. Tao Dingfang did not secretly send people to garrison near his home.

However, although Tao Dingfang did not send anyone to monitor his home, he turned his home upside down.

Fortunately, Su Chen's hidden items were not discovered.

After packing these things, Su Chen left.

He changed into the attire of a middle-aged honest man and walked on the streets, observing everywhere.

Nowadays, the outer city has regained some of its former liveliness, but the number of patrolling government officials has increased.

Su Chen came to the bank and after asking, he learned that it could be exchanged for gold, so he exchanged ten taels of gold.

With these ten taels of gold, he would be able to perfect the Thunder Sword he obtained from Sun Yun.

The excitement returned to a bit, but order was not completely restored. After Su Chen exchanged the gold and left the bank, he was keenly aware that someone was following him.

After spending some time getting rid of these people, Su Chen found an abandoned house to stay temporarily, and then took out the secret book.

The cover of the secret book was engraved with the words 'Thunder Knife'. After reading it carefully several times, Su Chen began to practice the moves after remembering them in his heart.

Because I have the foundation of Kuanglang Sword Technique, although the practice was stumbling as soon as possible, I could barely complete it completely.

After the drill is completed, the panel refreshes:

[Martial arts:...Thunder Knife (1% entry level)]

[Simple mode:...Thunder Knife 0 times (1 tael of silver/time) Wild Wave Knife 0 times (Ultimate Thunder Knife/time)]

Not only the Thunder Knife has changed, but also the Wild Wave Knife technique has changed.

In other words, as long as the Thunder Sword is practiced to the limit, the Wild Wave Sword Technique can activate the simple mode.

Su Chen's eyes flickered, eager to try, and he began to mutter silently in his mind: Recharge, turn on simple mode.

An hour later.

From the beginning to the limit, Su Chen swung the sword a total of 850 times, directly reaching the limit with the Thunder Sword.

The panel refreshed again, and the Thunder Knife merged with the Wild Wave Knife Technique as Su Chen expected:

[Martial Arts:...Unknown Sword Technique (1% Not Beginner)]

[Simple mode:...Unnamed sword technique (100 taels of silver/time)]

Seeing that he could continue to earn money, Su Chen naturally spent money without hesitation and directly upgraded the Wuming Sword Technique to the first level.

However, what surprised Su Chen was that the Wuming Sword Technique could only be improved by one level. If he wanted to improve it further, he would need to integrate new sword techniques.

Moreover, the fusion is not just a simple sword technique, but a sword technique that contains powerful techniques.

You must know that the Thunder Sword Technique and the Wild Wave Sword Technique do not have any entry-jin techniques, they are just ordinary sword techniques. Now panel fusion requires sword techniques that contain the entry-jin technique. It is enough to see how precious the sword techniques that contain the enter-jin technique are. .

Test the power of the nameless sword technique.

After improving the nameless sword skills, Su Chen had many insights about sword skills in his mind, which made him eager to test them.

He came to a rockery half as tall as a man, holding a steel knife in his hand, and his whole demeanor suddenly changed.

If one second he was still an ordinary warrior, the next moment he became like a sword about to be unsheathed, its edge suddenly revealed.


With a flash of light, the sword was unsheathed and swung back into the sheath in one go. The momentum around the body seemed to be condensed together, and then all converged on the blade at the moment of unsheathing. Not only was the energy highly concentrated, but also the speed, accuracy and ruthlessness were vividly displayed.

A full five seconds passed before the rockery in front of him seemed to react. The place where it was hit suddenly showed smooth scars. The rockery slipped down, fell to the ground, and broke into pieces.

What an amazing knife!

Even Su Chen was shocked when he saw this lightning-fast and thunder-fast sword. Both the speed and power had almost reached the limit of what he could exert now.

If paired with a hidden sword, even if Tao Dingfang was standing in front of him, he would be sure to kill him with one strike while the other party was not paying attention.

How can such a sword technique be called a nameless sword technique to take the enemy's head while drawing the sword? Let's call it the sword drawing technique!

After Su Chen thought about it, he changed the name of the nameless sword technique. The sword drawing technique sounded much more domineering, and it also fit the characteristics of this sword technique.

With one saber, the enemy's life can be taken in an instant.

It's almost time, let's go find out the news.

After taking a look at the sky, there was still some time before the sun set. I took advantage of this time to find out about Zhang Waner and others.

After going out, Su Chen hid the weapon, and then came to a restaurant, a place where good and bad people mingled, to find out the news faster.

Sure enough, what happened last night has spread, and many people in the restaurant are discussing it.

From these people's mouths, Su Chen heard the news he wanted.

Tao Dingfang charged a group of warriors in Baishi City with colluding with the rebels of the Rebirth Cult, and wanted several people from Su Chen throughout the city, and then arrested all the Zhang, Liu, and Fang families.

Although the Fang family had never participated in this dispute, the power of the Broken Blade Clan was still there, and Fang Rou was Hong Ming's disciple, so Tao Dingfang naturally did not let the Fang family go.

Tao Dingfang probably expected that someone would enter the city to inquire about the news, so he directly announced the treatment of several people and allowed everyone in the city to spread the word.

Su Chen also learned the accurate news that the government would behead everyone in the market three days later as a warning to others.

After sitting for nearly half an hour, Su Chen left and passed by the government office. He just glanced at it and stopped paying attention. Then he came to Zuixian Tower.

Sun Yun had not appeared yet, so he sat directly at the designated seat, ordered a large table of dishes, and waited for Sun Yun while eating. Sun Yun was very punctual and appeared almost at the right time.

Sun Yun was slightly surprised to see a middle-aged man sitting in the seat, but he quickly recognized Su Chen.

Although Su Chen dressed up as a middle-aged man, there were many flaws that could not be hidden from him. He saw through Su Chen at a glance.

But he didn't care. What he valued was not Su Chen's level of disguise, but Su Chen's strength.

But what he didn't know was that Su Chen dressed up like this deliberately, otherwise he might not be able to recognize Su Chen based on his current level of disguise.

Sun Yun walked directly to the opposite side of Su Chen, sat down, looked at the food on the table, and smiled slightly: You eat well!

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