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Chapter 100: Besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao, trading outside the city (please subscribe)

The major restaurants in the outer city are a little desolate, but the major restaurants in the inner city are quite lively. Once things settle down, there will be more wealthy people.

Although he was sitting in a remote corner, the surroundings were bustling and every table was full of people.

Sun Yun really couldn't understand why Su Chen chose to discuss important matters here. Shouldn't he find a deserted place, or at least a side room?

Are you really not afraid that someone will hear such a blatant discussion and then report it to Tao Dingfang?

Seeing that Su Chen was still eating as if nothing had happened, Sun Yun had no choice but to discuss the next move with Su Chen in a low voice while eating.

You know the news, do you have any ideas? Sun Yun asked with a breath.

Su Chen took a few bites of the food, nodded, and said, Yes, but I need your help.

Oh? What's the plan? Sun Yun's eyes lit up and he was about to drink when Su Chen stopped him.

Su Chen called the waiter over, added a few more dishes, and then said, Let's talk after eating.

Sun Yun: ...

He even doubted whether Su Chen was reincarnated as a starving ghost.

After a while, when Su Chen finished eating, Tao Dingfang put down his bowl and chopsticks and asked, Can we talk now?

Are you planning to talk about it here? Su Chen showed a little disdain. With so many people, how can you talk about the plan here?

Sun Yun resisted the urge to yell, gritted his teeth and said, Then you are still here to discuss with me?

I'm waiting for you! Su Chen wiped his mouth and said seriously.

Okay, then where to go next? Sun Yun was a little frustrated and wanted to drink, but Su Chen glared at him, so he had no choice but to put it down.

Of course it's a place where no one is.

Then let's go.

Hearing this, Sun Yun stood up slowly, but was stopped by Su Chen: Wait a minute, settle the bill first, and treat it as something I owe you.

Sun Yun: ...!

Ignoring Sun Yun's expression, Su Chen patted his clothes and walked out slowly.

This scene fell in Sun Yun's eyes, making his eyelids jump. He inexplicably wanted to beat Su Chen.

After waiting outside for a while, Su Chen saw Sun Yun and was a little confused: Why are you so slow?

Sun Yun did not answer this question, but changed the topic and asked: Where to go next?

Piaoxiang Tower!

Watching Su Chen bring him to the brothel, Sun Yun didn't know what Su Chen was thinking.

Fortunately, after Su Chen called the two girls, he knocked them unconscious and then revealed his plan.

After listening to Su Chen's plan, Sun Yun fell into deep thought. His plan was very simple, turning passivity into initiative.

Instead of waiting for three days to rescue Zhang Waner and others, it would be better to force Tao Dingfang to take them directly to see the two of them.

In this case, it would not only facilitate the rescue but also allow the two of them to better join forces to deal with Tao Dingfang.

After weighing the pros and cons, Sun Yun had an idea in mind, agreed to Su Chen's plan, and then asked: What about the specific plan?

Su Chen smiled mysteriously.

Dark clouds obscured the bright moon, and starlight fell on the world. Baishi City looked extremely quiet under the night.

But this silence did not last long before a cry pierced the night sky.

Oh no, the county magistrate is missing!

There was a panic in the Tao Mansion, and all the government officials, guards, and soldiers were dispatched to search the Tao Mansion inside and outside.

However, Tao Wenxuan was still not found.

Sir Dingfang. The master rushed to Tao Mansion after getting the news. Not long after, Tao Dingfang rushed over from the county government office.

After seeing the master, Tao Dingfang asked solemnly: Have you not found it yet?

We have searched the entire mansion and have not found Master Tao, but...

The master took out a letter from his arms, which he found in Tao Dingfang's room.

Tao Dingfang took a look at the envelope, his pupils suddenly narrowed, and he said coldly: What a Su Chen!

The master was stunned when he heard this. Tao Dingfang handed the envelope to him to read. After reading it, the master suddenly realized.

Su Chen raided the Tao Mansion at night and abducted Tao Wenxuan. He wanted to make a deal with Tao Dingfang and asked him to take Zhang, Fang, Liu and other family members to a place called Xiahe Town ten miles outside the city to meet and trade at noon tomorrow.

Finally, he also specifically warned that if these people lost a hair, he would repay Tao Wenxuan tenfold.

Master Dingfang, what about now? Master asked.

What else can you do? Just do it. Tao Dingfang snorted coldly, with murderous intent filling his eyes.

Since Su Chen put forward the conditions, it means that Su Chen will not take action against Tao Wenxuan in the short term. Instead of searching aimlessly now, it is better to directly follow what Su Chen said in the letter.

Moreover, Su Chen's behavior has offended his inner self. Since Su Chen wants to meet and trade, then he must satisfy his idea. When they meet, it will be Su Chen's death!

outside the city.

Two figures shuttled through the forest, it was Sun Yun and Su Chen.

You don't plan to go to Xiahe Town in advance? What if the government officials arrive early to lay an ambush? When he learned that Su Chen was going to find a place to stay, Sun Yun was surprised. There will be a transaction tomorrow, shouldn't he? Shall we rush to Xiahe Town early tonight?

After hearing this, Su Chen said nonchalantly: Let them ambush, at worst I will move to another place then.

After hearing this, Sun Yun didn't know what to say for a moment. He could now imagine Tao Dingfang's anger when he learned that Su Chen had temporarily changed his mind and changed places.

Hey, thinking about it this way, the depressed mood of just paying the bill seemed to have improved. Tao Dingfang was unlucky, just as he wanted.

The two of them each found a place to rest. Both Su Chen and Sun Yun kept their distance from each other and did not completely trust each other.

The next day, when the golden crow was in the sky, Su Chen rushed to Xiahe Town and met Sun Yun.

Before Sun Yun asked Su Chen where he was going, he heard Su Chen ask: Are they here?


Sun Yun nodded. As he expected, Tao Dingfang did send people to Xiahe Town first and then laid an ambush. Unfortunately, he discovered them in advance.

Following the direction pointed by Sun Yun, Su Chen quickly discovered the armored troops lurking in the dark, with a sneer on his lips.

When Tao Dingfang arrives later, go and send a message and ask them to trade near the official road three miles away.

What about you? Sun Yun asked.

I'll wait for them there.

Watching Su Chen go away, Sun Yun's face suddenly darkened. This guy completely treated him as his subordinate.


Tao Dingfang, who came over, looked gloomy after reading Sun Yun's message. This feeling of being treated like a monkey made him even more murderous towards Su Chen.


After being angry for a while, Tao Dingfang directly called out the Iron Armored Army. Su Chen temporarily asked to change places. They had no need to hide anymore.

Tao Dingfang waved his hand and led a group of people to the official road three miles away. As expected, he saw Su Chen standing and waiting.

Seeing Su Chen, Tao Dingfang's eyes narrowed and he continued walking forward. When he was ten meters away from Su Chen, he stopped and asked in a deep voice, Where is my uncle?

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