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Chapter 74 Tao Dingfang, plotting by all parties (please subscribe)

Tao Wenxuan mentioned two bounty tasks in total.

One is offering a reward to a protector of the Rebirth Cult. His name, address, and strength are unknown. Regardless of life or death, as long as he obtains the other party's head, he will receive two hundred taels.

One is Wu Tao, the executioner with a reward. This is not a reward from Baiyun City, but news from Huangshi City. It is said that this Wu Tao killed several soldiers in Huangshi City, which made Zhou Mu Hongyue furious and issued a decree. Bounty mission.

Wu Tao didn't take many shots. Huangshi City tentatively classified his strength as Lian Jin Perfect and his location is unknown. Since he committed the crime, no one has seen him again. The reward amount is higher than that of the guardian of the Purana Cult. One hundred taels, a full three hundred taels.

The government did not provide much information about the two bounty tasks. For Su Chen, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and the gain outweighed the loss. Therefore, after hearing this, Su Chen only said that he would consider it and did not accept it immediately.

If Yang Zhuangshi is in urgent need of money, you can try the Lin family. Recently, the Lin family is recruiting a large number of warriors, and the prices offered are quite high.

Before leaving, Tao Wenxuan added.

After leaving the county government office, Su Chen inquired a little and found out what Tao Wenxuan was talking about. The Lin family and the Fang family joined forces to deal with Lianyun Village and recruited warriors from all over the city. Only those warriors with great training would be shot. A high price of one hundred taels was paid.

If Su Chen went and showed his strength, the price would probably be higher. But after learning the purpose of the Lin family, Su Chen gave up the idea. The money might not be that easy to get.

But what surprised Su Chen was that the Fang family also participated.

Since he couldn't find a way to make money for the time being, Su Chen didn't plan to waste time and went home to study medical books.

In the afternoon, Hong Ming asked someone to notify Su Chen to go to the martial arts gym.

Not many people came, just Li Mo, Qin Hao and him.

You all must be aware of the Lin family's recruitment of experts. Although the price is high, if you want to go, you should think carefully about it. Hong Ming reminded the three of them.

Li Mo is probably busy with other things during this time and will definitely not go. Hong Ming is worried about Qin Hao and Su Chen. During this time, for some reasons, he has also become busy, so after learning the news, he Find three people.

After knowing that Qin Hao and Su Chen had no such plan, Hong Ming felt relieved, and then left after a few brief instructions.

Junior brother, let's go and have a few drinks? Su Chen originally planned to go back, but was stopped by Li Mo.

Okay! Su Chen nodded.

The two came to the restaurant and found a secluded place to chat while eating.

In the past, Li Mo talked mostly about his lofty ideals, but now Li Mo talks about his family's shortcomings, but his face is filled with a happy smile that he didn't have before.

After chatting until the store closed, Su Chen sent the drunk Li Mo back.

Another three days passed, and the Lin family recruited enough warriors, and together with everyone from the Broken Blade Sect, they set out from Baishi City in a mighty manner.

Junior Brother Su, the leader is Lin Fu, the head of the Lin family. The Huangshan man standing behind him is Lin Lu. There are also Yan Zheng and Yan Que from the Broken Blade Sect. Tsk tsk, there are hundreds of warriors. I don’t know if Lianyun Village can handle it.”

In the restaurant, Li Mo looked at the queue on the street, made a brief introduction, and then sighed.

It should be no problem. Didn't you say that the two village leaders of Lianyun Village, Zhu Hu, who has achieved great success in training, and Zhu Bao, who has achieved minor success in training, are no match for Lin Family Fort in terms of overall strength or number of warriors. Su Chen said calmly.

Haha, that's right. Such a team is very powerful no matter where it is placed. If it can't even deal with Lian Yunzhai, that would be nonsense. Li Mo said with a smile.

As the Lin family's team left the city, all forces in the city got the news.


Now it is Lianyun Castle.

Brother, the Lin family has joined forces with the Broken Blade Sect and has recruited hundreds of warriors to attack us. Those who come here are not evil!

Zhu Bao informed Zhu Hu of the news from the city. During this period, they had been rectifying and digesting it, but they did not pay much attention to the Lin family.

Both of them guessed that the Lin family would take action, but they didn't expect it to come so quickly and join forces with the Broken Blade Sect.

What, are you scared? Zhu Hu looked at Zhu Bao.

Zhu Bao licked his lips and grinned: Haha, are you afraid? Brother, as long as you speak, I won't even frown!

Haha, okay, today my two brothers will make sure this group never comes back! Zhu Hu stood up suddenly and said.

Oh? Brother, do you have any good plans? Zhu Bao asked with a raised brow after hearing this.

You'll know then.

County government.

A tall man in black with a fierce look on his face walked slowly over.

Stop, who is it?

The man in black did not raise his head, and a hoarse voice came: Tell your county magistrate that an acquaintance is visiting.

What acquaintance, tell me your name! shouted the Yamen servant, very dissatisfied with the man in black's pretentiousness.

Tao Dingfang!

After a while, Tao Wenxuan came out and when he saw the man in black, he couldn't help but smile: Dingfang!


Haha, I haven't seen you for so many days. I almost didn't recognize you. Come on, follow me in! Tao Wenxuan looked at Tao Dingfang for a moment, then patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Tao Dingfang nodded and entered the county government office with Tao Wenxuan.

In the lobby, the maid brought fragrant tea, and Tao Wenxuan dispersed the crowd.

Tao Wenxuan asked curiously: Didn't you say it would take some time to come? Why are you here now?

Aren't you worried about your uncle? Those guys from the Rebirth Cult are not easy to deal with. Tao Dingfang picked up the fragrant tea and drank it all in one gulp.

Haha, you kid! Tao Wenxuan shook his head and laughed, Uncle has been waiting for such a long time, and he doesn't care about such a short time.

Hearing this, Tao Dingfang shrugged and put down his tea cup: Well, I'm too anxious, but the recent situation is too chaotic, so I have to do this.

Oh? What's going on over there in Huangshi City? Tao Wenxuan asked in surprise.

The Yellowstone City side is fine. There are adults on guard. The most dangerous thing now is the Whitestone City. Tao Wenxuan replied.

Seeing Tao Wenxuan's confused look, Tao Dingfang explained: The war in Huangshi City has subsided because Lord Hongyue sent troops, but the remnants of the Rebirth Cult have not been completely wiped out. They have changed their targets and plan to attack Baishi City.

After a pause, he continued: But this time, they learned a lot and did not take action directly, but let other forces take action.

Do you mean……

Lianyun Village! Tao Dingfang nodded and slowly uttered a few words.

So, there is a Puritan cult behind Lianyun Village? Tao Wenxuan looked solemn. This news had a big impact on him. No wonder Tao Dingfang came in advance.

If Lianyunzhai really joins forces with the Rebirth Cult to attack Baishi City, I'm afraid that with his methods, Baishi City will be captured within a short time.

That's right. Tao Dingfang nodded, and then changed the topic, By the way, before entering the city, I heard that the Lin family led a team to destroy Lianyun Village?

If there is such a thing, do you think they will fail? Tao Wenxuan suddenly thought of something and asked in a deep voice.

Tao Dingfang was noncommittal, but his expression showed the result that Tao Wenxuan didn't want to think deeply about.

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