It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 73 Extreme Wind Chasing Step, Lin Fang joins forces (please subscribe)

For three days in a row, the bank still did not open such services. Even if Su Chen had money, he was not willing to exchange it.

After Su Chen asked several banks, he no longer focused on the bank.

Although the bank channel is cut off, there are not no other ways. Senior Sister Fang Rou, Senior Sister Liu Fang, Senior Brother Li Mo, and even the Changhe Gang are all candidates for consideration.

Rich families like Fang Rou and Liu Fang are well-off and should have gold in their homes. Li Mo's wife's Zhang family is not bad either. The difference is just the amount of gold reserves.

As for the Changhe Gang, although it was established not long ago, it has developed extremely rapidly. It was once rumored that the reason why the Changhe Gang was able to develop was because it paid a large amount of money to bribe the county magistrate Tao Wenxuan.

And after this period of development, the Changhe Gang is gaining momentum, and there should be gold reserves in the gang.

Of course, these are all Su Chen's guesses, but they are the most likely ones he listed. The question now is which one Su Chen wants to exchange from.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the Changhe Gang. Although he is known as a gang member, he is actually just using money as a mascot. He has no real power and is not familiar with the people in the gang. The other party may not be willing to exchange it.

So Su Chen's main goal was to focus on Fang Rou, Liu Fang and Li Mo. After thinking about it, Su Chen chose Fang Rou, the richest one. After all, it would be better to get it right in one go than to ask more families.

After making up his mind, Su Chen went to Fang Mansion and walked on the streets. He could see the desolation and urgency everywhere. Most of the shops were closed, which was in sharp contrast to the overcrowded grain, oil and rice shops.

The Yaobang is giving Zhai, everyone, hurry up, it will be gone if it's too late!

Suddenly, a man's shout came from the street. Upon hearing this, the originally lifeless refugees became excited as if they had been given a shot of blood, and ran towards the corner like one after another.

Medicine Gang?

Seeing all this, Su Chen murmured with a little doubt in his eyes, The Yao Gang is offering a fast in the city. This sounds a bit ridiculous.

Although he was confused, Su Chen didn't care because they were on different roads and left directly.


As he was walking, suddenly a child wearing tattered linen clothes bumped into Su Chen. When Su Chen saw this, a strange look appeared on his face.

The other party bumped into Su Chen and was about to leave without saying a word. Su Chen stopped him and took back the stolen money bag under his gaze.

Maybe the kid didn't expect Su Chen to discover his behavior so easily, or maybe Su Chen was so calm in getting the money bag back that he stayed in place the whole time without resisting.

After Su Chen got the money bag back, he ignored the children. Now that the city was in chaos, he had to be careful when walking on the street to avoid being spotted accidentally.

After half a stick of incense, Su Chen came to Fang Mansion and saw Fang Rou. Compared with usual, Fang Rou's face looked a little more sad.

During this period, the Lin family suffered, and the Fang family was no worse.

The guard died tragically and the goods were robbed. The compensation alone cost the Fang family a lot of money. In addition, Lianyun Village's harsh words caused some partners to cancel cooperation with the Fang family.

Seeing Su Chen, Fang Rou was obviously a little curious. She didn't know what this junior brother wanted to do with her. When Su Chen explained his purpose, Fang Rou was stunned for a moment: Can you exchange ten taels of gold with me?

Su Chen nodded.

Junior brother, why don't you wait and I ask? Seeing that Su Chen didn't seem to be joking, Fang Rou was silent for a moment and said.

Excuse me, Senior Sister.

Fang Rou asked Su Chen to enter the house and wait for a while, and then left. Not long after, Fang Rou came over and said with a smile: Junior brother, these are ten taels of gold.

Thank you, senior sister! Hearing this, Su Chen stood up and thanked her.

It's out of the way.

Fang Rou accepted the banknote handed over by Su Chen, but did not accept the transaction fee, which actually made Su Chen a little embarrassed.

Seeing Fang Rou's insistence, Su Chen had no choice but to give up. Fang Rou sent Su Chen outside the house, and Su Chen said, Stay, senior sister!

Fang Rou nodded, watched Su Chen leave, and then returned home.

top up!

Turn on simple mode.

The panel prompt lights up: [Simple mode on: walk for an hour and you can practice the wind chasing step to the limit. 】

An hour later, Su Chen felt as if his shackles had been removed from his feet, and he felt much lighter when walking.

Now that the Wind Chasing Step has reached its limit, there is little room for improvement in the other techniques. I can focus on improving the Iron Cloth Shirt!

It's a bit disharmonious to have a disabled hanging all the time. Su Chen wanted to see how far he had to improve it before the disabled behind it would disappear.

I don't know what my strength will be when I reach that level?

Thinking like this, Su Chen became slightly excited, but when he saw the amount of money needed to upgrade the iron cloth shirt, it was like pouring cold water on him.

Wow cool wow cool.

In the afternoon, let's go to the Yamen to see if there are any tasks.

County government.

In a certain room.

The master stood solemnly. Tao Wenxuan looked at the case calmly, then put it down and sighed: Recently, the city has become more and more uneasy.

The number of cases has almost doubled compared to before, and fights are becoming more frequent and difficult to stop.

The master did not speak. Tao Wenxuan had expressed such emotion more than once, but strangely, he almost just sighed and never took any action.

After sighing, Tao Wenxuan suddenly looked at his master and asked, What's going on with the Lin family and Fang family recently?

The master replied: The Lin family has recently been recruiting experts to avenge Lianyun Village and recapture the Lin Family Fort. It is said that they have also contacted the Fang family and want to join hands with the Fang family to destroy Lianyun Village.

Oh? Tao Wenxuan was surprised, and then smiled, It seems that Lin Lu's death and the loss of Lin's Fort have made the Lin family anxious.

The master nodded, hesitated for a moment and asked: Sir, the Lin family also wants us to lend him some men and horses, do you think?

Men and horses? Where did we get the men and horses? Tao Wenxuan shook his head, then changed the topic and smiled, But we can borrow some from the Yamen. You can go and choose them. It doesn't hurt to lend them to them. I'm really looking forward to it. The Lin family Can we take back Linjiabao this time?


By the way, is there any news from Dingfang?

Yes, he said he would arrive in the near future.


Suddenly, a shout came from outside the door.

Come in. Master said.

Sir, Master, Yang Guo has appeared. The man came in and replied.

What? Where is he?

It's right in front of the county government office. I want to meet the master and the master.

Hearing this, Tao Wenxuan chuckled: It seems that we have all been deceived by the Reincarnation Cult. Come on, let's go see him.

After drinking tea, Su Chen met Tao Wenxuan and his master. After the two exchanged greetings for a while, Su Chen revealed his purpose.

But to Su Chen's dismay, the cake Tao Wenxuan drew was too big!

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