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Chapter 64 Purchasing medicinal materials, flying thieves

You want to buy red blood grass?

In the courtyard, Liu Fang was wearing smart clothes. She had just finished practicing martial arts and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She was a little confused when she learned the purpose of Su Chen's trip.

Su Chen nodded: Yes, I wonder if senior sister has such a connection?

Yes, yes, but the red blood grass seems to be very scarce these days. I'm afraid it won't be easy to get in a short time.

Liu Fang pondered for a moment and then said that although her family was in the tea business, she still knew something about some medicinal materials, and she naturally knew about the shortage of red blood grass in recent months.

After a pause, she asked: How many do you want?

The more, the better! Su Chen replied.

The reason why he wanted so much was because Su Chen was worried that he might need Qi and blood medicine for the subsequent panels, so he simply took advantage of this period to buy more, so as not to trouble Liu Fang later.

As many as you want... Liu Fang muttered to herself, looked at Su Chen up and down for a few seconds, and then nodded, Okay, I'll send someone to contact you and let you know if I have any news.

Hearing this, Su Chen cupped his fists and said, Thank you, senior sister.

Liu Fang waved her hand and didn't care: You're welcome, but there is one thing I want to remind you. The price of this red blood grass is not cheap, so you have to be mentally prepared.

Thank you, Senior Sister, for reminding me. Senior Sister, you can buy as long as it doesn't exceed one hundred taels. Just in case, Su Chen gave a limit to avoid the embarrassment when Liu Fang purchases hundreds of taels and has no money to pay. .

Liu Fang smiled after hearing this: Okay!

After chatting with Liu Fang for a few words, Su Chen left.

This senior sister was too enthusiastic. She only chatted for a few words and then wanted to be a matchmaker for Su Chen. Su Chen couldn't bear it, so he casually found an excuse and left.

Master, okay, please give me someone who stutters!

When we came to Pingshi Street, the street was desolate. The vendors that we could still see in the past seemed to have disappeared. The only people wandering the streets were some refugees wearing tattered clothes.

Su Chen walked all the way from the end of the street to the street, his mood getting heavier and heavier. Forget about begging along the street, there were already people on the street selling their bodies to bury their fathers and their sons and daughters.

The world is getting tougher.

After shopping around, Su Chen bought some food and stocked up on some daily necessities before going home.

For the next two days, Su Chen basically stayed at home, learning medical skills while waiting for news about Liu Fang.

Liu Fang did not disappoint Su Chen. The next day, he sent someone to send news that he had found a way and asked Su Chen to come over.

After Su Chen inquired, he learned that the other party could probably sell thirty red blood grasses, but the price was expensive. Thirty red blood grasses cost a total of fifty taels of silver.

This includes not only the price of red blood grass, but also some management costs. Of course, the price is so expensive, but the quality and quantity are guaranteed.

Su Chen agreed after thinking for a while and paid a deposit of thirty taels to Liu Fang. After Liu Fang collected the money, she asked Su Chen to go back and wait for news. She would notify Su Chen as soon as the red blood grass arrived.

Su Chen had no objection and felt relieved after getting the exact answer. If he continued to go to Yao Town, even if the mute girl had red blood grass, she might not have such a large amount.

Now that he has found a way, he can also buy the required amount of panels at once, which is a good thing for Su Chen. The only problem is that the price is a bit expensive.

There are still three or four days before Li Mo gets married.

On this day, Su Chen went to the martial arts gym, found Hong Ming, and asked about the details of giving gifts and money before leaving.

In the afternoon, Su Chen brought gifts to Zhang's house, which was Li Mo's father-in-law's house. During this time, Li Mo had already lived in Zhang's house.

Zhang Mansion.

Although it has not yet come to Li Mo and Zhang Waner's big day, the lanterns and colors have been decorated at this moment, making them look happy.

It's just that in such a happy atmosphere, Zhang Jiajia's Zhang Hong couldn't be happy at all.

Father-in-law, my son-in-law is here. If this flying thief really comes to steal your ginseng, he will never come back! Li Mo looked at the sad-looking Zhang Hong and comforted him.

Alas! Zhang Hong was not relieved after hearing Li Mo's assurance. The wrinkles on his face piled up and were difficult to resolve.

It's not that he doesn't trust his son-in-law, but that this flying thief is too famous.

Here's the thing.

The Zhang Mansion was still bustling last night, and Zhang Hong was happily preparing for the marriage between Zhang Waner and Li Mo.

But the appearance of a letter broke Zhang Hong's good mood.

The envelope came from a thief named Feitian Thief, who admitted that he would steal Zhang Hong's 30-year-old ginseng the night after tomorrow. He specifically informed Zhang Hong in advance so that Zhang Hong could prepare.

Faced with such a provocative letter, Li Mo and others were naturally very dissatisfied. Not only did they report to the official, they also hired some powerful guards to guard the Zhang Mansion. Once they found the other party, they swarmed up to catch him.

But even so, Zhang Hong was still worried. Although he didn't know where the Feitian Thief learned that he had a 30-year-old ginseng, since the other party said so, he must be very sure.

This is not his guess, but a conclusion drawn from the deeds of the flying thief.

This flying thief was the number one figure who appeared half a year ago. He first appeared in Huangshi City. Once he appeared, he committed several major cases.

The style is similar. Basically, he first sends a letter and then tells the other party what he wants to steal. After making the other party prepare, he blatantly steals what the letter says.

He made seven attempts in total, and none of them failed. All the things he stole were treasures worth more than a hundred taels.

The last attempt was to steal the official seal of the Huangshi City County Magistrate. At that time, this incident caused a huge sensation in Huangshi City. In order to catch the flying thief, the government set up a dragnet, but in the end they failed to catch him.

Not only was he run away by the opponent, but he also lost his official seal.

If it weren't for the Feitian Thief who was afraid of the government and finally returned the official seal, I'm afraid the county magistrate of Huangshi City would have been executed by everyone.

Of course, Zhang Hong doesn't know whether this statement is true or not, but since this incident, the Feitian Thief has become famous.

However, after that, there was no news about the Feitian Thief in Huangshi City. Some people thought that the Feitian Thief left Huangshi City because of the rebellion in Huangshi City. Some people thought that the Feitian Thief had already been captured and killed by the government.

Zhang Hong only treated the matter of the Flying Thief as a topic of conversation after dinner and didn't pay much attention to it. Unexpectedly, he came to Baishi City and set his sights on Zhang Hong's ginseng.

This made Zhang Hong anxious and worried. After all, even the entire government of Huangshi City could not prevent the other party from stealing the official seal. With the strength of their Zhang family, it was probably of no avail.

Yes, father, as long as Brother Mo is here, everything will be fine, so you can rest assured.

Seeing Zhang Hong's appearance, a young woman comforted him. She was Li Mo's fiancée, Zhang Waner.

Hearing this, Zhang Hong sighed: That's all we can do. I'll bother you Li Mo then.

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