It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 63 Li Mo gets married and solicits from all parties

The first thing is Xiaochen's breakthrough...

Hong Ming said a few words to everyone, because Li Mo and others knew that Su Chen had made a breakthrough, so they did not show too much surprise.

But Zhou Tao and others were shocked. They were obviously surprised by Su Chen's cultivation speed. How long had it passed before Su Chen had another breakthrough?

Zhou Tao glanced at Qin Hao and saw that Qin Hao had no expression on his face. He vaguely guessed something in his heart. Without saying anything, he congratulated Su Chen with everyone, and Su Chen responded one by one.

After some congratulations, Hong Ming began to announce the second thing. His eyes fell on Li Mo, and then said: This second thing is Li Mo's marriage. Li Mo, it is up to you to tell Everyone.

Li Mo nodded, and under Su Chen's slightly surprised look, he walked out, and then said to everyone: Brothers, brothers, sisters, I will be getting married in half a month, and everyone is welcome to come...

This incident was so sudden that everyone took a while to recover. When Li Mo finished speaking, everyone congratulated Li Mo, and Li Mo sent the invitation to everyone.

The two things were almost announced here. Hong Ming left everyone to have lunch, which was home-cooked food. Everyone chatted while eating and drinking.

After eating, everyone said goodbye and left. Su Chen was left behind by Hong Ming before he could speak.

Xiaochen, with your strength, you are now considered the number one figure among the younger generation in Baishi City. I am keeping you here as my teacher today to warn you of a few things. Hong Ming said seriously.

When Su Chen heard this, his expression immediately became serious: Master, please speak.

I believe that your breakthrough will be known to some big forces before long, and they will definitely invite you to join. You don't need to worry about being a teacher, choose according to your own needs...

Afterwards, Hong Ming briefly introduced the forces in the inner city and the outer city to Su Chen, so that Su Chen would not randomly join forces that he shouldn't join because of his lack of experience.

...Originally I was thinking of letting you go to Wei Ping's Weiyuan Escort Bureau to practice, but it's a troubled time right now. Bandits are rampant outside the city. It's too dangerous for you to be an escort. You might as well follow what my teacher said. Among the forces, choose one to join.

Hong Ming briefly introduced the three major families and three major gangs in the city. According to him, the three major families may not value Su Chen very much, but they will also let the family disciples recruit Su Chen or establish a good relationship with Su Chen. .

But the three major gangs might pay a lot of money to invite Su Chen. Hong Ming is actually more optimistic about Broken Blade Clan. After all, he has Fang Rou's relationship, and Broken Blade Clan has stood in White Rock City for the longest time. Even if there is turmoil in White Rock City, Compared with other forces, it is also more secure.

Yes, Master! Su Chen replied after thinking for a while, but did not give an immediate answer. With his current strength, it doesn't matter whether he joins a gang or not. If he really wants to join, then choose the gang with the highest cost performance. join in.

Later, Hong Ming briefly explained some of the forces that Su Chen needed to pay attention to. This conversation also gave Su Chen a clear understanding of the various forces in Baishi City.

Then, Master, if there is nothing else, the disciple will leave first. Su Chen said.

There is one more thing. But at this moment, Hong Ming's brows were frivolous and he showed a kind smile, Let me test your current strength.

After some inspections, Su Chen patted his sleeves and walked out of the yard calmly. In the yard, Hong Ming's surprised and happy laughter came: Hahaha...

In the next few days, as Hong Ming said, all the forces in the city came to visit Su Chen.

First, the disciples of the three major families came to visit Su Chen with congratulatory gifts, and invited Su Chen to gather together to eat, drink and have fun with Su Chen.

After Su Chen went there once, he didn't plan to go again. Compared with these drunken dreams, he still liked to practice martial arts quietly and read books.

In addition to the three major families, some other small forces also visited Su Chen and offered prices. After Su Chen weighed the pros and cons, he declined.

Members of the Baiyu Gang, one of the three major gangs, made an offer to invite Su Chen to join, but there were too many restrictions after joining, and Su Chen declined.

For five days in a row, Su Chen was disturbed by these forces. Forces came to visit almost every day, making Su Chen unable to concentrate on his studies.

In the end, Su Chen had no choice but to choose the Changhe Gang, which offered the highest price and the least restrictions among the three major gangs. He joined the Changhe Gang with a salary of fifty taels a month and became an affiliated member.

To Su Chen's surprise, Fang Rou came to Su Chen specifically to increase his salary from fifteen taels a month to thirty taels a month. Su Chen naturally had no objections to this and accepted it calmly.

After spreading the news about joining the Changhe Gang, the number of forces that came to invite Su Chen decreased. Three days later, Su Chen's life returned to peace.

For this reason, he made a special trip to the martial arts gym and told Hong Ming about joining the Changhe Gang. Hong Ming didn't say anything after hearing this, but just asked Su Chen to be more diplomatic.

Before leaving, Hong Mingjiang gave Su Chen five packs of Qi and Blood Powder, which shocked Su Chen.

Hong Ming saw Su Chen's doubts, so he smiled and said: These things have been configured recently. You can use them first. As a teacher, I still say the same thing. Use them as appropriate. Given your current state, the effect of Qi Xue San on you It’s not very obvious, you can use them one by one.”

Thank you, Master! Su Chen thanked him solemnly, and then asked the doubt in his heart, Master, didn't you say that there is a lack of medicinal materials, why...?

Haha, I was lacking before, but now I'm not lacking. It's all thanks to your Third Senior Sister. Hong Ming explained with a smile.

It turned out that Third Senior Sister had the connections, so she brought back a batch of medicinal materials for Qi and Blood Powder to Hong Ming, so that Hong Ming could prepare a new Qi and Blood Powder.

By the way, the outer city has begun to become chaotic recently. Please pay attention to yourself and tell me if you have anything to do. Hong Ming reminded.

Su Chen responded: Yes!

Later, Su Chen carried five packets of Qi and Blood Powder back, and took two packets of Qi and Blood Powder that day. In order to test his own limits, Su Chen started taking the third packet. He felt a little uncomfortable at first, but after a few hours, he felt better. back to normal.

My current limit is three packets of Qi and Blood Powder!

Su Chen came to the conclusion that he did not plan to take the fourth pack to avoid any health problems.

Seeing that there were only two packets of Qi and Blood Powder left, Su Chen decided to prepare all the remaining six medicinal ingredients.

The success rate of the configuration was very high. A total of four unknown medicines were prepared from six medicinal materials, plus two doses of Qi and Blood Powder, which was enough for Su Chen to continue practicing for two days.

But compared to the needs of the panel, it is still far behind. Master said that Third Senior Sister has some connections, so I might ask Third Senior Sister if she can help me get some red blood grass.

Alas, things have become more and more unsettled recently. I have to improve my strength as soon as possible.

During this period, news of bandits and thieves were heard outside the city every day. A group of refugees and beggars emerged in the city, which caused the price of grain and oil to increase several times. The fights between the major gangs also became more and more serious with the connivance of the government. fierce.

This made Su Chen always feel like a storm was coming, and he felt a sense of urgency in his heart, wanting to improve himself as soon as possible so that even if there were changes in the future, he would still have the strength to deal with it.

After thinking about it, Su Chen took advantage of his free time and went to the third senior sister's residence.

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