It was a quiet night, and the waning moon broke through the dark clouds, illuminating the earth slightly.

Strange, why hasn't Brother Bao come to me yet?

At Zhongji Pharmacy, a figure looked around at the door. There were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, but Brother Bao and others were still nowhere to be seen.

This made Chen Erniu slightly worried, because Brother Bao would never come to him so late before.

Did you be delayed by something? Or did you fail to find that scholar-looking guy?

Chen Erniu murmured, even now when he thinks of what happened during the day, he can't help but feel itching with hatred.

He had also adulterated other people's medicinal materials before, but he was almost never discovered. He never thought that Su Chen would find out this time.

Even if he found out, forget it, and he wouldn't be given a chance to redeem himself. The other party would just say it in public.

Not to mention the fact that he almost ruined the reputation of the store and even caused him to be scolded by the boss, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Isn't it just mixed with some fake medicine? As for slandering my innocence like this?

Therefore, he took advantage of the gap to sneak out, find Brother Bao, the leader of the drug gang in charge of this street, and let him teach Su Chen a lesson by virtue of their relationship.

It's just that so much time has passed now, and Brother Bao hasn't asked him for payment yet. Usually, the other party comes as soon as he finishes teaching him a lesson!

Forget it, let's go see Brother Bao's residence.

Really feeling a little worried, Chen Erniu closed the shop and walked towards the alley.


After walking for a while, Chen Erniu suddenly stopped.

There was a person standing in front of him, seemingly waiting for him, but because the moonlight was facing away from him, he couldn't see his face clearly.

Brother Bao asked me to tell you something. The person you want to teach him a lesson has been killed. A deep voice sounded.

Dead? Chen Erniu looked stern when he heard this, and then he was ecstatic, Haha, what a good death, what a wonderful death. This kind of person deserves to die!

Then thank Brother Bao for me! After a pause, he took out the pre-prepared reward from his arms and planned to hand it to the other party, This is three taels of silver. Please give it to Brother Bao for me.

As he said that, he handed the silver to the other party and took advantage of this moment to raise his head slightly, trying to see the other party's face clearly.

However, what surprised him was that the other party did not take the money, but instead sneered. Before he could react, he heard the other party say: Not enough!

How can it be not enough? Brother Bao and I have made an agreement. Chen Erniu frowned and shouted.

But when he thought of Brother Bao killing someone for him, his face softened a little, and he gritted his teeth and said, Okay, I'll add another two taels.



Use your life!

Su Chen slowly raised his head, rushed forward, and jumped in front of Chen Erniu in the blink of an eye.

A slap hit him, which made him dizzy, bleeding from all his orifices, and he fell to the ground dead.

Haha, I didn't expect that my life is only worth five taels!

Su Chen laughed to himself after finding three taels of silver on his corpse.

Shaking his head, Su Chen stood up, and his figure quickly disappeared into the vast night.

After returning to his residence, Su Chen washed up and read medical books until late at night before falling asleep.

For the next time, Su Chen lived in peace and quiet, preparing medicinal ingredients in the kitchen every day. In the blink of an eye, four days passed.

At this time, the progress of the panel has been advanced to the halfway point, and only five more doses of qi and blood medicine are needed to meet the requirements of the panel.

“After previous accumulation and four days of practice, my ability to configure unknown medicines has improved.

Although nearly half of the medicinal materials were consumed, a large part of it was for trial and error and improving the effectiveness of the medicine.

With these experiences as a basis, the success rate of subsequent configurations will be much higher, and I can also configure the unknown medicine that works best for me.

Su Chen looked at the notes accumulated over the past few days and concluded.

In just four days, Su Chen already took more than ten pages of notes, which were full of experiences and lessons learned.

Finally, I have concluded a way with a higher success rate and a better way to configure the unknown drug.

After taking the Qi and Blood medicine for four days in a row, I feel that my body's adaptability to Qi and Blood has improved a lot. In the next few days, I will try to see if I can take two medicines a day. If so, I am confident that I will be able to take the Qi and Blood medicine in three days. The progress is full!”

Su Chen put down his notes and then thought about it. There were sixteen medicines left, which was enough for him to prepare five unknown medicines based on his current success rate.

The key question now is not the qi and blood medicine, but whether his body can withstand two doses of the nameless medicine.

Try it!

With this in mind, Su Chen began to prepare the unknown medicine. He spent half a day brewing the decoction and drank two bowls of the unknown medicine.

Su Chen waited for time to pass. As the decoction circulated in his body, Su Chen's body soon felt warm, and his skin suddenly turned red.

So he came to the yard and vented wildly for a while before he stopped. At this time, Su Chen was already sweating profusely.

Fortunately, I can bear it, then let's increase the dosage!

When Su Chen prepared the unknown medicine for practice, in a courtyard of the Yao Gang branch, there were several corpses lined up on the ground. They were the corpses of Brother Bao and others.

Do you know who did it?

A voice without any emotion sounded from the mouth of a man in gray robe, which made people feel like falling into an ice cellar.

He lifted off the white cloth on Brother Bao's body, closed his eyes for Brother Bao, and took a deep breath, as if he was suppressing something.

Hall Master, we have sent people to investigate. Someone once saw Leopard and his group leaving the town. They seemed to be following someone. Someone said dryly.

Then check him out quickly. After you find out, bring him to me. I'll make him die in front of the leopard to apologize! the man in gray robe said coldly.


By the way, Hall Master, there is one more thing. When Leopard left the town, he also came into contact with a clerk from Zhongji Pharmacy.

Do you know what it is?

Not sure, he's dead.

When the man in gray robe heard the words, he looked at the other person with a burning gaze, which made the speaker feel even more stressed.

How did you die?

This guy had a conflict with a customer. His meeting with Leopard happened to be right after this conflict. After the two met, Leopard left town. His subordinates speculated that this person was the murderer.

The man in gray robe asked: Do you know where he is?

The man was speechless and said bravely: We are checking.

Then go quickly!

Three days later.

Su Chen got up before dawn, without eating breakfast, and directly prepared the medicine.

An hour later, Su Chen looked at the two bowls of red soup in front of him with burning eyes.

He picked up a bowl of medicine, drank it all in one gulp, and then drank another bowl of medicine into his belly.

Not long after taking the decoction, the progress on the panel changed:

[Simple mode:...Iron Cloth Shirt·Disabled 0 times (Ultimate Ape Arm Skill +10.8/10 copies of Qi and Blood Powder/time)]

Not long after this change appeared, the panel refreshed again.

Please be sure to read it tomorrow. Thank you.

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