It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 52 Do you have to say that this medicinal material is fake?

This time, Su Chen was not in a hurry. After waiting for a few minutes, Xiaoya opened the door and called for Su Chen to come in.

Entering the house, Su Chen immediately saw the white-haired old man lying on the bed. He nodded but did not speak.

He has discovered that Xiaoya cannot speak, and the person who just spoke to him should be the old woman in front of him.

Seeing that Su Chen was dressed as a scholar, the old woman's tense expression relaxed slightly.

When she heard Su Chen said that she wanted to buy red blood grass, her heart suddenly lifted, worrying that Xiaoya's hidden medicine would be discovered.

Although Xiaoya told the story of how she met Su Chen and judged that Su Chen was not from the Yao Gang.

But she was still worried and wanted to reject Su Chen directly.

But before she could refuse, she heard the price offered by Su Chen.

The price made her hesitate for a while, but after thinking about it for a while, Xiaoya finally chose to take the risk.

Xiaoya brought a basin of sand and mud and placed it in front of Su Chen, then motioned for Su Chen to look down.

Su Chen looked at Sha Ni with confusion, and the old woman on the side explained: We don't have the red blood grass you want, but Xiaoya knows where it is, but you need to find it yourself.

Su Chen suddenly understood after hearing this, and then said: Then where is it?

Ahhh! Xiaoya started to gesture.

The old woman was translating at the side. After a long time, Xiaoya finished speaking and mentioned three locations in total.

After Su Chen wrote down these three locations, he turned and left.

The three locations were all near Aoshan Village. Su Chen suspected that these three places might be where Xiaoya hid the red blood grass, but not where the red blood grass grew.

This was exactly what happened. Half an hour later, Su Chen found ten dried red blood grasses, all wrapped in rags.

Oh, it took a lot of trouble, but luckily, I finally found it.

After sighing, Su Chen put away the ten red blood grasses, then turned and left. When he returned to Medicine Town, the watchers were all busy.

Fortunately, Su Chen did not check out. After returning to the inn, Su Chen put away the red blood grass and read the medical book for a while before falling asleep.

At dawn the next day, Su Chen got up, left with the red blood grass, and checked out of the room, but he did not leave immediately to return to Baishi City.

Most of the medicinal materials in the medicine town are cheaper than those in the city, so Su Chen plans to gather the needed medicinal materials here and then go back to refine the medicine.

Su Chen specifically asked before, except for the red blood grass, which was targeted by the medicine gang, other medicinal materials in the unknown prescription were sold in many pharmacies.

He went to several medicinal material shops one after another. Basically, each medicinal material shop only bought one or two medicinal materials.

Now he has ten red blood grasses on hand, one of which can be used three times, which means he has to buy a total of thirty other medicinal materials.

There are a total of nineteen kinds of medicinal materials used in the unnamed prescription. Thirty servings of each medicine add up to a lot.

This forced Su Chen to change his mind and had to temporarily rent a house in Yao Town.

Because he needed to prepare medicinal materials, he deliberately found a remote location.

After renting the house, Su Chen started to buy medicinal materials.

There is still one last medicine left, jute grass. You can go back after buying it.

I was busy until about four o'clock in the afternoon, and then I bought most of the medicinal materials, and now only the last kind of jute grass is left.

He walked into a medicine shop, and a clerk came up to him casually and asked, What does the customer need?

Here are thirty portions of jute grass, ten dollars each! Su Chen said with a big hand.

The man was not too surprised by the amount, but nodded and started preparing packages one by one.

Wait a minute, this medicine is not fresh, please change it for me.

The clerk took out the arranged medicinal materials and was about to pack them when he heard Su Chen say, and then saw Su Chen taking out one of the thirty medicinal materials and placing it in front of the clerk.

Okay! The clerk glanced at Su Chen, nodded, and quickly prepared a new batch of medicinal ingredients.

Su Chen frowned and looked at the other party the whole time. After waiting for the other party to pack it, he said again: This one is not fresh either. Let's get a fresh one.


After hearing this, the clerk put down the medicinal materials, stared at Su Chen, forced a smile, and said in a slightly stiff tone: Guest, this is the freshest jute grass in our store. It was just collected from the medicinal farmer yesterday!

Su Chen still shook his head: Change!

These words made the waiter's face suddenly darken, and he said solemnly: Although the jute grass in our store is not ranked first in the entire medicine town, it is still among the top three. The quality is obvious to all...

Are you going to change or not? Su Chen interrupted.

Is it possible that the guest is here to cause trouble? the waiter said solemnly, looking directly at Su Chen with a pair of cold eyes, a look of displeasure on his face.

When Su Chen heard this, he sneered and said, How can you come up with all this nonsense? Do you really have to tell me that this package of medicinal materials was adulterated?

You, what are you talking about?! After hearing this, a panic flashed in the waiter's eyes, like a kitten meowing with fried fur, The medicine boy in our store is honest, customers should not talk nonsense, be careful of trouble. In the mouth.”

what happened?

The owner of the medicine shop who heard the commotion came over, glared at the clerk, and then looked at Su Chen with a smile, Guest, what's the problem?

Su Chen waved his hand: No problem, I can't bear the medicinal materials in your store, so I'll say goodbye!

After that, he turned and left, leaving the two of them with solemn faces.

Looking at the glances from around him from time to time, the medicine shop owner glared at the clerk.

It's none of my business, he's deliberately looking for trouble! The man lowered his head and said aggrievedly.

Put all these medicinal materials in order! the shop owner snorted coldly.

The clerk nodded, and shortly after the shop owner left, he excused himself and left the medicine shop.

Fortunately, there was no adulteration in the other medicine shop, and Su Chen quickly bought thirty doses of the medicine.


When going back, Su Chen noticed someone was following him, so he turned around and entered the alley.

Brother Bao, that person seems to have discovered us.

If you find it, you'll find it. Let's go and follow him quickly to avoid being run away by this kid.

When several people saw Su Chen entering the alley, they couldn't help but quicken their pace.

Su Chen walked all the way and soon left Medicine Town, stopping in a deserted place.

Haha, kid, I was still thinking about how to kill you, but you found yourself a Feng Shui treasure!

The scarred man at the head asked several people to surround Su Chen and asked with a stern expression.

Just now you offended my brother at Zhongji Pharmacy. Today I will make you walk around without food!

Su Chen didn't answer and walked towards the group of people.

Hmph, you're looking for death. Come on, brothers, kill him! Seeing that Su Chen still dared to come forward, the scarred man said sternly.

Then the five people swarmed up and attacked Su Chen.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

After five slaps, five half-dead people fell on the ground.

The scarred man howled in pain, looked at Su Chen, and shouted angrily: You bastard, how dare you sneak attack...

As he was talking, his words stalled because Su Chen was walking towards him.

You, what do you want to do? I, we are members of the Yao Gang. If you... dare to touch me, be careful about the lives of your whole family... ah...

When Su Chen heard this, his movements froze, then he picked up the scarred man and threw him to the ground like a bamboo pole.

There was just a bang, and the opponent was thrown to the ground hard, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and died suddenly.

Then, Su Chen looked at the other four people.

Bang bang bang bang!

After a while, Su Chen looked at the corpses of Scar Man and others and spat: There's so much nonsense!

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