It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 45 Tao Wenxuan’s plan enters the second level

This Wei Jie, according to the information we have received, is the protector of the Rebirth Sect. He is very powerful and is most likely a martial artist.

Moreover, his whereabouts are sneaky and difficult to capture. If Yang Zhuangshi can capture him, the county government is willing to pay two hundred taels.

If Yang Zhuangshi can kill him, I am personally willing to give Yang Zhuangshi another one hundred taels!

Tao Wenxuan told Su Chen the news about Wei Jie, obviously hoping that Su Chen could take over the task, otherwise the price would not be increased.

Faced with the temptation of three hundred taels, Su Chen did not immediately choose to agree. High returns meant high risks.

Tao Wenxuan has made it clear that Wei Jie is a martial arts practitioner. There are four stages of martial arts training, and the strength of each stage is very different.

With Su Chen's current strength, he must be cautious when dealing with two warriors of equal strength, let alone a warrior who may be stronger than him.

This is not a guess. After all, this person is a protector of the Rebirth Cult. Even if he is not a master of martial arts, he is at least a warrior with a small degree of success.

You must know that Chu Ming, who has not even practiced jin, is protected by two warriors who are new to jin training. It is enough to show that a warrior of this level may only be a slightly more powerful thug in the Rebirth Sect.

As a protector, Wei Jie can't be worse than a thug no matter how weak he is, right?

I need to think about it, is there a time limit for this bounty mission? Su Chen gave his answer after thinking for a moment.

These words made Tao Wenxuan relieved, and he did not refuse immediately, indicating that there was still a chance.

However, he was secretly surprised. This Yang Zhuangshi seemed to be more powerful than he had guessed.

No! Tao Wenxuan shook his head and said. This bounty mission was originally his impromptu idea, and there was no deadline.

Su Chen nodded, then looked at the two of them and said, If there's nothing else, I'll leave now!

Yang Zhuangshi, if you want to deal with Wei Jie, I have news here. Wei Jie may appear in Lanye Town in the next five days.

With that said, Tao Wenxuan asked his master to take out Wei Jie's portrait. Su Chen looked at it for a while and said, Okay!

He didn't say whether he wanted to go, and Tao Wenxuan didn't ask, but asked the master to send him away.

After seeing Su Chen off, Master returned to the lobby. Tao Wenxuan asked, Have you brought back the bodies of Chu Ming and others?

The master replied: It has been brought back.

Then let people hang their bodies in the market as a warning to others!

When the master heard this, he hesitated for a moment, but still nodded: Yes!

Who do you think this Yang Guo is from? Tao Wenxuan asked again after a pause.

The master shook his head: It's not like the people from Baishi City appeared out of thin air. If my subordinate's guess is correct, 'Yang Guo' should be his alias. This person lives incognito near Baishi City.

In this case, it makes sense, but this person is indeed very powerful, but it is a pity that he cannot be used by me. Tao Wenxuan said to himself without paying attention.

The master said: If you want to recruit him, you might as well promise a lot of money. I think this person is extremely greedy for money, so this may not be impossible.

No, let's wait until he survives. Tao Wenxuan shook his head.

After hearing this, the master touched his chin, as if he had guessed something, and asked, Are you worried that he is not Wei Jie's opponent?

Tao Wenxuan did not answer, but asked: Do you think he will go to Lanye Town in five days?

This... Master thought for a while and said, I may go, but I may not take action. He seems to have his own set of behavioral standards.

As he said this, he remembered the incident of killing Chu Ming. Su Chen delayed his action for five days, which showed that Su Chen was not an impulsive person and was very cautious.

But... The master seemed to think of something and hesitated.

But what?

Sir, the news of Wei Jie's appearance in Lanye Town is too coincidental. We got the news right after Chu Ming died. I'm worried about fraud!

Hearing this, Tao Wenxuan chuckled and said, Of course it's a scam. I'm afraid this person has already guessed that it was us.

Then my lord still...

The situation in White Rock City has been solidified for so long, and it's time for someone to break it.

Tao Wenxuan shook his head without explaining much.

If Su Chen kills Wei Jie, which is what he wants, he might be able to lure out the traitors from the Rebirth Sect and catch them all in one fell swoop.

If Wei Jie kills Su Chen, there will be no loss, and he doesn't care about Su Chen's life or death.

The master on the side was silent for a while, and then said: Sir, banditry has been rampant outside the city recently, which has made people in the city panic. If this continues, something may happen.

After hearing this, Tao Wenxuan waved his hand: It's just a bunch of rabble, don't worry about it. If there is a civil uprising, we will suppress it by force.

After that, he turned around and left.

Blue Leaf Town.

A dilapidated courtyard.

Amidst the commotion, a few vague figures could be seen lurking in the darkness.

Tap tap tap.

Rapid footsteps sounded, and a figure sneakily paused at the door of the courtyard. After a moment, he entered the courtyard.

Defender of the Law.

Seeing a lean man practicing martial arts in the middle of the yard, the man knelt on the ground and said respectfully.

The man seemed not to have heard, and continued to practice martial arts. He suddenly kicked out one foot, and five or six cracking sounds were immediately heard in the air.

After a while, the man landed on one foot and inadvertently stepped on a stone. He heard the stone crack with a crack.

How are things going?

The lean man looked at the person and asked softly.

Reporting to the Protector, it has been clearly investigated that Chu Ming and the Zhao brothers were killed by a one-armed man. This man was suspected to be a government knife hunter named Yang Guo.

Yang Guo often worked for the government and killed fugitives. He was very powerful and was suspected of being a martial artist.

However, this person is very mysterious. He comes and goes without a trace, and the dragon never comes back. We have not investigated where this person lives.

Oh? Yang Guo? Upon hearing the name, the lean man murmured, What about the other thing?

Reporting to the Protector, the news that you will be coming to Lanye Town in five days has been spread, the man said.

Well, go down, pay close attention to Yang Guo and the government news, and report to me at any time.

The lean man waved his hand. After his men retreated, a smile suddenly appeared on his face: Haha, mysterious? Come and go without a trace? Anyone who dares to kill me depends on whether you can bear it. I Angry!

at the same time.

When Su Chen returned home, he looked at the more than one hundred taels of silver in front of him and thought:

Choose the Ape Arm Kung Fu or the Iron Cloth Shirt? The former may only strengthen my arms, but the latter may enhance my strength.

After thinking for a while, he made a decision in his mind and gritted his teeth and said: If my strength increases, my strength will definitely increase greatly. I'd better upgrade the Iron Cloth Shirt first.

So, Su Chen recharged one hundred taels and started the simple mode of Iron Clothes Shirt: Can:

[Easy mode is turned on: bathe in warm water for twenty minutes, and you can refine the iron cloth shirt to the second level. 】

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