It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 44 Why are you selling your life for such a small amount of money?

The light flashed across, as bright as fireworks, but also fleeting like shooting stars.

In front of another guard, a living life was taken away.


The guard who was hit had a thick look of confusion on his face. In the blink of an eye, all this confusion turned into unwillingness and appeared on his face.


Even when he fell, his eyes were always fixed on Su Chen's other arm, and the flashing anger did not dissipate until his death.

Second brother...

The other guard froze on the spot for a long time before coming back to his senses. Looking at his second brother who died tragically under Su Chen's knife, he roared.

Ah, I'm going to kill you!

The next moment, his figure rushed out like lightning, and every move was full of anger, venting it out without reservation.

Facing the violent offensive of the guards, Su Chen's expression remained calm, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he was careful every step of the way.

Asshole, don't run away if you can!

After being unable to attack for a long time, the guard roared with an ugly expression.

He kept attacking fiercely, hoping to get in touch with Su Chen so that he could break his heart with force and avenge his brother.

But Su Chen had no intention of confronting him head-on. Instead, he dodged left and right, and occasionally used his sword to deal with him.

The fight between the two did not feel like a life and death battle to him, but rather like Su Chen playing with a child.

This feeling made him feel even more angry, and his moves became more and more crazy.

Su Chen naturally noticed his change, and after teasing him in a coping style, a smile unconsciously appeared on his lips.

The opportunity has come!

Su Chen paused for a moment, stopped his body, then stepped forward suddenly, taking a lunging step, and rushed forward.

Well done!

Seeing this scene, the guard looked overjoyed and couldn't help shouting. Then he took three steps and two steps at a time, and arrived in front of Su Chen in a flash.

Hahaha, your death has come!

The smile on his face became brighter as Su Chen got closer, and the corners of his mouth gradually split, revealing his mood at the moment.

The movement of his hand was not slow at all. On the arm that Su Chen had not noticed, the muscles were moving rapidly, and the strength was concentrated along his arm on the palm of his hand.


The guard swung his arms, shook his hand into a fist, and pulled it back. There seemed to be invisible air waves in the contraction, and then punched out suddenly. A whistling sound suddenly sounded, and a fist as big as a casserole struck like a high-speed drill.

Su Chen's eyes narrowed, he stretched out his arm, fisted his five fingers, and punched out, as if the air around him was being squeezed and pushed away.


The two fists collided, immediately arousing invisible air waves that swept in all directions, rolling up their sleeves and hair.

The muscles on the two people's faces also trembled slightly due to the huge momentum, rippling like ripples.

What, you, you are also a martial arts practitioner!

The guard's face had just shown the expression of revenge, but the moment it collided with Su Chen's fist, it immediately solidified, and his whole person was petrified on the spot.

He looked at Su Chen in astonishment, as if he had not expected that Su Chen was also a martial arts practitioner.

But the ferocious force coming from Su Chen's arm was ruthlessly destroying his internal organs in his body.

No, you are already a martial artist, why are you pretending to be a coward?

He roared silently in his heart, and a huge grievance and anger erupted like a volcano.

If he hadn't been unable to speak now, he would have cursed loudly.

A martial arts practitioner not only disguised himself as a one-armed man to carry out sneak attacks, but also deliberately did not show his inner strength to confuse his opponent. In his life, he had never seen such a despicable and insidious martial arts practitioner!

Cough cough cough!

In anger, a blush rose to his cheeks, and then he coughed several times, spewing out the accumulated blood in his throat, and his face improved slightly.

Then, he raised his head and looked at Su Chen. He couldn't bear it anymore and cursed angrily: That's your mother's fault!

This was his last stubbornness before his death!

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, did not speak, but watched quietly.

In less than a few breaths, the guard's body fell backwards. Under Su Chen's powerful attack and strength, just shouting out the words just now consumed all his energy.

Now he could no longer hold on and his breath was dying. Soon after he fell, his soul passed to the west and he completely lost his breath.

Su Chen came to the two bodies with a calm expression, groped for a while, looked at the silver he found, and sighed softly:

It's only thirty-three taels of silver in total, why are you working so hard!

He shook his head, put away the money, and turned to leave.

Shortly after Su Chen left, a group of government officials in official uniforms came over and took away the two bodies.

After leaving, Su Chen changed his clothes and came to the county government office while it was still dark.

The county government official obviously knew Su Chen, so he didn't put too much trouble into it. After going in and announcing the situation, he called the master out.

Yang Zhuangshi!

The master bowed his hands to Su Chen and his expression moved slightly. Just now, he got the news of Chu Ming's death.

Not only that, the government also discovered two additional corpses. After investigation, it was learned that the two were Chu Ming's bodyguards.

Chu Ming's front foot was killed, and the two of them died. It didn't take much to think about it, but they knew that their deaths must be related to Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded, still looking cold and cold. The master didn't care and said: Master Yang, the county magistrate has been waiting inside for a long time. Please!

Following the master into the lobby, the county magistrate Tao Wenxuan greeted him and said with a smile: Master Yang is indeed very powerful. He completed the reward so easily.

This is not a boast. Before Su Chen accepted this bounty, several knife hunters also claimed it. As a result, without exception, these people all disappeared inexplicably.

For so many days after Su Chen received the mission, he thought that Su Chen would never come back like everyone else. Unexpectedly, Su Chen gave him a surprise today and successfully killed Chu Ming.

Tao Wenxuan clapped his hands lightly, and a maid took out one hundred taels of silver. Su Chen, who had always been expressionless, squeezed out a smile and said, Master Tao, you're welcome.

Seeing Su Chen accept the money, Tao Wenxuan smiled and stretched out his hand to signal Su Chen to sit down and chat slowly, but Su Chen shook his head: I still have something to do, so I won't disturb you two.

Wait a minute. Tao Wenxuan said helplessly and stopped Su Chen. Why couldn't this guy understand what he meant?

Does Magistrate Tao have anything else to do? Su Chen asked.

Tao Wenxuan did not speak, but the master on the side said at the right moment: Master Yang, we have another bounty mission here. Are you interested?

The master didn't need to speak, Tao Wenxuan seemed to hold Su Chen in his arms and said, Reward, two hundred taels!

Tell me about it! Su Chen raised his eyebrows, becoming interested.

The master glanced at Tao Wenxuan and said, The person we want to kill in this bounty mission is called Wei Jie, and he is also a member of the Rebirth Cult.

When Su Chen heard this, he glanced at Master, what the hell, are you guys at odds with the Rebirth Cult?

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