It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 19 The place where the treasure is hidden, the White Jade Gang


Su Chen, who had killed Lao Lin, suddenly looked towards the corner of the alley with a gloomy expression.

No, don't get excited, he and I are not the same group.

A figure walked out quickly, waving his hands as if he was very frightened.

But his attire was the same as that of Su Chen, wearing a bamboo hat and black clothes, and his appearance could not be seen clearly.


Just when Su Chen was thinking about killing Chao and eradicating the root, the other party suddenly knelt on the ground, clasped his hands in fists, and kowtowed in thanks.

What do you mean?

Su Chen asked with a frown, staring at the other person.

My benefactor didn't know. This man is my life-and-death enemy. Now that my benefactor has killed him, he has avenged my whole family.

The man explained.


Su Chen frowned, took a step forward, and stared at the other person with a half-smile.

It's true. I am a descendant of the Zhu family. My name is Zhu Yan. This person colluded with Liu Tong to destroy my entire Zhu family. How could he dare to deceive his benefactor with such a great hatred?

Seeing that Su Chen didn't believe it, Zhu Yan said quickly.

Liu Tong? Zhu family?

After hearing this, Su Chen frowned slightly and looked at Zhu Yan, thoughtfully.

When he was investigating Liu Tong's crimes before, he had heard about many cases Liu Tong had committed.

Among them, the most unscrupulous one was Liu Tong's murder of thirteen members of the Zhu family.

Why should I trust you?

Although what the other party said had some basis for it, Su Chen did not believe what he said.

My dear benefactor, please come with me. I know where he hides his money.

Zhu Yan pursed his lips, stood up and said, he knew that Su Chen didn't trust him yet, but as long as Su Chen didn't take action, there would still be talk.

So he tried his best to appear harmless to humans and animals, hoping to win Su Chen's trust.

After hearing this, Su Chen hesitated and did not leave.

Zhu Yan, who had just taken a few steps, looked back at Su Chen. Seeing that he hadn't moved an inch, he immediately guessed what Su Chen was thinking.

So he said: My benefactor, Lin Hai's money is all hidden under a big tree in his yard. If my benefactor doesn't believe me, you can go and see it yourself.

No need, just take me there and don't play any tricks, otherwise he will end up being a fool.

Su Chen shook his head, rejected the other party's proposal, and motioned for him to lead the way.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Yan immediately nodded, and then walked with Su Chen all the way.

Su Chen kept a certain distance from him. As long as the other party made any changes, he would take action directly.

Fortunately, not only did Zhu Yan not make any changes, he also thought about Su Chen at all times and led the way away from people.

After burning the incense, Zhu Yan stopped, pointed to a small courtyard in front of him, and said:

My benefactor, that is Lin Hai's house. There is no one else in his house, so we can go in directly.

After a pause, he added: I can also go in, my benefactor is waiting here.

After saying that, he looked at Su Chen, waiting for his reply.

After getting along just now, although Su Chen is still wary of Zhu Yan, at least he is not as completely distrustful as he was at the beginning.

After thinking for a moment, Su Chen replied: Go in.

Zhu Yan nodded, and after observing for a while, he climbed over the wall and entered Lin Hai's yard.

The moment he entered, Su Chen jumped onto the tree and observed Zhu Yan's actions.

Zhu Yan seemed to know that the protagonist was observing him and deliberately acted towards Su Chen.

After a while, he dug out a wooden box and shook off the soil on it.

Then he picked up the box, climbed over the wall again, and came to Su Chen.

Open him.

Just when Zhu Yan was about to hand the box to Su Chen, Su Chen suddenly spoke.

Without hesitation, Zhu Yan followed the instructions one by one, put the box down, and then opened the box in front of Su Chen.

Even afraid of being poisonous, Zhu Yan reached out and touched the silver in the box.

Okay, I believe you!

Su Chen saw this and felt the sincerity of the other party, so he said.

Zhu Yan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Although he couldn't see his expression clearly, he could vaguely feel his lightness.

It seems that being believed by Su Chen is a happy thing.

So, what do you mean by doing so much?

Su Chen stared at the other party, waiting for Zhu Yan's reply.

I want my benefactor to avenge me!

Zhu Yan gritted his teeth and said.

Revenge? Su Chen was stunned. Aren't both Lin Hai and Liu Tong dead?

Zhu Yan nodded heavily: Although Liu Tong and Lin Hai are dead, there is still a culprit who is at large...

Then, Zhu Yan told the tragic story of the Zhu family.

The Zhu family is a medical family from several towns near Zhujia Town. They have superb medical skills and are always willing to give charity and help the poor.

For some reason, the Zhu family offended Lin Hai, so Zhu's father asked Liu Tong for help, hoping to resolve the grievances between the two parties.

After Lin Hai learned about this, he also asked people from the Baiyu Gang to mediate.

I thought that the two sides would just stop there, but I never thought that the three of them would join forces to deal with the Zhu family.

Later, Zhu Yan learned that Liu Tong had been in cahoots with Lin Hai and others.

Lin Hai is interested in the Zhu family's wealth, Liu Tong is interested in the Zhu family's medical skills, and Zhao Kuo of the White Jade Gang is interested in the Zhu family's mother and daughter.

Faced with the attack from the three parties, the Zhu family is doomed.

Because the Zhu family would rather die than surrender, the three of them secretly killed all the Zhu family members, and then burned the Zhu family compound.

The fire burned for several hours, causing a sensation in Baishi City.

If it weren't for Zhu Yan's stubborn will and his tenacious will to escape through the secret passage of the Zhu family, even he would have been doomed.

I sincerely ask my benefactor to avenge me. I am willing to dedicate all my property to my benefactor and serve him as a slave forever.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Yan knelt on the ground, his body trembling, and said sadly.

Do you really believe that I can help you get revenge? Su Chen asked.

This guy seemed to believe that Su Chen would take action to avenge him.

Hearing this, Zhu Yan raised his head, his eyes were firm, but his face showed a bit of embarrassment. He just heard him say:

To be fair, I know it was my benefactor who killed Liu Tong.

Seeing Su Chen's eyes suddenly condensed, Zhu Yan said quickly:

My benefactor, don't get me wrong. I didn't see my benefactor murder someone, I just guessed it.

Because I think about revenge all the time, but I don't have the ability. I accidentally learned about Yanyu Tower, so I issued a mission to kill Liu Tong. As you can imagine, I was almost killed by Liu Tong.

Later, I imitated my benefactor and changed my appearance, so I evaded Yanyulou's investigation.

I have been lurking since then. I didn't notice my benefactor until he showed up and accepted the task of killing Liu Tong.

But I waited for several days and didn't see my benefactor appear, and the mission was not cancelled, so I thought my benefactor had given up.

I never expected to accidentally see that the government had withdrawn the wanted order against Liu Tong, and I had doubts in my heart.

I took the time to go to the place where Liu Tong lived to check, and sure enough I saw his body.

I guessed that my benefactor killed Liu Tong, so I kept waiting for my benefactor to appear in Linjiabao. I finally saw my benefactor tonight.

My benefactor also knows what happened next.

After hearing this, Su Chen not only did not understand his doubts, but became even more puzzled. He asked, Then how did you discover me?

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