It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 18 The moon is dark and the wind is high, you are so despicable

Su Chen had no way of knowing Li Mo's resentment.

At this time, he had arrived at Linjiabao.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

There seemed to be more people in Linjiabao at night than during the day.

Su Chen found a restaurant, ordered a small amount of food, and waited for his target to appear while eating.

There is no curfew restriction, and people are coming and going in front of Yanyu Building.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Chen's eyes narrowed and he saw Old Lin's figure.

He walked out of Yanyu Tower, as if a burden had been lifted off his body, and he wandered leisurely on the street.

Unknowingly, I wandered into the brothel.

When Su Chen saw this, his expression condensed slightly. This old guy was enjoying it very much.

Without hesitation, Su Chen followed the opponent shortly after he entered. Fortunately, he was fast enough and did not lose track of the opponent.

As soon as I entered the door, I was greeted by a bunch of gorgeously dressed girls, each wearing thin clothes.

Although Su Chen's face was covered, such an outfit did not seem strange in Linjiabao.

Some guests are even stranger than this, and the girls have long been accustomed to them.

Facing the enthusiasm of the girls, Su Chen remained indifferent.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lao Lin entering a room with three girls in his arms.

Su Chen pushed aside the girls, found a remote corner, sat down, and said to the madam, Give me some food!

When the madam heard this, her expression changed. She thought that the other party was here for consumption, but she didn't expect that he was here for food and drink.

How can anyone come to the Female Cadre's Yard just to eat?

After complaining, he obediently called the waiter.

Afterwards, several more women came to serve Su Chen one after another, but without exception, they were all pushed away by Su Chen.

Seeing that Su Chen had been eating and drinking, looking aloof, all the girls couldn't help but sigh in secret and left one after another.

Ten minutes later, Su Chen, who had just eaten and drank, saw Lao Lin walking out with his pants lifted.

The old guy really couldn't control the three women, and it ended so quickly.

Shaking his head, after Lao Lin walked out of the brothel, Su Chen left the meal money and followed him out.

Sir, what's the matter with following me for so long?

Old Lin seemed to have discovered Su Chen who was following him, and led Su Chen to turn left and right until they came to a remote alley.

Su Chen's figure was revealed. He didn't hide much in the first place, but now that he was discovered, he simply stood up.

Old Lin looked at Su Chen. He was tall, with a knife wrapped around his waist and only one arm.

What was quite strange was that the knife at his waist was placed where his arm was broken.

Is there such a swordsman?

Lao Lin couldn't help but feel doubtful, his thoughts kept flickering, and he couldn't find any memory about Su Chen in his mind.

So he said: Who are you, Your Excellency? What's the important thing for following me so late?

When he said this, he took a step back and kept his distance from Su Chen.

Obviously, judging from Su Chen's behavior, it's probably because the person who came here is evil.

Facing Lao Lin's questions, Su Chen remained silent. Why did he talk so much nonsense? He just rushed forward and did it!

In an instant, Su Chen's figure shot out like a cannonball and suddenly arrived in front of Lao Lin.

Old Lin was on guard for a long time. Facing Su Chen's swift skills, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

With one punch, a strong wind roared towards him.

Seeing this, Su Chen struck out a palm without hesitation, an ordinary palm, but with more arrogant power.



The moment the fists and palms touched each other, Lao Lin's face changed drastically, and a touch of rosy color instantly spread to his cheeks.

The whole person panicked and took more than ten steps back before he could stabilize his body.

One of his arms was shaking constantly, and his eyes looked at Su Chen with deep shock.

The moment it collided with Su Chen's palm, a sharp pain suddenly hit him, and his arm seemed to be broken.

It was as if what he was facing was not his hand, but an extremely hard piece of iron.

The brief exchange made Lao Lin's face look extremely ugly. He shook his arms and slowly clenched his fists, trying to regain some strength.

This guy's iron palm is really terrifying!

Lao Lin's eyes flickered, and at this moment, his pupils shrank slightly.

Su Chen didn't intend to give him time to recover and rushed forward again.

But this time, Lao Lin did not confront Su Chen stupidly.

Relying on his deft movements, Lao Lin took advantage of every step, constantly dodging Su Chen's attacks.

Although this man is strong, he only has one arm, and I have two arms. As long as I am careful, I will have the advantage in this battle!

Lao Lin's thoughts were racing, and he was dodging while looking for opportunities to take action. He must strive to kill Su Chen with one blow.

At this moment, Su Chen raised his palm and hit the opponent.

There was a snap, like a swatting of a fly, and it hit Lao Lin directly on the cheek.

The blow made him dizzy, and even sent him flying backwards, hitting the wall hard.

The wall suddenly made a crisp sound, cracked into fine lines, and Old Lin's body fell to the ground.

He coughed violently several times, vomiting out broken teeth and blood, and looked at Su Chen fearfully with half of his red and swollen face.

do not move!

Su Chen stepped on Lao Lin's body, looked at him condescendingly, and said in a hoarse voice.

Where did I offend you? Please, for the sake of Lin Jiabao, please let me go. Whatever you want, as long as I have it, I can give it to you!

Lao Lin said with a trembling voice.

Su Chen didn't answer. He gave the other party a hard kick and said, Now, let me ask you an answer.

Okay, okay, sir, may I ask. Old Lin nodded like a quail.

Who ordered those assassination missions in Linjiabao?

There are many, maybe various forces or individuals. I don't have enough authority to contact them.

If someone accepts an assassination mission and completes it, but suffers retaliation from the other party, will you leak his information?

No... ah ah... generally not, but, but in special circumstances... I will add more money, just add more money...

Hearing this, Su Chen's face darkened, and he kicked the opponent again, which made Lao Lin scream in pain.

How much do you want to pay for your life?

Thirty taels, no, no, fifty taels, no, ninety taels, that's all I have.

Where's the money?

At my house, I'll take you there.

No need, tell me the location.

No, what if you take the money and kill me?

Lao Lin shook it like a rattle and didn't agree at all.

Suddenly, his expression changed, as if he had thought of something, and he looked at Su Chen with wide eyes:

You, you are a Iron Bull?!

I was too nervous just now and didn't think about Su Chen's identity.

But after being asked a few questions by Su Chen and what happened with Tieniu before, he suddenly connected.

Wait a minute, your arm...

When Su Chen heard that the other party had seen through him, he subconsciously followed the other party's gaze and looked at his arm.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Lao Lin suddenly jumped up, grabbed Su Chen's wrist with one hand, and punched Su Chen hard with the other hand.

A fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the cold light was revealed.

This punch carried Lao Lin's monstrous killing intent!

Go to hell!! Lao Lin roared.


Tick ​​tock.

Blood dripped from Lao Lin's body and soaked the dry ground.

Lao Lin looked in disbelief at the other arm that suddenly shot out from Su Chen's body. At this time, that hand was holding a knife.

And this knife penetrated his body.

You, you are so despicable!

Old Lin spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Su Chen with grief and anger.

He never thought that Su Chen's broken arm was fake and was meant to confuse him.

There is an arm hidden inside it.

That knife turned out to be for this arm!


Su Chen pulled out the knife, and blood slowly flowed along the blade.

There was a pop.

Lao Lin fell in a pool of blood, staring at Su Chen with a look of death.

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