It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 346: Parting is more than pain, love is more than loneliness

  Let’s talk about long-term developmental topics.

   Looking back, Su Chen has already taken out the complete script of "The Oath of the Morning Flower" and began to let everyone review it together.

   Even Manager Xu is very interested, immersed in the story constructed by Su Chen.

   First of all, the composition method of "The Morning Flower and Evening Oath" is similar to prose.

   This is why some people find it very fragmented.

   But after I understand it, the plot of the film is actually so two lines.

   One is the main emotional thread of the heroine Macia and Ariel.

   And the other one is the second line of "I can fly" Leilia's stomach pain.

   The former is to enrich the main content, the latter is to enrich the plot.

   Throughout the film, Marchia is the main character, but Ariel is the main narrative.

   probably describes the time story of the time when the girl Maqia was forced to stay away from her hometown and found her "son" Ariel.

  Makia is not an ordinary girl. Her race, Ioluf, will stop growing after her appearance is fifteen, and her life span can last hundreds of years.

  Makia, who has experienced changes, meets a lonely human baby who has experienced war in a certain place. Seeing that the baby is pitiful, she adopts it, named the baby "Ariel", and takes the initiative to assume the role of a mother.

   In this process, with the passage of time, Ariel gradually grows up, children-Zhengtai-Juvenile-Youth...

   However, Ariel is just an ordinary human and cannot live as long as Macia.

   Seeing the other person grow up, his appearance has not changed at all.

   Their abnormal mother and child not only have a difficult life, they have also stood the test of time.

During the parenting process, Marcia learned the true meaning of love and her responsibilities as a mother. Ariel also grew up. After she knew her feelings for Marcia in her heart, she left her and chose one in order not to hinder her mother. People become independent and become soldiers.

During   , he became a family, gained iron-blooded comrades, loved his wife, and newborn daughter.

   Many years later, Ariel completed a fulfilling life and became an old man. At the end of his life, before the eyes of his mother, Macia, who had not changed his appearance, he died of old age.

Watching her peacefully leaving Ariel, Maqia cried loudly in the dandelion flower field, but after crying, she let go and started a new life with the memories of Ariel in her heart. .

   At the end of the story, after a hundred years of life, Macia finally understands that parting is not only pain, but also good memories; love is not only loneliness, but also happiness.

   The entire film interprets the profound interpretation of the word parting through family, friendship, and love. Through a large amount of pen and ink on the mother and daughter of Marcia Ariel, it also allows the audience to understand love and growth.

   As for the secondary line, I won’t talk about it, and there is nothing to say.

  The small details are indeed a bit flawed.

   However, when an animated movie focuses too much on logic, it will lose its unique fairy tale flavor.

   So some small loopholes in the secondary line are harmless.

  Wait until everyone has read the script.

   They admire Su Chen even more.

  The theory of longevity is a big knife no matter where it is.

  Time, human life, glorious moment, human troubles and darkness, parting...... These keywords are sonorous and powerful.

   Everyone will never tire of such stories, because as long as they are individuals, they will resonate more or less.

   Especially Sun Wujiang, he thinks Mao Xuewang's script is too good!

   The plot is more than enough to make a **** movie.

   Can this really be done by one person?

   is too abnormal!

   He was stunned in his heart.

   deserves to be the author of "Four Lies", who can tell this kind of story perfectly.

The admired Sun Wujiang sighed sincerely: "Teacher Mao Xuewang, I feel that this film you wrote can already be watched as an inspirational film for women’s growth. To be honest, after watching it, I Some even want to worship you as a teacher."

   "So, Teacher Sun Wujiang, do you think this script..."

   "Just two words, excellent."

   Sun Wujiang looked at Su Chen, expressing his opinions exaggeratedly, it seemed that he was really touched.

   "Really, the audience for this film should be all women! It is a masterpiece wrapped in an animated shell!"


   Store Manager Xu put down a stack of scripts, looked at a table with complicated eyes, except for Su Xiaoxiao, all the old masters, and stopped talking.

Forget it.

   You are an expert, you are right.

   Su Chen also nodded indifferently in response.

   To be honest, he did not expect that Sun Wujiang's reaction and feedback were so great.

   However, the greater the reaction, the more it shows that the other party can understand oneself.

   Then, Sun Wujiang said excitedly: "Mr. Mao Xuewang, it's all here, let me interpret the main idea of ​​your work."


"To be honest, I think the theme of your work is simple and touching-you see the sadness of parting, but don't forget that the parting is hope." While he was talking about it, he was still observing Su Chen's response came to try to think about whether his guess was correct.

   "What you said is correct, the main theme is just two words, parting. "The Oath in the Morning and Evening" is to tell people the importance of parting."

   Su Chen said meaningfully.

   "There is no one of us who will never be separated. Human beings are parting races, and for us, they are also saying goodbye."


  As an experienced script writer, can Sun Wujiang fail to see Su Chen's hint in the script?

   The death of the dog from the beginning was a hint of parting.

After   , every time the plot advances.

   is the parting experienced by Macia.

When she picked up Ariel, it was a parting from the hometown of her people; the day she was going to see Leilia, it was a parting from the warm village; because she was searched, she just wanted to move and start a new life. Because Ariel insisted on joining the army, it became parting from Ariel.

In the process, Macia’s perception of parting is also slowly Finally, I ran into Ariel on the battlefield and delivered the baby of Ariel’s wife by hand. It was the first time that Macia herself Take the initiative to choose parting.

  At the end, Macia returned to Ariel to witness the last moments of the old man’s life...

   This time, it was her parting from Ariel in her whole life.

   Then, she took Dandelion from Ariel's great-granddaughter. Dandelion's words happened to be "unstoppable love".

   Every parting is a sublimation of the main theme.

   Finally, Mr. Mao Xuewang also used lines to give a final interpretation of the parting.

   ["The elders will also laugh, because you made her understand that parting is more than painful."

   "Get in the car, set off, let us go and meet a new parting."]

   "Especially the final farewell, the writing is great!"

   Sun Wujiang is full of praise.

"Mother returned to the original village, she will not grow old, and her adopted son has become an elderly person, without too many words and movements, it is so quiet, everything is over, I have to say, the plot is The handling method is really excellent."




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