It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 345: Soul torture, what is the second dimension?

   "Why, what's the problem?"

   "There is no problem, but I personally think that the style of your work, Mr. Mao Xuewang, should be more calling for a wolfishness and a passionate plot."

   There is nothing wrong with thinking so.

   Are the current "Deathnote" and "Rebellious Lulu Xiu" not all belong to the standard category of juvenile comics?

   Sun Wujiang smiled awkwardly, "Unexpectedly, this time you will plan to make a movie about love."

   "I am a more casual person and only write the stories I want to write...So if you think that my writing style is fixed, you are quite wrong."

   What Su Chen said here is true.

  —I have a reserve of the earth anyway, so I can move whatever I like.

   actually trying to figure out the style of my work?

   is extremely stupid.

   The works that I carry by myself, each and every one, are almost written by a different author, and there is no way to find out the rules here.

   A second ago, I was still on the first floor of Ohanoi. The next second I changed and became Okada Kori. Then I changed my account and I became Higashino Keigo again.


   Besides, there is one more point.

   Su Chen feels that the works with outstanding emotional portrayal and soft style will take all audiences of all ages, and the upper limit is extremely high. It is estimated that most of the hot-blooded animated films will be patronized by young people.

   This is undoubtedly an invisible restriction.

   So, if you want to get out of the circle, you must start emotionally and lift your seal. If you use a knife, you will be abused. If you need to use stomach medicine, you must use stomach medicine...

   Throw the ball with full force while keeping balance.

   Tears, razor blades, harvested together with the box office volume, it's beautiful.

   "This may be a bit random and excessive." It seems that he noticed Sun Wujiang's weird gaze, and Su Chen tried to change his words. "In short, the creative ideas: time, responsibilities, and such topics are my favorite."

   "Hmm..." Sun Wujiang thoughtfully.

   "Hey, it doesn't tell me anything like this. It may be a little arrogant haha, let's take a look at my script first."

   There is so much content, he is embarrassed to boast.

   This is the same as when you told your classmate Amway an anime that you really like. Even if you say it in a clear and logical way, you can interpret the subject thoroughly like reading comprehension.

   But you say too much, people still don’t understand or say it, they will feel annoyed, and they can’t say for sure, and they will label you a "dead house of gods and gods" in their hearts.

   is very real.

   So here, too much bb is useless. After reading the script, everyone will know it.


   Before he took out the script, Sun Wujiang suddenly said with interest:

   "Mr. Mao Xuewang, before reading the script, I want to ask you a question, okay?"

   Su Chen: "Yes, yes, what do you want to ask?"

   Sun Wujiang took a deep breath, slowed down his tone, and said, "I want to ask you, what is the second element?

   Or, what do you think is the concept of the second element? "

   "Oh Huh?"

   gave out an inexplicable tone, and Su Chen's expression was subtle.

   good fellow.

   This is really a soul torture.

   Facing this answer, the first reaction of ordinary people is definitely silence.

   But if you ask yourself, you really are asking the right person.

  He came prepared today.

   If you explain this question to the other party conceptually, he is even confident that he can say that it will not be stuck for ten minutes.

   But if it is a general statement, he can also sum up several statements.

   It’s just that what he is not sure about is whether the two-dimensional concept of this world and what he has in mind are true.

   For a while, how to answer it seemed a little bit difficult.

   can’t be directly interpreted like Qiandu Encyclopedia, right? That would be too blunt.

   It is necessary to pull out one that is both convincing and convincing, and at the same time, it must be concise and concise.


  Think about what the old two-dimensional people would do...

"Why do you ask?"

   So he didn't rush to answer this question, and even joked, "Bili Bili's Xu Dong is right next to him. Shouldn't it be better for him to explain this question?"

   However, Sun Wujiang waved his hand half-jokingly: "No, I just want to hear your teacher's answer, you can treat it as a temptation to you."

   "You two-round older senior who yelled at each teacher, I really can't bear it."

   Rhythmically tapped his fingers twice on the table. After a few seconds, Su Chen opened his mouth with a deep gaze: "Then I will simply express my opinion.

   How to say it, the second dimension is a human fantasy world, a combination of various worlds, in the form of ACGN, that is, animation, comics, games, and novels...

   On a plane, each work is a complete world, and finally connected together to form a complete cultural system. "

   "Is this answer satisfactory?"

   After that, Su Chen showed a calm but polite smile.

  ——Fortunately, I made a lot of preparations when I came here, otherwise I would really be asked by this century’s problem.

  As soon as they finished speaking, both Manager Xu and Sun Wujiang showed shocked expressions.

  The other production crew present also called for the insider.

   Everyone's tactical backwards in varying ranges.

   took a breath.


  What is a profession?

   This is called a profession!

   Teacher Mao Xuewang, this king-level understands the horror!

   It is no exaggeration to say that this is simply the standard answer in Manager Xu's heart!

   He opened such a small break station in order to promote the craze of this cultural system!

   This wave of Su Chen’s incisive speech directly brought out what he thought, but he didn’t know how to express to say word for word.

   deserves to be a creative person. This expressive ability is awesome, that is, it can easily do things that no one of us can do.

  'S eyes are full of admiration and approval for Su Chen. If there were not more people on the court, Manager Xu would want to pour Su Chen a cup of cappuccino on the spot.

After a while, Sun Wujiang couldn’t help but laugh: “Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! It’s easy to understand! I can’t think of Mr. Mao Xuewang being such a professional, the concept of animation film is run by you, and I’m thorough. Don't worry about it."

   Su Chen smiled briskly and sincerely—it seemed that his own answer directly overwhelmed the goodwill of Toolman No.1.

   "You can rest assured, my purpose is the same as Mr. Xu, I want to develop the second dimension, that is, ACG circle."

   he said politely.

   Of course, from the perspective of traversing, it may be easier to understand when replacing development with salvation.

   The two-dimensional system of this world is too backward.

   As long as he can be restored to level with the earth, he will have no regrets.

   And this process, which may seem simple, is actually extremely difficult.




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