"What's so surprising about this, although the cost is less than ten million, but it is not necessarily too bad."

   Su Chen explained calmly.

   He thought that Manager Xu was too expensive.

   After all, the money invested in animation is different for different animation movies.

   Japanese-style 2D movies like "The Garden of Words" and "Second Five" can cost millions of RMB at best.

However, the cost of Chinese 3D such as "The Return of the Great Sage" and "Big Fish and Begonia" is very different, generally around tens of millions of RMB. Of course, the recent "Your Name" or "The Child of the Weather" is compared to the one ten years ago. I don’t know how much the Xinhaicheng series has improved, so it can also be attributed to the ranks of tens of millions.

   Finally, there are Disney Pixar’s American 3Ds such as "Frozen" and "Toy Story", with the highest investment, which is basically around one billion yuan.

   A good work needs money, but it doesn’t need money either.

   Ask yourself, is the billion-dollar "Frozen" good-looking? good looking.

   How about tens of millions of "Your Name"? It's also very fragrant.

   Millions of "Second Five"? Well, it seems to be pretty good too.

   It can only be said that technical issues and the plot of the script still account for the bulk.

   If you have a wonderful script with deep connotations, even if you are a small workshop with only a million investment, there will still be people paying for it.

   But in this world, funding issues don’t even need to be worried.

   Animation film is a brand new thing. There is no Hayao Miyazaki series, no Shinkai Makoto series, no DreamWorks series, and no Disney series.

   In such a barren situation, as long as station b dares to reorganize, it must be a dominant family, and there is no need to worry about the problem of throwing on the street.

   highlights a stable character.


   Store Manager Xu gave a wry smile and was not embarrassed to express his point of view. After hesitating for a while, he said in a painful voice: "You can try it, but what do you say about the content of the animated movie? Do you still want to adapt your novel or comic?"

   "Don't worry about this..."

   Su Chen's face is full of confidence.

   For a world without animation movies, any animation movie brought over will surely cause an uproar.

   is like a world without shoes. You don't need to get those famous brands like Adinike, just bring a slippers over, it is enough to shock the Quartet.

   Manager Xu doesn't think so anymore.

   His first reaction was to pull "Deathnote" or "Lelouch of the Rebellion" over and make a movie.

   These works are currently of stable quality and have outstanding characteristics. The style of painting is mostly fixed. If you really want to make an animated movie, you can guarantee that it is really feasible due to the popularity of the original work.

So he also proposed: "Now the popularity of "Deathnote" is very hot, I was thinking, why not try the script of DN for the planning of animated films? The highly popular original and the novel movie format, I think the box office will be very optimistic. ."

   "What the **** is your proposal?" Su Chen rolled his eyes, "It's not animated now. How can anyone go to the movie after watching the serialized animation? No way!"

   Yeah, it's not a derivative of the theater version. No one spends so much money. Isn't he mentally retarded?

   "So... How about "Your Name"? I feel that this kind of beautiful and lively short story is more in line with the concept you said."

   I have to say, Mr. Xu's sense of smell is still relatively keen.

   There was a movie version of "Your Name", and the investment was huge, and it was a big hit.

   Make it into an animated movie, maybe it’s really okay.


   "No way."

   Su Chen still refused.

   The technology involved in "Your Name" is a bit too awesome. It's all real-time synchronized framing. Every frame is like a wallpaper. If you want to fully restore it in this world, it's almost meaningless.

   Even if it can be hot, Su Chen does not want to magnify the flaws of the movie.

   Then there would be no internal taste.

   So, let's put aside Violet and King's name, which are of superior quality.

   This is too difficult for the production team at this stage.

   "The adaptation of the work is too tacky, this time we will make an original one."


   "Yes, give me some time and I will write a new movie script."

   "Will this be too risky." Manager Xu couldn't help shaking.

   I had invested a lot in the first place, but now I want original scripts, and the works are not adapted after the fire...

   If you are not careful, it is easy to cry.

   "If the risk is high, I will invest the full amount." Su Chen disdain, "Anyway, I will still be responsible for the script and supervision this time. If your old man is reluctant to bear these millions, then forget it."

   "Ahem..." Elder Xu blushed, "It's not a question of money, I'm just worried that a completely original story is risky."

   "You just say you don't invest, right? If you don't, just wait for my mouth to make you not regret it, and then the animated movie comes out and slaps you in the face."

   "I vote! Can't I do it?" Store Manager Xu was ashamed, "What the **** is Crooked Mouth..."

   "Well, then we two will prepare capital together, ten million."

   "Huh? Ten times the DN, isn't it eight million?"

   "Who said eight million, I said it was ten times or more, how can eight million?"


   Manager Xu feels depressed.

   It's not such a squandering to have money, right.

   No one has practiced this brand-new concept yet. Is it really that self-confident to invest so much money directly?

   "Okay, if you agree to invest, just wait for the good news."

   As long as he wants to engage in animated films, Su Chen naturally has to invest his own money to make a fortune.

   Anyway, there is no one too much money, right?

   After talking with the manager Xu, he went to tell me about the progress of the comics of Otosha and Fengyu. After seeing that there was no problem, Su Chen went back to the house~www.novelmtl.com~ to design the movie script.

   The discussions this time were generally smooth. Although Mr. Xu looked awkward compared to before this time, these reactions were basically what he expected.

   In the face of novel and risky things, who is not cautious, for fear of a crash.

   When he got home, Su Xiaoxiao noticed that he came back after going out for a while, and couldn't help asking:

   "Why did you come back so soon? Going for a vacation again?"

"I touched a stick fish, okay?" Sit down on the sofa, Su Chen took a break, "I have something to do this time, I want to design the script and character of the animated movie. I plan to finish it as quickly as possible in the next few days, and I need your help."

  The script and various people set up a sub-mirror. Even if it is to move the palace, it is not a small workload.

   "Use animation to make a movie? Did you go out to talk about this today?" The little girl was surprised.


   "It's okay to help, but what script are you going to write?"

   "Probably, it's an emotional and inspirational film."

   Su Chen said unpredictably.

   For the content of the script of an animated film, he has a choice in his mind.



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