It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 330: Initial proposal for animated film

Oh my God.

   A boss who wants to make a big animation and enhance the influence of animation, he doesn't know the concept of animated film.

   This is something he never expected.

   Su Chen knows that the animation level in this world is backward, but has it fallen behind to such a degree?

   "Yes, this animated it a completely new concept?"

   Manager Xu asked in a weird tone on the other side of the phone.

   "Animated movies! Don't you know the manager? It's a large-scale movie made in the form of animation!" Su Chen's head was big.

   It’s like you told a child that we don’t need spoons and we use chopsticks from today onwards, but the child asks you what chopsticks are... Absolute mentality collapsed!

   "I don't know, I have never heard of..."

   "Well, forget it... I won't be clear on the phone for a while. When you come back, let's meet and talk in detail."


   Repressing curiosity, Manager Xu hung up the phone.

  According to Su Chen's remarks, he felt that the other party should have really come up with a brand new concept, but he was really interested, and he decided to listen to the other party's thoughts in detail.

   As for Su Chen, after finishing the call with the store manager Xu, the first thing is to quickly go to Baidu and search for related information about animated movies.

   As a result, this search resulted in a lonely search.

   Not to mention the aesthetic style of Japanese animation movies and European and American digital Disney, even the relatively popular domestic children's movies have never been animated movies.

   It is not that the technical and artistic level does not support it, but that no one has thought of this concept at all.

   Most of the producers are adhering to the view that "animation is a children's film for children", so no one thought of making large-scale movies for children's films.


   Seeing a leopard in the tube is really short-sighted.

   Facing this outrageous status quo, Su Chen first became depressed, and then he was surprised.

The current production team level of   b station has been the first in the industry, and the concept of animated film has not yet formed in this world...

   Then, if I succeeded in writing a script this time and leading station b to produce an animated film, wouldn't I be the first person to eat crabs again?

   In this way, it has the shining title of the first person. I believe that the external influence of animated films will directly cause an explosive promotion of the development of the animation industry.

   As long as the animation film is made well, the public will definitely discuss it on the Internet.

   As long as the public discusses it on the Internet, it will definitely cause more topicality than this time.

   As long as the topicality related to the movie is caused, it will definitely have a big impact on the animation circle.

   As long as the impact comes and the fire goes out of the circle, isn’t it a takeoff?

   Su Chen’s wishful thinking crackled.

   This wave, this wave is the fifth floor.

   After all, the audience of movies does not know how much larger than the audience of animation. As long as animated movies become popular, the animation circle will also become popular.

   Three more days later, due to the plan of an animated film all the time, new light novel works are still in a stranded state until now.

   Grapefruit also urged him several times, but through a network cable, and the other party did not breach the contract at this point in time, after all, there was nothing to do with him, and he returned without success.

   The approximate process is that Su Chen (fog), who has super powers to manipulate time, uses the ability to "deadline operation."

  ——By repeatedly emphasizing to the editor, "Huh? It shouldn’t be the deadline yet? Isn’t it?" It caused the distortion of time and space and the friction of interpersonal relationship, thus prolonging the deadline.

   Okay, it's actually just licking your face and not submitting the manuscript.

   On this day, after once again persuading the grapefruit that came to urge the new work, Su Chen received a call from the manager Xu, saying that he had arrived in the store.

  Because he was also prepared, he rushed to the store as soon as ten minutes after receiving the call.

   As soon as he entered the shop, he saw that Manager Xu had been waiting for a long time, and he had made him a cup of coffee at the bar.

   After Su Chen numbly solved the coffee, he followed him upstairs and took a seat on the second floor.

   "Then, can you explain the so-called animated movie in your mouth?"

   "What is there to explain..." Su Chen was speechless, "Didn't I say on the phone before? Animation movies are movies made in the form of animation."

   "Then... Su Chen, do you want station b to make an animated movie?"

   "Yes, the center of expression in an animated film is definitely not worse than that of a normally filmed film, and it is fully computer-designed and does not require laborious shooting, which can reach the height of imagination that cannot be achieved by conventional films."

   Su Chen raised her eyebrows, her voice even more devilishly induced.

   "You think, such an impact movie type will definitely make the outside world quickly notice the animation circle."

   After listening to Su Chen's words, Manager Xu fell silent.

   If it is a unique form of making animation into a movie, naturally no one has thought about it, it is completely proposed by Su Chen.

   Then he made up his mind too.

   The audience is seeing the reaction of this form of expression.

  The two-dimensional world created by fine pictures and details is the advantage of animation, and it is definitely novel for the first time viewers.

   In addition, if it is a movie, the purpose of profit is relatively easy to achieve...

  After thinking about it, he was really tempted.

   Su Chen went straight to the main point, and it really made Manager Xu amazed.

   Of course, with admiration and admiration, as a character that is essentially a businessman, he is still at the very least cautious.

   "This is a good idea ~ ~ Manager Xu, "However, what is the difference between an animated film and an animation, and how to calculate the investment cost? "

   "Strictly speaking, there is no difference." Su Chen pondered, and then said astonishingly, "But there is one condition, the investment cost must be more than ten times that of ordinary animation."


   Holding the coffee cup, he was stunned, and Manager Xu put on a shocked face.

   Su Chen completely ignored the shock of the other party, and continued to explain to himself: "Oh, I forgot to say that the standard for ordinary animations mentioned here is "Deathnote", not the old stuff."


   Manager Xu took a breath after listening.

   An episode of a mediocre 20-minute DN requires about 700,000 to 800,000 RMB, and more than ten times this number, doesn’t it take about 8 million?

   Although this cost figure is a thousand miles away from a hard-core movie, it is enough to shock Manager Xu.

   You need to know that for some low- and young-oriented animations in China, the investment cost is only 20,000 to 30,000 per episode...

   This Nima animation film costs close to 10 million yuan, and the difference is a bit too much in comparison.



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