It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 311: Su Chen and his cloud fans

   "What is the anchor of the supernatural program group? We are here to stay."

   The youth who was stopped by Su Chen turned his head and glanced at him.

   This made Su Chen suddenly curious, and said jokingly: "At the gate of Bilibili? Who is squatting? Could it be the hairy blood?"

   However, after listening to his paintings, the young man was instantly surprised.

   "Are you also an ally? I ask you, are you a member of this live broadcast room?"

   "Huh? What?" Su Chen didn't turn his mind a bit.

   "Isn't it?" The young man was a little embarrassed.

   "Are you talking about great voyage?" Su Chen thought for a while and asked.

   "Yes, yes, yes!" The young man was inexplicably excited, looking at Su Chen's eyes as if he found the fellow, "Brother, what's your id at station b?"

   Countless question marks rose in Su Chen's heart: "What's the relationship with this...?"

   "Only members of Dahanghai can participate in this event..."

   "Oh, then my Id is the sleeping queen of the night." He casually retreated a panic, and at least read it during the live broadcast. He still vaguely remembered a few user IDs from the big voyage.

   In addition, this id is likely to be Fengyu, and it is impossible for the person in front of him to find any flaws.

   "The sleeping queen of the night...Let me see..."

   The young man motioned to Su Chen to wait, then took out his mobile phone to check it, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

   "You are the admiral of the live broadcast... Then it's okay, my own person, haha."

   "Uh, are you?"

   "Introduce yourself, I am the initiator of this event, and my station b id is Red Dust Ice Flame Fairy, do you have an impression, brother?" The youth completely relaxed and explained to Su Chen.


   For this id, Su Chen is really impressed, he seems to be the admiral of the live broadcast room.

   However, what he hasn’t figured out yet is...

   "The activity you said would not be..."

   "Yes! That's right! It's the teacher Mao Xuewang. This time I know that teacher Mao Xuewang will come to station b to broadcast live. Everyone is here at twelve o'clock. Everyone here is."

   The youth spoke with pride, and came to Su Chen's side and patted him on the shoulder.

   "How about? Brother, do you feel like finding an organization?"


   Su Chen was shocked.

   What the **** is this Nima? A group of people scattered at the door are all coming to squat themselves?

   good fellow.

   Fortunately, he didn't walk out of the front door just now, otherwise it might explode.

   "Haha, I didn't expect so many people to actually come? I didn't expect it."

   The young man whose id was "Red Dust Ice Flame Fairy" smiled and said to himself, he thought Su Chen was too shocked.

   It is worth mentioning that the clothes that Su Chen put on during the live broadcast would have been changed a long time ago, and the mask was also taken off, replaced by the set of masks and caps when he came...

   At this moment, no one thought he would be bloody.

  , on the contrary, this body is black, coupled with a tightly covered hat and mask, it looks more like a friendly army squatting together.

   So under the accidental hit and collision, the situation became like this.

   After spending some time trying to clear the ins and outs, Su Chen calmly lowered the cap, and asked with a strange expression: "So you are here in a group?"

   "That's right." The young man said, "Didn't you make an announcement in the group? Are you not in the Mao Xuewang group?"

   "It's like this, I came here alone, and I didn't expect to find an organization." Su Chen took advantage of the trend and rushed into acting, "Can you tell me the group number and let me add it too?"

  —Well, when you know the group number, the backhand is a report.

   So many people squatted themselves here, and they scared him to death.

   "Yes, the group number xxxx, brother, you can add it yourself after you remember it, just note your big voyage member id."

   Su Chen: "..."

   silently stepped aside and searched for the group number. Soon, a group chat of "Mao Xuewang no Yan Fan Gathering Place" appeared on the page.

   This name is outrageous.

   Didn't even show his face, just got on the face?

   I'm afraid it's not Yunyan powder, right?

   Looking at the group chat with more than 1,000 people, after checking the group management, he suddenly didn't want to report it.

   is a fan group of thousands of people at any rate, so I reported it so casually, it's not good.

   Moreover, these people came here to squat on their own. It is estimated that they would just take a photo and have a conversation. To a certain extent, it would be quite hard to be able to gather here in such a united manner.

   Su Chen is a little soft-hearted.

   Then, he couldn't help asking the young man again: "In other words, what are you going to do after you squatted to the hairy blood?"

   "I will probably come forward and ask for a group photo." The young man thought for a moment.

   "You are too superficial." Another very dreadful-looking young man next to him interjected, "This is a rare opportunity. You should have an autograph. Maybe it will be valuable in the future!"

   "Think of it beautifully, you still have to sign yours? I'm afraid it will scare Mao Bao away directly."

   "Yes, for me, it would be enough to take a group photo." A girl from the same industry also participated in the topic, looking forward to it.

   Someone poured cold water: "What if Teacher Mao Xuewang refuses?"

   "Then I'll take a sneak shot."

   The girl shook the SLR camera in her hand, smiling unabated.

   "If Mao Bao is really handsome, I will use his photo as wallpaper."

   "Uh...Are you not afraid of teacher Mao Xuewang calling the police?"

   "Hey, this cold talk, don't you also want to see the hairy appearance?"


   Listening to this small group of people arguing endlessly, Su Chen had no room for interruption at all.

too frightening!

   How come these people are so scary!

   Can't take pictures without taking a group photo?

   Well, he thinks it is better for him to report the group chat as soon as possible.

   There are a group of extrajudicial fanatics Zhang San!

   Su Chen now just wants to quickly leave this place of right and wrong.

   Otherwise, it would be bad if the identity was found out.

   At this time, a taxi was passing by the road. Su Chen hurriedly beckoned, opened the door and got into the car.

   "Go to the **** hotel."

   closed the car door without saying a word, Su Chen took a taxi and left the scene like the wind.

   A group of fans squatting at each other looked at each other.

   "Why did the buddies take a taxi suddenly? Aren't they going to squat together?"

   "It should be that you are too scary one by one." The young man said with a serious face.

   The girl trembled with a smile: "Oh, it's just a joke, and it's impossible to really sneak a photo. Everyone is not a real fan."

   "That's it!" The other person also echoed.

   The youth sighed: "Forget it, let's continue to wait for the blood to flourish. You guys have scared away the friendly army just now. Don't mess around when the blood flourishes out."

   "It's a pity that buddy just now, I can't see Mao Xuewang's deity."


   Just wait and wait, maybe another fifteen minutes have passed. UU reading

   The girl just now took her mobile phone and started exclaiming: "Hey, I just saw Mr. Zhenshou's activity on station b, saying that they have left station b."

   "Where is Ms. Mao Xuewang?"

   "Said that I have left the company and took a taxi." The girl's expression at this time was extremely horrified.


   Everyone is all dumbfounded.

   Then each was very unbelievable.

   "Already gone? What the hell?"

   "Impossible, we all have been guarding here obviously!"

   "Yes, no one has ever come out at the door of the company."

   "Wait, didn't the buddy just take a taxi?" The headed youth suddenly had an idea.

   Yes, he realized it!

   "You said, is it possible that the brother just now was bloody?"


   A group of people fell into dead silence.

   They looked at each other, sucking in a cold breath, and slowly recovered from each other.




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