It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 310: Station b live broadcast ends

   This is the reason why Su Chen received big rewards from two women.

   He would never even dream of thinking that Otosha and Fengyu came to his live room to board the boat because they were in trouble and were upset.

   At this meeting, Su Chen, who didn't know that the manuscript was gone, was still happy to finish the draft.

   After finishing the face code, he specialized in red pupil and silver, and it was about ten o'clock in the evening before finally finishing three drawings.

At this time, the audience’s popularity stabilized at three million just in their early years. Among these million audiences, there were even many cartoonists among them, staring at Su Chen, who was painting without a word, trying to secretly learn from each other. Skills or something.

   But it's a pity, just to color the three paintings, these cartoonists can't see anything.

   [This painting technique is so amazing, it deserves to be Mao Bao]


   [fully able to punch]

   admiring the pleasing finished product, the barrage is also constantly praised.

In the time after   , there is still more than an hour before the twelve o'clock broadcast.

   It took time to write out a few Taiwanese scripts, and after playing improvised dubbing for a few famous voice actors, it was about to be released.

"Okay, it's 11:40 now, and there are still 20 minutes before the download. In the last time, I won't broadcast any content, so I'll be lazy and chat with everyone here. "

   spread his hands, this time he really thinks the effect of the live broadcast is pretty good.

   So, do you mind if you catch a fish in the last twenty minutes?

   [Isn't it? This is about to be broadcast]

   [mmp sees Mr. Mao Xuewang's painting, I feel that time is passing too fast]

  【Time management failure】

   [Where is the time~]

   [Recommended to broadcast overnight]

   [Mao Bao will broadcast it to you for a while, it’s rare to have such an interesting live broadcast. After it's over, I guess the brothers will have to move to the recording]

   "There is really nothing to broadcast." Su Chen, "How about you barrage and order a song, and then I ask the cv teachers to sing it for you?"

  【? ? ? 】

   [I thought you were going to sing]

  【Shameless old thief, he will bully cvs】

  【Classic Edict cv】

   [You can download it, but remember to remove the mask]

  【Friends, don’t speak up! 】

   talked with the barrage for 20 minutes, but it was considered that the last time was over. Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, finally said hello, and planned to broadcast it.

   But before the broadcast, there were 10,000 barrages.

   This bloodbath hasn’t been broadcasted once in eight hundred years. Finally, it was broadcasted one night, and they didn’t know when the next live broadcast. This made them really want to let each other go.

   Even a user of an admiral member tried to communicate with Su Chen, saying that he planned to build a fan group and invite Su Chen to join the group in the live broadcast room.

   This didn't make Su Chen think there was anything. Anyway, his QQ group was already enough. There were countless messages every day, so he didn't mind one or two more.

   Once the shielding is turned on, there is no alert sound, love whoever.

   Except for a few more important editors and authors who have set special concerns, all other news will not be disturbed.

   It's just that after the bullet screen proposal, the users in the live broadcast room immediately became lively, and began to type a lot of group numbers on the public screen, wanting Su Chen to join.

   Seeing the group number numbers on the screen, he almost looked silly.

   Did these people build so many groups behind their backs?

Although this aroused Su Chen’s interest to a certain extent, the live broadcast was almost over now, and Su Chen didn’t search for anything. After saying "Private message group number, wait for you to add it" in the live broadcast room, it was completely The broadcast is now available.

   The live broadcast finally ended.

   Looking at the darkened computer screen, the staff relaxed a little, and Manager Xu came over from behind the scenes.

   Speaking of it, Emperor Xu is quite satisfied with this live broadcast. The subscription attention of the backstage "Deathnote" and several cvs has more than doubled. Not to mention, the popularity of Su Chen's own live broadcast room is also very scary.

  Some of the fly in the ointment is that it’s a pity that I didn’t even finish the first chapter in the live broadcast of this game, but fortunately, the reaction of the other party playing the game is very interesting...

   Especially the first high-energy ejection started, making Manager Xu who was watching the live broadcast in the background laughed.

   He felt that he was smiling so happily for the first time, the whole person seemed to laugh like a stroke.

  Sure enough, happiness is all based on the suffering of others.

   The greater Su Chen's reaction, the brighter the smile on the audience's face.

   He didn't expect that Su Chen's reaction would be so big, and he would directly fill up the live broadcast effect.

   "Everyone has worked hard, this live broadcast was very successful."

   "It's really hard, I'm so sleepy."

   Su Chen yawned unceremoniously.

   "Can I go to bed now?"

He is really sleepy now, and his schedule for the day is full. After he came to the magic city and went to the bookstore, he went straight to Lightning Strike Library, talked with Yuzi, and made a three-day appointment, and then rushed to b without stopping. Station, discussing the arrangement of the live broadcast.

   is really busy all day except eating.

   Now he just wants to find a more comfortable hotel, go to the bed, sleep with his eyes closed, fall asleep, and play chess with Zhou Gong.

   "Yes, you can wait for a while, and then I will send you back to the hotel." Manager Xu.

   "No, you tell me the address, I'll take a taxi myself." Su Chen glanced at Manager Xu disgustingly.

  I finished it so late. The other party must be speaking at the company and doing finishing work. When he finishes it all, it is estimated that it will not be after one o'clock in the morning? Su Chen can't afford to wait.

   "Are you alone? Are you okay?"

   "Are you my kid?"

   "Yes, then you can take a taxi and leave first. I booked a room at **** hotel xx. When you arrive, you can just say your name." Manager Xu waved his hand.


   So Su Chen changed his and left alone.

   didn't walk from the main entrance, but chose the side entrance which was relatively close. He took shortcuts all the way and took to the street.

   It was twelve o'clock at midnight, and it was dark outside the company.

   Except for a car passing by from time to time, there is no half of a person on the street-it should be like this.

   However, after seeing the situation of the street clearly, Su Chen immediately became more energetic.

  Who can tell him what this is like?

  Why are there scattered groups of people gathered at the gate of the company, just like the queue in the vegetable market that snapped up special eggs.

   Yes, at this time, on the road opposite the entrance of Bilibili Company, several groups of people gathered, as if they were waiting for something.

   There is a group of student-like people with video equipment, chatting and laughing across the road.

  ? ? ?

   Is it possible that this is the live-action version of the Detective Team?

   Is there another one named Jiahui among you?

   Su Chen came to behind a group of people curiously, and patted one of them on the shoulder.

   "Brother, what are you doing squatting here at night? Are you the anchor of the supernatural program group?"



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