It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 308: Complete the draft on the live broadcast

   I can stay in the cabinet for more than ten seconds, listening to the noise outside, Su Chen is still nervous and afraid to go out.

   But considering that it was embarrassing to do so, he logically spurned the audience.

   "That's it? Are you saying this ghost is blind? I'm okay when I enter the cabinet in person?"

   [Ms. Mao Xuewang's sound almost made my ears miscarriage]

   [Cabinet: Huo hurt my son! 】

  【The cabinet will always drop the gods】

  【Hailan House, Men's Wardrobe】

   [Come here, give Mao Bao a pair of pants! 】

  【Hazard, hiding in a closet and talking is hard-hearted】

   [The chase just now, it looks like you chased me and chased me when you were a student]

  【Barely able to rush】

  【Don't hide away】

   [Fuck, my cabinet moved, I didn’t look at it]

   Under the urging of the barrage, Su Chen finally left the cabinet reluctantly after 10,000 people.

   This game is really depressing for him.

   Moreover, his nerves have been tight, almost making him unable to hold it.

   so that in the following exploration process, every time he saw a new door or corner, he would ask whether the barrage had high energy.

   "Mashou, is there any high energy in this corner?"


   "Where is this door?"


   "This iron gate always has high energy, right? Don't lie to me."


  In the end, even the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it anymore. The progress of this walk a few steps was frustrating. After several times of time, the barrage was almost dying.

  【Yes, you are faster! 】

   [Can you hurry up, there are no clues in this room]

  [He is anxious that the audience can always do it]

   [Forget it, cv teachers don’t let him play]

   [After a fight with the landlord, I came back and found that Mr. Mao Xuewang had not triggered the next plot]

   The barrage began to look hard.

   Even the popularity data of the live broadcast room has just begun to decline slowly.

   "Then this is the end of our Hong Kong sly recording session."

   Su Chen, who noticed that his popularity had begun to decline, was relieved, cut the screen at the speed of light, and shut down the game.

   Finally there is an excuse to slip away.

   The super fast hand speed made several cv not react before they saw that the game page was gone.

   "Teacher Mao Xuewang, why did you shut it down?" Li Zhenshou was taken aback.

"Look, this popularity has begun to decline." Su Chen pointed to the online popularity of the live broadcast room, with a serious expression, "I think, it must be that this game is too exciting and not very close to the audience... …So let’s stop here first."

   "...Obviously you played too much ink to lose popularity." Li Zhenshou sighed helplessly, and muttered softly.

  【? ? ? 】

  【Good retreat】

   [This is it? Are you too scared to continue? 】

   [10% off water bottle? 】

  【Mao Baogui's Breakthrough to the Sky】

   [Ms. Jiahui is crazy]

   [Hand speed is so fast]

   [Let’s change the game, Mr. Mao Xuewang guesses that the soul will be scared after playing this for a while]

"do not mind the details."

   Su Chen's old face was smiling, not at all embarrassed.

   "Help me get a can of coffee, let me slow down, and then I will think about what to broadcast later."

   was overwhelmed by the charcoal coffee that Yueling handed over and closed the game. He felt much better now.

   glanced at the popularity, and now it has started to increase steadily.

   Sure enough, horror games or something is a spicy chicken, which will lose popularity after a long time.

   After being timid, seeing that Su Chen was unwilling to interact, he could only start chatting on other topics by himself.

  【Mao Xuewang, when will the painting of the Four Lies be finished? I feel stomachache later...]

【what? Stomachache? 】

  【The tauren will die to the Lord! 】

   [Unsolicited by the Tauren Hunter]

  【Pure Love God of War requested to play】

   Seeing this color but behind the scenes, Su Chen directly replied: "Don't worry, there will be absolutely no stomach medicine story behind, this is inspirational."

   The bullet screen was refreshed, but Mao Xuewang really answered this question head-on.

  It seems that as long as it is not a barrage that makes people look at it embarrassing, the other party will still interact.

   There are still a lot of bullet screens that asked Lulu Xiu after this.

   The most recent Lulu Xiu has been drawn to Yuffi’s establishment of the neon administrative zone, and the first point of abuse is coming soon.

   [Teacher Mao Xuewang, I want to ask what the **** is the story of Lulu Xiu recently? Don't the protagonist want revenge to crush Britannia? Why did you want to join forces with Yuffi? 】

   "This, you will know when you read it down. Lelouch's comics are really inconvenient for spoilers."

   Drinking the charcoal-fired coffee, Su Chen spoke calmly.

   After a few more words, Yu Fei will be cold. It is reasonable and can not be spoiled at this time.

In the live broadcast after   , some serious barrage was answered one after another, and the time came to nine o'clock.

   But Store Manager Xu explained to him that it must be broadcast until 12 o'clock before the broadcast. These few hours in the evening are the peak period of traffic.

   In order to maintain popularity, Su Chen still intends to continue to engage in serious live broadcast content.

   After thinking about it, he decided to draw cartoons live on the barrage's proposal.

   Of course, the comics here refer to human-designed, or original hand-painted things. If a ghost draws a serialized comic directly in the live broadcast, then who would watch it on the platform?

  Connect the hand-painted board, re-adjust the equipment to make the screen well, Su Chen asked: "Okay, I'll just paint next."

Then he opened the USB disk folder connected to the computer. There were many original character line drafts that were half or more completed, all designed by Su Chen in his free He planned to use these lines Choose a few of the drafts and finish them. Otherwise, if you start from scratch, the efficiency will be too low. There will be less than four hours left in the live broadcast, so you can't draw much.

   However, when it comes to originality, it is all compared to this world.

For example, some conceptual drawings or illustrations of people such as Rem, Kaguya, Asuna, Holo are not original by Su Chen, but these works do not exist in this world, so in name, He is also considered original.

  The line drafts prepared are probably all of this type.

   There are even a few of them, except that they have not been painted, they have all been painted.

   Some of the works that have not yet appeared in this world, many have been drawn by Su Chen in line drafts and prepared in advance in the folder.

   "Everyone wants to see which draft I draw, please comment on the number in the barrage. I will draw the one with the most votes."

   Su Chen first pulled down to show the contents of the entire folder, and then switched to the picture playback page, showing the pictures one by one in the live broadcast room like a slide show.

   The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was instantly heated up.

   Everyone felt at first that Mr. Mao Xuewang's stock was abundant, and then began to paint the illustrations they wanted to see.



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