It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 307: High-energy open door kill

   Although this room seems to be very safe, Su Chen couldn't help but feel a sudden heart after discovering that the cabinet in the room could go in and hide.

think carefully.

   Why is there a cabinet here for you to hide?

  Because there will be ghosts to scare you later.

   "I put a cabinet here and I vomit, and something will pop out to scare me out of nowhere."

   muttered to himself and guessed the game's routines, controlled the characters to search the room carefully, and soon he found the key in the small box on the table.

   walked to the door, he felt that the door would explode when opened here.

   Otherwise, what do you prepare a cabinet for?

   Such a speculation, Su Chen was a little panicked, and leaned back calmly, and after he moved his body a little further away from the computer screen, he inserted the key and pushed the door open.

   After opening the door proficiently, he retreated three steps. He was already ready to hide in the cabinet for the first time... But, after opening the door, there was nothing but a table lying across the road?

   This is a bit beyond his expectation.

   This broken game doesn't play cards at all.

   Did not open the door to kill you, what are you doing here to prepare a cabinet?

   glanced at his mouth and continued to explore. He felt that since he didn't open the door to kill or anything, and there was an obstacle here that needed to crouch, it was very likely that this section was not high-powered.

   He used the consciousness of up to eight hundred points to predict in his heart.

   manipulated the character to squat down and continue to move forward, carefully observing the surroundings as he walked, just as he was unprepared, something flashed by the corner in front of him.

   At the same time, a burst of incomparable bgm rang twice, and the atmosphere was extremely strange.


After    couldn't help but explode the hometown dialect, Su Chen didn't have much reaction this time, but was a little surprised at this detail, "What was it just now?"

   "It seems to be Jiahui's hand. Teacher Mao Xuewang, you can continue to follow along." Li Zhenshou is determined not to spoil him at all.

   [Don’t be afraid of Maobao, there is no high energy here (the governor high energy bacteria will continue to navigate for you)]

   [Don’t navigate the previous one, maybe Mao Bao’s opening is delayed]

   [Show you a hand]

  【Classic corner show one hand】

   [One to say one, Jiahui's hand is quite white]

   [You passers, don’t go too far]

   [I was scared by this flash of bgm]

After scanning the barrage, Su Chen couldn’t help but said, “You are too underestimated. Although I’m a little scared, I can’t scare you with such small details. mine."

   After the bullet screen heard the words, they all ridiculed mercilessly.

   [I was just a piece of cake, this will become a little scared? 】

   [It’s a face-saving teacher, Mr. Mao Xuewang]

   [a little scared (referring to pop out one meter with a chair)]

   [A hundred million points of fear, ah, nothing wrong]

【"feel a little scared"】

   [Is that this? The surface is as stable as Mount Tai, but in fact, it’s like a dog in my heart]

   [Am I going to laugh to death in this live room sooner or later 2333]

   groping in the small space and continuing forward, although there was nothing on the way, but at the end of the road, a very terrifying Buddha curse began to sound.

   And every time you go forward, the sound becomes louder.

  Imagine, in a dark corridor, there is only you, and then the entire corridor suddenly faintly sounded extremely dense Buddha curses, like mental pollution...

   If this were an ordinary person, it would have been scared to death.

   I have to say that the horror atmosphere of this game is very good.

   Listening to this infiltrating, louder and louder Buddha curse, Su Chen's expression was already tense and panicked, for fear that a moving Buddha statue would jump out to give him enlightenment or something.

   But, I glanced behind the bullet screen full of sand sculptures, yes, he abruptly showed him amusement!

   [What sound is this Nima? Was it in the game or Mao Bao’s house? 】

   [It must be in the game]


   [Ah this langlang reading sound]

   [Master...Master, don’t...don’t read it]

   [Morning in high school? 】

  【Daily reading in a certain high school】

   [Which class is the morning reading class? The voice is a little more troublesome, thank you, it scared us Mao Bao]

   [I'm going to crack when I hear this sound, I'm scared to death]

   [Hurt, after I heard a hot and spicy sentence in this dense voice, I am not afraid, but I am still a little hungry]

   [Malatang is the devil, right?]

   [I was nervous in the first second, but the next second I laughed and barked]

   [Many talents in barrage since ancient times]

   The barrage of various sand sculptures gave Su Chen a lot of courage. He walked to the end of the road and made sure that the source of the sound was in this room, he took a deep breath and opened the door.

   still has no high energy.

   There are four Buddha statues in the room, and there is a radio on the table. The sound is probably coming from it. In addition, the walls are bloody, very scary, but there is no such thing as opening the door to kill.

   cautiously walked into the room, Su Chen quickly walked to the table and turned off the radio.

   This Buddha mantra is too permeating.

   Turn off and turn off.

   However, after turning it off, he felt a deadly silence in the room, and he suddenly panicked again.

   kept this direction facing the radio, motionless.

   After Li Zhenshou noticed, he was a little strange: "Teacher, what are you doing? Let's continue."

   "You said, if I turn around now, will I turn around and kill?"

   Su Chen asked Li Zhenshou nervously.

   The latter shrugged, and smiled nonchalantly: "Then you should turn your head back, the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain."

   Okay, this guy really doesn't give himself any way to survive.

   meditated on 321 in his heart, and turned back while tactically turning back, the result...

   Nothing happened.

   The Buddha in the room didn't move a bit, except that the oozing music was gone, everything went as usual.

   also, there is no cabinet in this room, how can a ghost come out to scare yourself?

   Thinking about it this way, Su Chen felt that it made sense, and his heart became more relaxed.

   However, after his exploration of this room, there is no way out. Is it possible to return to the original path?

   Su Chen felt a little turned around and opened the door.

   Immediately, a pale grimace appeared outside the door without warning, squeezing onto the screen.

   There are a lot of blood stains on the colorless face, and the teeth are as sharp as the teeth of a shark, densely distributed in the mouth-that is Jiahui in the form of a female ghost.


   In the game, Jiahui's hoarse roar tore through the silence, and Su Chen almost jumped up when she was caught off guard.

   There was a violent spirit all over his body, and the whole body was shaking unnaturally, and he couldn't help exclaiming through the fox mask.

   "Fuck! I scared labor and capital to death!"

   Su Chen, who became energetic in an instant, manipulated the character to turn his head and ran wildly without looking back while holding down shift. Finally, he found a cabinet at the end of the road, and he hurriedly hid in the cabinet.

   The whole person leaned back on the chair tactically, staring at the screen nervously.

   After hiding in the cabinet for about three seconds, the scary bgm stopped abruptly. After hiding in the cabinet, looking out through the gap, Jiahui seemed to be blind, and slowly left around the cabinet.

   Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

   It seems that this cabinet is the same thing as invincible, as long as you enter it, it will be invincible.



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