It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 286: The end of the badly played novel

   After watching the ending, the readers were silent.

  The classic puff pastry operation.

   You think the author is on the first level, the lightning library is on the second level, and you are on the fifth level.

   Actually, Su Chen had already overlooked all beings in the atmosphere.

   Everything is under control.

   Originally thought that the little ghost teacher who finished the two volumes must be an old **** in a bad end, but he didn't want other people's plot construction to be extremely vivid.

   The serious and simple and warm atmosphere throughout the second volume directly slapped everyone's faces.

   Yes, although the shadow of war can't disappear in smoke, but this journey of life, you and I still have to make it clear together.

   Above, the main theme is also vivid and impressive, using war and love, these two extremely magnificent themes, the completion of "Violet Eternal Garden", was completely written by Xiaogui teacher to a new height.

   In today's era full of impetuous trends, almost all works are working hard to move towards commercial operation.

   anchors, self-media, and online novels are all pursuing hot money and quick money. Most of the works have only been addicted to fast food after reading.

   Like "Violet Eternal Garden", there are very few works that can tell the story in an orderly manner and convey deep thoughts.

Readers who have seen this can’t help but feel their luck. In this materialistic society, they can see this wonderful warmth, can calm down to understand and understand the language of flowers, and even some people can lift their pens and write seals again. Letters, or simply create a small life essay.

   Lightning Strike Library official website.

   Under the dedicated page of the work, readers rushed to leave messages with mixed feelings, and small essays flew up.

   "It's over and spreading flowers."

   "Spread violets at the end, thank you for your company."

   "I really cried after watching it."

   "When the flower does not wither, the meaning does not convey the time, the love will never change, and the violet will live forever."

   "I am envious of having such a wonderful experience."

   "Really, everyone who understands is crying."

   "Always, always with love forever!"

   "At the end of the story, when Violet found the true meaning of love, she also completed self-salvation... You are no longer a prop, but a person who lives as the name suggests."

"Traditional letters really have the romance and heaviness that emails and text messages don’t currently have. The emotions they reveal are really unspeakable magic. It has to be said that the end of this work is free of emotions. It's really high."

   "Have you noticed? In the novel, the blazing fire finally goes out, which means that Violet is no longer burning like Hawkins said, and she has successfully completed self-salvation."

   "Nothing to say, a thousand words, there is nothing more than one sentence: I will always like Violet!"

   All kinds of love with different meanings are intertwined, and the feeling I receive is like the reunion of old friends. It is a long sigh of relief, and a special feeling rises in my heart.

   The effect of the second volume is very explosive.

   Of course, the explosion here has another meaning.

   Eighty percent of the Dzogchen party were angry after reading the content of the second volume. They held Duchengbao in their hands and logged onto Weibo.

  , kid thief, what the **** is going on with you?

   The first volume is a shocking chapter.

   Then at the beginning of the second volume, Shao Zuo bento?

  What's special, you will show us this after waiting for a month?

   come come come.

   Stretch out your head, I promise not to add a buff to you.

   The Reunion Party angrily came to Su Chen's Weibo, yelling blade warning.

   At the same time, there are endless arguments about the final ending.

   After all, there is a lot of controversy about the open ending, and many readers think that Shao Zuo must be alive.

   "I know the truth, why write Shao Zuo to death? (smile

   Readers kindly used death smiles to express their dissatisfaction to Su Chen.

   How happy you see them smiling! (fog)

   "But the final ending is acceptable. The open ending is pretty good." Some readers said.

   "It can be seen that under the impetus of Blade, Teacher Xiaogui has a strong desire to survive."

  "Author: Shao Zuo is still alive—

   Me: Damn it! Baton!

  Author: in our hearts.

   Me: Little devil, take your time, my eighty-meter knife does not have eyes. "

   "Laughing to death, the peerless man upstairs is alive."

   "There is one thing to say, the kid is really appetizing."

   "Grass! Don't say so many brothers, everyone work together, send another wave of blades and it's over."

   "You buy the blade from the factory and send it to the author. After the author receives it, you sell it to the factory at a low price, and then you buy the blade..."

   "Forbidden dolls in front!"

   "Weird blades have been added!"

   "I came back after reading the book. According to the original agreement, the author wrote Shao Zuo to death, and I followed the network cable to climb his house."

   "Be careful, brother."

   "I hope the network cable is okay."

   "Speaking of the little ghost teacher is so unfeeling, everyone in the front sent gifts like that, or is it hard to write about Shao Zuo? Well, wait for more blades."

   "Pure passers-by, I used to see you sending blades to the author. I thought it was too much, but now... After reading the upper and lower volumes, I just want to say, step up!"

   "I want to visit the author more than sending a blade."

   "Take me one, and I will directly supervise him writing with a whip next to him."

   "Take me too, and I rushed him face to face!"

   "No, Sir, are you a toilet? Can this flush too?"

   "Only a female gun can be a woman, a real man should be a man-Lu Xun"

   "Isn't that special-Lu Xun"

   The last letter in the work is written to Shao Zuo. The tears are so strong that everyone can burst into tears.

   At the thought of Shao Zuo not being with Violet, the reader was shuddered with sorrow and anger.

   Of course, but there is also a discussion about the ending, whether Shao Zuo is cool or not, and the number of replies is still quite large.

   "Personally, I think it is Shao Zuo that can make Violet show that smile in the end."

   This is the post with the highest number of likes about the end of the discussion, and the number of replies is as high as several hundred.

   "You are 484 stupid, the text clearly tells you that Shao Zuo is cold, and the big Zuo said that Gilbert died in battle."

   "I beg you Analytical Emperor to spare Shao Zuo."

   "So what, it's possible that Shao Zuo deliberately revealed the news of his death... because he knew that if Violet was still alive, UU reading would definitely come to him to order."

   "Fuck! Agree upstairs! I thought I was alone."

   "Come on, if you die in battle, you will die in battle. This ending is also pretty good. There is no need to pursue a happy reunion."

   "Yes, dismissed! Shao Zuo's mother said that Gilbert is alive in her heart, and you can't hide the news even from your mother, right? That's too ridiculous."

   "The scary thing is not that Shao Zuo lives in our hearts, but Shao Zuo lives in our hearts for a while..."

   Someone couldn't help but reply upstairs: "Doing sit-ups in the coffin board?"

   "The one in front, I wanted to cry one second, but the next second I laughed and screamed."

"Oh, don't fight! According to the interpretation of quantum mechanics, Gilbert in the play is in a'dead-living superposition'-both dead and alive. You have to open the author's outline and take a personal look before you know life and death. Commonly known as: Schrödinger's Shao Zuo."

   In short, this post completely broke Shao Zuo's play. There are a lot of professional terms about "quantum mechanics" and "outside observation", and crazy persecution of the open ending at the end.

   crazy crazy.

   These readers are crazy.

   Su Chen looked at Weibo's replies with a horrified expression.



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