It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 285: "Violet Evergarden" final volume!

   The next day, the second volume of "Violet Evergarden" was put on sale in major bookstores as scheduled.

   The second volume of the novel, after Su Chen’s magical transformation, revolves around the last two episodes of the animation.

   is the case of the mainland steam train hijacking that has undergone magical changes.

   After the Continental War, most of the anti-peace forces that once attacked Kuturigo have been suppressed.

   While part of the opposition is still on the run, this group of people intends to reunite with the remaining opposition forces, continue to do things, and inspire contradictions between the North and the South.

   This time, Leidenschaftrich, the country where Violet is located, as the victorious side, will cross the South and North countries via the North-South Railway, sending ambassadors to attend the peace signing ceremony.

   The ambassador who attended the ceremony was Violet and her colleagues and friends.

   And the high-level military is afraid of reactionary forces doing things on the way of the ambassador. After all, this ceremony is too important. It is an important ceremony related to the future of the entire continent.

   But because Shao Zuo was no longer there, the army was disbanded, so the military found Shao Zuo's brother Da Zuo, and wanted to borrow Da Zuo's naval force to perform the task of escorting the ambassador by train.

   After the train started, the reactionaries moved quickly.

   This group of people first burned down the railway and forced the train to stop. Then, they sneaked into the train, attacked the train passengers, and turned peace into war again.

   Therefore, blowing up the iron bridge is also an important part of this plan.

   can not only slow down the pace of the North and South, but also difficult to repair after destruction... the classic bomb bridge section.

  The plot ends here, and the whole development direction can be said to be very clichéd.

   readers can almost guess the direction of the follow-up plot.

   It is nothing more than Violet and Da Zuohua, who are fighting together to save the train and destroy the reactionary conspiracy.

   But under the embellishment of Su Chen's delicate writing style, it is such an old-fashioned bridge segment, but readers still take the trouble to buy it, which is very powerful.

   In the subsequent plot, everything is logical.

   Several reactionaries first separated the carriage with explosives, and then everyone gathered in the front row of the carriage, preparing to blow up the iron bridge.

   Violet and Ozo, who had lost most of their troops, tried desperately to stop them.

   Yes, the whole process is like those anti-Japanese dramas in China.

   The two people joined forces and, with a small broken pistol and physical skills, smashed an entire group of reactionaries.

   It's a bit of a joke, but the atmosphere and details are handled very well.

   Especially at the top of the train, Violet and Da Zuo thought of protecting each other and completely resolving the contradiction. Da Zuo's psychological description also surprised all readers a little.

   Violet did not hesitate to shatter the prosthesis to block the bullets for Dazuo. At that time, this scene really moved Dazuo completely.

   [The props I discarded became Gilbert's dog.

   but lost his arms, lost his master.

   After losing everything, I don’t know why.

   She is still standing...]

  Actually, Dazuo was the most uncomfortable one after learning the news of his brother's sacrifice, and he always regarded Violet as a murder machine, a doom machine that killed Gilbert.

   So Dazuo didn't have any favors with Violet at first.

   But in this action, all the things Violet showed, really influenced Dazuo.

   The former killing machine, the former prop, now has grown into a gentle and knowledgeable woman who never wants anyone to die.

  In the end, Ozo and Violet defeated most of the reactionary forces participating in the train plan. The leader of the reactionary army gave a tragic smile, and after losing all of their subordinates, they chose to jump into the car and kill themselves.

   was originally a happy situation, but the two faced a problem.

   The train won't stop.

   The train that is about to enter the iron bridge cannot brake. There are bombs left by reactionaries on the iron bridge. If the train passes by, it will explode instantly. Whether it is the iron bridge, train or people, it will instantly gg.

   Under such a desperate situation, Weimei's God of War attribute awakened.

   Several parkours jumped from the train to the iron bridge. With only one prosthetic leg, Violet removed the bomb with one hand, causing the bomb to explode on the lake far from the train.

   And because of this, she lost her second prosthesis and was rescued by Da Zuo in a thrilling manner.

   The crisis is completely resolved.

   defeated the only remaining troops of the reactionaries, including the bosses, and the rest was just a mess of sand, and there was no need to clean up at all.

   The two countries have successfully signed an equal agreement and reached a friendly relationship.

   At this point, the war is completely over.

   Violet continued to return to the postal company to write letters to convey "love" to more people.

   In the meantime, Violet also visited Shao Zuo's mother.

   Like Shao Zuo, Shao Zuo's mother has deep and transparent eyes, and she looks like a gentle person.

   Even knowing that Shao Zuo had died in battle, the mother still sat quietly in front of the fireplace, waiting for the day when the child came home.

   Seeing such a gentle mother, I think of Shao Zuo's various...

   At this moment, Violet burst into tears.

   After the visit, when she was about to leave the old house, she was stopped by Da Zuo again.


   "You want to take Gilbert's share and live together."

   "Always, keep alive."

   "...then die."

   "This is my last command to you."]

   Da Zuo is like a dead arrogant, until this moment, he is still very unfrank and serious.

   Upon hearing the words, Violet raised her head, showing a calm and gentle smile.

   "I have no need to order."

   After that, he bowed deeply to Dazuo.

   The sun swayed on the small road in the door, watching Violet's back slowly leaving. Da Zuo, who was afraid that Violet could not find the meaning of life, finally understood at this moment.

   The once killing machine is no longer a prop, but a person who lives up to its name.

  【I discarded the props, Gilbert did not use him as a prop.

   So even if she lost her arms, she lost her master.

   An important thing from him.

   absolutely, will not be lost...]

   Completely relieved of Violet's future, Da Zuo felt full of emotion in his heart.

   Maybe this is growth.

   She no longer needs orders, she can write beautiful and affectionate letters with her own mind, and she can cry and smile like an ordinary girl...

   At the end of the story, Violet wrote a letter to Gilbert Shaozuo who had passed away during a festival where letters were flying in the street.

  【Dear Gilbert Shazozu:

  How are you? Don't come unharmed? Where are you now? Are there any worries?

   Regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons flow.

   Only the season of Shao Zuo has not come.

   I didn't understand at first, I didn't understand Shao Zuo's mind at all... But in the new life Shao Zuo gave me, I could feel a little bit, through ghostwriting letters, and through the people I met.

   I believe, Shao Zuo must live somewhere well.

   So I want to, keep, keep living, even if I don’t know what I will meet in the future, I want to keep living.

   If I can see you again, I want to tell you that I now know something about "love"...]

   The flowers fell in the red dust and the Iraqi people were in tears, and the Iraqi people shed tears and drunk Qingcheng.

   Always, keep living.

   This is a deep feeling of exhausting the rest of my life and waiting for Shao Zuo to come back.

   Finally, at the end of the letter, Violet shed tears called Missing again.

   Teardrops dripped in mid-air, falling slowly and gently, and finally swayed on a fragile violet. story of the second volume of "Violet Evergarden" is over.

   Of course, considering the various replies on Weibo clamoring for the blade to be sent, in the end, Su Chen also learned Jing Ani's routine and came to an open ending that made readers' minds open.

  —In the ending egg, Violet is still the same, doing the doll business of ghostwriting letters.

   But, at the last moment, the moment she opened the door, after she saw the door opener's face clearly, she showed a gentle, relieved, innocent and nostalgic smile.

   There is no stranger who meets for the first time, the kind of smile that can make her show...

   The picture freezes in this scene, eternal smile, eternal fantasy, eternal hope.

   This also makes people think about whether they saw Shao Zuo or something in the last scene.

   However, whether the person inside the door is Shao Zuo, there is no explanation in the work.

  On the last page of the book, there are only the girl holding the parasol and facing the sunset, and the inconspicuous violet in the corner, stained with teardrops.

  A beautiful story has no ending. Because it has no ending, it looks beautiful.

  You just have to keep this in mind.

Will suffice.



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