It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 270: The creepy truth, the terrifying deception

   is currently among the hot suspense works.

   If I said that when I watched "Deathnote", the shock in my heart was as hot as a blazing fire.

   Then "Suspect X's Devotion" is just the opposite.

   The ending of this novel is as sad as a dead wood burned by wildfire. After reading the ending, there will only be a mixed feeling of sadness, sympathy, regret, etc. in my heart.

   If you talk about Leng Feng an hour ago, you still think this work is almost meaningful.

   Then one hour later.

   Leng Feng really felt this complicated after-reading feeling.

   The content of the first three quarters of the full text is quite boring, yes, but the last quarter has a shocking reversal.

The meaning of the word    dedicated to life has finally been hinted at by the author!

   After that, Yukawa made appointments with Shi Shen several times, so that Shi Shen was almost unable to hold it, Shi Shen actually made an unexpected operation.

   He turned himself in.

   Yes, it was a showdown.

  Shishen found the police and said that the man was killed by him, and during the interrogation by Kusana, he revealed all his crimes.

   ["I immediately put the wire around his neck. Although he resisted desperately, but when I squeezed it hard, he lost his breath. It's very simple."

   "What about after the murder?" Kusana asked.

   "The most urgent thing is to conceal his identity. I first stripped off his clothes, cut off the edges with the utility knife I brought, and then smashed his face."

   Shishen said calmly.

"I picked up a big rock, covered his face with a plastic sheet, and smashed it again. I don’t remember smashing it a few times. It should be about ten times. Finally, I burned his fingerprints with a lighter and finished this. , I took my peeled clothes and prepared to escape. I didn’t expect to find a bucket of jars, so I decided to burn the clothes..."]

   Just looking at this, Leng Feng felt cold all over his body.

   Killing, smashing the face and disfiguring, burning the corpse, the whole process from his mouth lightly said, it is really creepy, and the seamless technique is even more terrifying.

   tortoise, it’s too scary for me to rub.

   This Nima protagonist is a lunatic, right?

   Vampire, don’t you have the potential to be a murderer, right?

   But as a policeman, Kusanaru in the book had never seen any big winds and waves. Facing the self-report of Shi Shen, he didn't mean to express any surprise at all.

   At this point, the plot was pushed to a climax after a long absence.

   In order to make his "murder motive" more real, and to convince the police to fully believe his own self-report, he even portrayed himself as a perverted image.

   He revealed to Kusana that he followed Jingzi every day, and installed a wiretap across the wall, and told Kusana tactfully that he was a perverted eavesdropper, and that he killed someone because of this.

   Then Kusana ordered his men to find the device he said in Shishen's house.

   Everything is in full agreement with Shi Shen's narrative.

   Leng Feng holding his mobile phone almost looked silly.

   Is this the dedication that the vampire wants to express?

   What the hell?

   Stand up for a strange woman, do not hesitate to portray yourself as a pervert to guilty?

   This is too unreasonable, right?

   But at this point, the story is not over ~ readers know that people are not killed by stone gods at all, the truth has not been fully revealed, and the matter is far from over.

   Jingzi and Yukawa were very surprised by the news that Shishen surrendered.

   Jingzi did not expect that Shi Shen could do this for herself in order to bury the truth. She felt very guilty in her heart.

   Yukawa felt that this matter is still strange, and what Shi Shen said should not be entirely the truth.

  Some problems seem to be function problems, but in fact they are geometric problems.

   Ishigami once said a sentence that inspired Yukawa.

   Finally, after Ishigami surrendered, Yukawa saw through all the truth.

After    deduced the truth of the matter, he suddenly felt a sense of urgency, wanting to find Jingzi and tell the other party the true technique of the stone god.

   Although Jingzi had taken care of it, she came as promised.

   The most exciting part is here.

   I believe that all readers are as strange as Jingzi at this time. Why can the mother and daughter deal with the police easily without lying? Why is the investigation so lax? Just beating on the periphery?

   Because the stone **** made a great sacrifice in order to protect his mother and daughter, a sacrifice that even ordinary people like you and me would never think of.

   From the moment the murder happened, he had already prepared for the worst, and decided to take the blame for the mother and daughter at that time, because Shi Shen's entire plan was designed on this premise. Therefore, this premise must not be dismantled.

   He cut off his escape route beforehand.

   sets up a shocking blind eye for everyone in the novel, including readers who have seen it all the way.

   At the same time, I also dedicated myself to this plan.

   Leng Feng only felt his heartbeat when he saw this.

   Judging from Yukawa's excited tone in the book, the answer must be beyond his imagination.

   It turns out that the real murderer of the "broken watermelon" by the river was Shi Shen, not Jingzi or Misato.

  He is not an imposter, he is the real murderer.

   Readers who saw this must have found it impossible.

   At that time, in the first chapter, they watched the mother and daughter strangle Fu Jian to death. At most, the stone **** helped hide the corpse. How did it come here to become the real murderer?

   Because that corpse is not rich at all.

   but another person.

   The murders were not one, but two.

   That's right, at this point, Leng Feng finally understood a little bit.

   In order to protect the mother and daughter, Shi Shen committed another murder on March 10, the day after Fu Jian was killed!

   In order to cover up Jingzi's murder, he went to kill another person by himself. It was such an amazing technique.

   And this technique has successfully deceived everyone, even readers who read it all the way and agreed that the "broken watermelon" is the wealthy readers were also deceived.

   Shishen thought that it was not enough to dispose of Fujian's body. Jingzi and Miri's mother and daughter would definitely not be able to resist the police's questioning, so he prepared another homicide corpse.

   This corpse is one of the homeless people under the bridge. In this world, even if a homeless person disappears suddenly, no one will care about it.

   Ishigami took advantage of this.

   The next morning after Fujian was killed, Shishen contacted a homeless man with the same size as Fujian and paid him to go to the hotel where Fujian had rented and stayed there till the night.

   The day before, Shi Shen had cleaned up all traces of Fujian's. Only the fingerprints and hair of the tramp were left in the room.

   This also laid an important foreshadowing for the police to mistake fingerprints for wealth

   Next, in the evening, Shi Shen first stole a brand new bicycle, and after arriving at the river with the tramp, he killed the man in exactly the same manner as he surrendered.

Strangling the wires, smashing the face, burning fingerprints, and then deliberately leaving fingerprints on the bicycle, exactly the same as the fingerprints left by the tramp in the Fujian Hotel room, which made the police mistakenly believe that the body by the river is Fu Hard.

In this way, the police believed that the death of Fujian and the actual death of Fujian were staggered by one day. They mistakenly regarded the corpse by the river as Kusanaru of Fujian. When questioning the mother and daughter, they also asked Fujian. What happened on the day after the death passed.

   This is also an important reason why they can face the continuous investigation and inquiry of the police without wavering.

   Everything is designed to be too scary.

   Even the police's puzzling investigation into the contents of the day after Fu Jian's death was planned by Shi Shen.

   "What a terrible person."

   Leng Feng also watched in cold sweat. From Yuchuan's mouth, he had to know the truth of the pressing step by step, and even made him as a reader nervous enough to breathe.

   So this novel was a big scam from the beginning?



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